First Grow, T5, Northern Lights


Well-Known Member
I'm going to be lucky to get a few Oz off this grow and you guys are talking about crazy amounts.. I'm jealous.. lol

Really, I just want to get the amount I usually get per mo. which isn't a ton anyway since I never really had the cash to spend on it.. $300/oz craziness..


Well-Known Member
haha dude I'll be lucky to get 1/2 oz of this first plant, my other one wouldn't even flower at all. I'd be happy with an oz each from my next 8, but two each would be nice too :bigjoint:
shit ill be happy with whatever i get as long as its good but my plan is to try and get 4 oz every 2-3 weeks im gonna start with a 400 and just get a 600 and put off the 400.


Well-Known Member
I just don't have the space unfortunately. Max I can have at once is probably 5 plants. 12/12 from seed would work for me if yield is actually 1oz.. I could plant 10 or so, sex them and then transplant and flower. There is room somewhere for a mother, so my best option would be to probably set up a mother, take clones, and then flower them..
that willl be great you can do sog. and get 1-3 oz every 2 weeks depending on how many cuttings and what hps you use if u go with t5s you probably get less


Well-Known Member
yeah, I haven't even thought about cloning yet really... I already have too many seeds lol so many options what to do what to do... :weed:


Well-Known Member
I'd probably have to get a grow tent to use an HPS. Either that or replace my door with another door to put vent holes in. I'll see how satisfied I am with the T5's first and then think about upgrades and such.
grow a mom from each seed keep all stocks availible lol...i just finished ordering ak 47.thats supposed to be easy and flower quick.also white widow and ak47 crossed becomes white russian so ill see if i can make it with out getting white russian seeds
trust me from word of mouth and my visual exp. get a hps its worth it my w.w. are 3weeks old and got 9 blades already and are 10 to 11 inches.. i might have to put some to flower early they are getting big and wide


Well-Known Member
you've got that AC thing in there though, so I'd have to get one of those as well if not venting. It's more of just my situation, makes it harder to use really hot light bulbs :o If I could tear holes anywhere I want I would've already gotten an HPS.


Well-Known Member
all i got was a bath fan for like 40 bucks. the evap cooler helps too but thats dropping it down near 75 now.


Well-Known Member
Ah well it's something for me to think about for the future, still just getting my feet wet basically though. Better to start small and then work my way up.