First Grow, T5, Northern Lights


Well-Known Member
yeah they also say 1gal for every month old the plant is though and im sure youve been growing for more than 2 months right haha so probabaly 3gal pots at least next time


Well-Known Member
originally I planned to grow an auto flowering strain so the pots didn't need to be as big, and I just forgot to get bigger pots.. Next grow I was thinking auto ak47, white widow or bubblicious I'm not sure yet. I'm still kind of interested in the Auto's just not lowryder, but lowryder crosses. Maybe I'll get pick n' mix with some fem white widow and get a pack of bubblicious.


Well-Known Member
Yea, the main reason I'm interested in Auto's is because with my current setup I could get perpetual going easier with 1 light going 18/6 or 20/4 all the time. They also stay about the right height for my kind of light setup. Only real problem is I'd have to start from seed all the time, therefore having males, but sexing is quicker and they could be replaced. I'd also have to pick out what auto strain i really want and do a seed run.

obviously whenever I get the chance to setup mothers and do clones I will do it that way, but for now I'm kind of limited.


Well-Known Member
well those autos start flowering after only like 2 weeks i think so thats not bad i dont know if you can clone them though can you??


Well-Known Member
but i doubt they will be if it starts flowering two weeks in unless you can do it later?? i dont know shit about cloning anyway haha


Well-Known Member
Well, I might do a trial run to see if Autos would be good for me.. Thinking about buying a 5 pack of fem ak47 and try to grow out 5 of them under the T5.. I really wouldn't be sacrificing yield much at all, if I got 1/2-1oz per plant that would be about the same as vegging out 2-3 plants for 1month and flowering.. which is basically what fits under my T5, seeing how big my NL is. I could also go through cycles quicker and that would actually be more yield.

If I really like it, I'll buy a regular seed pack and do a seed run..


Well-Known Member
Hey wyteberry, why didn't you respond? You said I should research or ask anyone, and I put a post up... Why didn't you respond?
This has been argued many times. Lumens do not add. Therefore, if you have a CFL that is 10,000 lumens and you got 10 more CFL's of the same type and put them all in a room the total lumen output would still be 10,000.

Granted, you could spread 10,000 lumens over a much greater area because you have all those lights but no matter what you do the room is not going to have 11,000 lumens in any one area.

Now, a 400W HPS puts out over 50,000 lumens at its source.

The benefit of extra lumens is heavier bud weight and larger plants. You can still grow and flower with CFL's but the buds will be light and fluffy.


yea ive boughten off of attitude many times and never had any problems either, which type did u get tho, ie sensi or theres a few other i forget, im trying to find some that wont rot i heard some nl tends to not sprout


Well-Known Member
mine were nirvana I did have a few that didn't sprout for some reason. I don't know if they were bad seeds or if I wasn't planting correctly.


well ive just been reading alot ive done over 50 grows but never nl, and once i was reading up on it i heard they have a tendancy to ''rot'' in the ground or rockwool for some reason, i just dont wanna buy fem seeds that rot haha, rotting my money away, thanks jet gl with your crystalized ladies i hope it works out for you


Well-Known Member
Yea, this being my first grow, I really can't say if it was improper planting or troubles with the seeds. They were all planted basically the same way though, so i don't know. I'm pretty happy I've made it to budding with my first grow though :)


yea no doubt man its sometimes and for most 1st timers, impossible to get a fnished product of anything significant, just remember wait until you think they are done and then way some more man, patience