First Grow, T5, Northern Lights


Well-Known Member
It's been about 12 days.. Maybe you have a light leak.. Mine are well into flowering already.

First day 12/12 for me was 9/17

Now i might just chop the male down.. It will just keep releasing pollen all the time further pollinating the buds.
yeah chop it served its purpose now you can get rid of can buy a spray and get rid of the male parts that start to form on your females


Well-Known Member
He's gone.. just chopped him.. He had a lot of pollen though just trying to get him out made pollen fly about.. Oh well..
well if your females turn hermie get the spray and use it should reverse it back to all female..oh and about the light leaks i have none..i put it in a closet when lights go out..


Well-Known Member
Hmm I dunno why yours wouldn't be flowering then..

I don't see any hermie signs yet.. Hopefully I wont..

I read on a website that early pollination may not work anyway, so I might not get any seeds..
hope for the best..i was reading up on my issue and is says forcing a plant to show sex before it is mature will cause it to stress and take longer to show if not show hermie or the other ones i have vegging im gonna keep vegging until i can clone and put those to would work out better for me anyway save up for more equipment..haha


Well-Known Member
Kinda weird since my other female and my other male were not mature, only had about 2wks veg and showed sex about the same time as my other 1month vegged plants.

Might be strain dependent though.
yeah it might just gonna wait and see what these 3 show, but my other 4 ill leave vegging until they show preflowers..if anyone of the 3 that are flowering now are female ill just be in for some early smoke and ill try cutting some clones from it..hopefully they show before they hit 3 weeks because i have some monsters right now..


Well-Known Member
Here's a picture of one of my budsites on my bigger plant.. It's got tons of them though I didn't really count through how many, but probably within 8-12 sites.

The number of sites is mostly due to it growing sideways for awhile..

Some sites have resin on them already. Also it branched A LOT the branches are actually higher than the main stem..and the branches have the buds.. and they are getting almost an even amount of light with the T5.

It's starting to take up a lot of space as well.. I don't think I'd be able to fit 5 full flowering 1month vegged plants.. Maybe 3 the way this thing is going it's taking up lots of space horizontally not vertically.



Well-Known Member
I'm just starting flowering nothing much has formed there yet.. Some white hairs are visible though. I can see them when I look at them, but the camera isn't clear enough I guess.

Going to need another 2wks before I see actual buds I'm guessing. I'm only in about 2wks flower so far.
hopefully they all true ladys..hope that pollen didnt scatter in ordering a cooltube with a inline fan and filter so i can put my 400 in the closet..hopefully they start to show..i suspect 2 out of the 3 thats flowering to be looks like a ball is forming at the node of 1 and the other is the same hieght so i guess those 2 are male...a couple more days will confirm im patiently waiting..i hope by the time they sex the 4 i have vegging show preflowers because they are a foot tall as well and i want a mother out of 1 of say i got 16 more days for them to be 2 months, thats when ill plant my ak47 and hopefully my order from attitude with my fem seeds will be here so i can plant them 2..


Well-Known Member
I'll get some better pics when they start budding more.. They are definitely female though. Pistils all over the place, and white hairs etc. They still grow a lot in the first few weeks of flowering from what I've read before they completely switch to bud production.


Well-Known Member
I might try planting my remaining 2 seeds and just do 12/12 from seed and get them started.. I just don't like seeing all that wasted space under my light. I just need to get some things though to keep plants at different levels under the light.


Well-Known Member
Maybe you can see the bud now, I have a bunch of these on my vegged plant.. the other one burned itself a little a day or two ago, I really have to watch closely during flowering they stretch a lot.



Well-Known Member
Yea, my camera isn't picking up the white hairs real well, I'm sure when the buds get a little bigger it wont be a problem.. That bud came from where you'd usually get popcorn bud lol it branched out so much it traveled all the way to the top of the plant.. A bunch of them did.