First Grow W/ 400W MH/HPS - White Widow & Bagseed


Active Member
Wow. I can hardly wait. I haven't picked a single bud yet. Self-discipline (and a steady supply). What do you all think? One to three weeks left? I tend to think it's going to be closer to three weeks. Very few, if any, of the pistols/hairs have turned orange - most are still white.

The sole white widow plant is displaying far superior genetics (#4 below). Of the other five, two of the plants seem similar in that they (1) stink, and (2) have leaves that are turning purple (#2 and #3 below). There is one girl that seems, well, schwaggy (lots of leaves and sticks in the buds).



Well-Known Member
Day 10 (12/19/07)

Lo and behold, the eighth seed finally broke through the soil.

I am somewhat concerned about the temperature during the dark cycle (53-55 degrees). Obviously, it's too low, but I am not sure what to do about it. I am considering switching to 24/0 just to avoid this issue.

It also seems these clay pots may be absorbing and radiating heat. When I transplant them to bigger pots, I intend to use plastic.
i run a 24 hour light sched. i love it and so do my girls they get 6 hours more grow time if u think about it u normaly here of an inch a day growth well i get about 2 inches usually there 26 days old 2 day so theyve slowed a little check out my journal


Active Member
Today I decided to chop one of the plants, pictured below. It was probably a little premature, but I couldn't resist. I chopped the 4 main colas. Nice purple leaves, eh? Not bad for bagseed! Two of my other girls (also bagseed) are very similar, but do not smell as much. Possibly the same strain.

There's not much left, but I am going to keep her under the light to see if the lower flowers get any larger. The two main colas are quite large. There's also two smaller ones. Not sure what they'll weigh when dry.

