First Grow: WW-3 tent-DWC/MegaGarden:+rep to all

You will see good results. However, running and maintaining high CO2 levels in a tent could become costly. now matter how well you have the tent zipped or velcro'd shut you will never completely seal it. At least the tent I own and others i've seen, have problems being sealed especially around the openings. these leaks, though not really significant as far as light penetration during the dark cycle become troublesome while trying to maintain adequate CO2 levels in the tent. Also plants become addicted to the CO2 in a way and when the concentration is not maintained wiht the lights on the plants can actually become stunted in growth possibly even ceasing all growth. so that weekend you go away camping or the day you have to work late and forget to check your bottle pressure, you will due to Murphy's Law be F'd because?... you guessed it that was the weekend or day you ran out of CO2 bc your controller keeps your tank valve open all day to negate the leakage.
i cannot assure you, there are definite certain factors of co2.. i like just talkin and breathing heavy to the plants instead! lol :leaf:
and happy easter to you as well!! :) :leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf:

Alright, time for a much needed update!

A couple pics of the upgraded set-up, hopefully no more additions for a while!;) Got a much needed pump, the last one was SO loud! CO2 is up n running. Mini fridge and insulation together seem to be keeping water temps at a max of 69 degrees.


Dang check you out Momma!! Got the Co2 running and all!! Drop me any messages concerning Co2 I too am a Co2 virgin so far so good for me. I have a Titan Atlas 1 thats light sensitive so it only pushes co2 at "lights on" like its supposed to be... Good Luck Momma!
Everything looks outstanding there growmamma. I'm curious about the mini fridge though. Could you post some pics with a little info on how it was converted it into a water chiller?
Sure Dropa, gimmie a minute tho. Using photobucket with a proxy is so slow. That's why Ive been slackin on the updates lol. Took me all day to get these pics haha. Atm it has black tubing coiled in the fridge that runs through the under current set up he made. That along with the insulation on the buckets have def gotten temps down several degrees. If it the summer heat is too much for it he's talked abt taking out the freezer housing and putting it straight in the rez. Cruzer 101 has a thread on it. Supposedly dropped temps like 26 degrees. IDk tho prob eventually end up purchasing a chiller. Let me go take a few more pics tho....
Oh, the 3 in the big tent will soon be transplanted outdoors and the widows will be moved under the 600. Anyone have any advice or dos/dont's?? The roots are massive on them so obviously I guess we are going to have to bury the whole netpot?? We have cut the lights from 24/0 to 18/6. I might have separation anxiety when they leave :(