first grow white widow 400w


Well-Known Member
yes, i do it all the time. THE SOIL BUFFERS THE PH!
Plants do not drink like we do, as soon as we pour it we drink it. plants drink 100x slower than us so the water is sittin in the "medium"(soil) which buffers it to somewhere where the roots can absorb these nutes.
I wasn't saying they drink like us, just that for us water is important and for them the ph is important. If they don't have the right ph they won't be able to absorb the nutes and they will get sick and/or die.


Well-Known Member
I wasn't saying they drink like us, just that for us water is important and for them the ph is important. If they don't have the right ph they won't be able to absorb the nutes and they will get sick and/or die.
read my post again. the water ph may be wrong at first but THE SOIL BUFFERS THE PH.
like i said, i worked a greenhouse and greenhouse supply company one summer. so being there i witnessed watering of well over 5000 plants with non ph'd water every time they watered, they grew up fine and tasted fine. i visited other local and not so local greenhouses and results were the same, so many types of veggies n flowers even tree's n fruits, never ph'd the water potted and planted in the ground, so what does that mean?? cannabis grows everywhere i live in sc i have red clays soil mixed with different shit in my area, but mostly red clay. there is different type of soil all over the world because of theweathering of certain rocks which all have different compositions and varying ph's because of this. cannabis is a weed, this girl is gonna grow!


Well-Known Member
when the lights are on for bout a hour the humidity drops to between 21-28,thanks for the info tho
Yeah, I wouldn't worry too much about LOW humidity during flowering. I've grown in closets with no humidity control - so both high and low RH - and usually I just mist the girls with some water if it gets really dry in there, but they've grown well without too much attention to RH. I had a big prob later in flower with spider mites during my last grow, and I don't think the excessive heat (>85 deg F) and low (<30%) RH for a few weeks really helped the situation. That's why I have a small humidifier in my cab right now...but since it's so small and my ventilation runs 24/7, it's not making a huge difference and my RH is still at <40% most of the time (and sometimes under 30%). I'd say as long as you don't see any serious problems (like mites), you'll be OK with RH even in that range of 21-28% (though you'll probably have to water a bit more frequently with RH THAT low). You could always mist the girls once or twice and see if it makes any difference (in the plants and/or the %RH). As long as you have good airflow in your garden, I think any misting that you do will probably dry out fast enough that bud mold wouldn't ever become an issue. Def keep an eye out for it, though, if spraying the plants jacks the RH above 50% or so for a prolonged period of time.

Just my $0.02 :weed:


Active Member
Yeah, I wouldn't worry too much about LOW humidity during flowering. I've grown in closets with no humidity control - so both high and low RH - and usually I just mist the girls with some water if it gets really dry in there, but they've grown well without too much attention to RH. I had a big prob later in flower with spider mites during my last grow, and I don't think the excessive heat (>85 deg F) and low (<30%) RH for a few weeks really helped the situation. That's why I have a small humidifier in my cab right now...but since it's so small and my ventilation runs 24/7, it's not making a huge difference and my RH is still at <40% most of the time (and sometimes under 30%). I'd say as long as you don't see any serious problems (like mites), you'll be OK with RH even in that range of 21-28% (though you'll probably have to water a bit more frequently with RH THAT low). You could always mist the girls once or twice and see if it makes any difference (in the plants and/or the %RH). As long as you have good airflow in your garden, I think any misting that you do will probably dry out fast enough that bud mold wouldn't ever become an issue. Def keep an eye out for it, though, if spraying the plants jacks the RH above 50% or so for a prolonged period of time.

Just my $0.02 :weed:
your 2 centz has been noted + rep


Active Member
i thought i updated this ast night but i must of never come back to insert the pictures lol i wrote all the stuff down then i jus left it to upload the pics while i hit a bong of ak47 ha clearly i didn come back so ne ways
4 weeks in so far now and one of them is realy outgrowing the other 2 all the buds developing nicely,mind you tho they started to show lil hairs 4 days after i switched the light to 12/12 and now some of the ends of the trichs are going amber although really i think i jus burnt them lol

had to water them again last night,they are drinkin alot more now i have to split a 2l of water every 2 days now they cant wait the extra day coz they jus look VERY droopy and i think that could be stressin the out

i don wan no balls on my ladies thank you very much!!bongsmilie
enjoy the pics they is getten frosty


Active Member
hey all,update so now they all need to be watered nearly every day cause when i go to turn the light off they look all droopy and sad buh when the light came back on i fed them water,bio bloom and molasses.

i am going to town tomorro or the next day to buy top max too.

after i gave them water they literally took 15 minutes to perk up there leaves it great to watch them react (in a good way) to something i do lol

i got a microscope today also jus a 30X only cost 8 euro:lol: was gonna get the 420 scope but then i would of had to wait til it got shipped from england and im terribly impatient,jus waitin for this grow to be ready to smoke is killin me

buds comin along nicely too one of the girls has really grown alot since been put into the the 16L pot i think i may have stunted the other too or maybe not.

IMG_0425.jpg<----i think this is over nutes? ne ideas + rep for advice


Well-Known Member
Top Max is exacly what you need during this stage. i had asked what you were feeding because your babies lack the frostyness my widows or other plants have. u will notice a big change in trichome production and yield when you get top max. all your girls look good, the one that you asked if it was over fed, it doesnt seem so. may i see more pics so i can tell you what the problem may be? definitely not nute burn.

as far as feeding goes. most people have 3 types of ferts 1 for veg(high in N) one for flower(high in P&K) and Micro/Macro. i believe bio bizz has a Grow for veg and of course the Bloom that you have, and Top Max as a system .
here is bio bizz's feedin sched incase u havn't seen it.



Well-Known Member
Calcium Deficiency

Problem: Signs of a cannabis calcium deficiency can be hard to pin down since calcium deficiencies are often accompanied by magnesium, iron, and other deficiencies. However, some of the major signs of a calcium deficiency are in the leaves which will display dead spots, crinkling, spotting, or small brown spots.


Active Member
so here are more pics of the deformed, this is only on one of the buds on one of the plants all the others are fine,half the trics on this one tho seem to be completly dried out while the other half continue to grow any advice will be greatly appreciated as i don wanna fuck this up so far into it;-)
IMG_0448.jpgso tomorrow i am going to buy topmax and big bud.
IMG_0456.jpg<-----these leaves also accompany the deformed.


Well-Known Member
Ive tried to find out whats up with this....Only thing im thinking its lacking something...perhaps give them all a flush and start over ??