first grow


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
Ok my question is more about watering. now that I've tied my branches down i can't even see the soil anymore. and i waterd last night and got a lot on the lower leaves is that a problum?
Yes that's an issue you want to keep the water off the leaves. It can burn them. If the lower leaves don't dry you can set up a moist environment of rotting leaves that thrips love.


Well-Known Member
By me? I wasn't trying to beat you up. Its my first time so I was just trying to see what you seen was a male. Look at those plants close every day and didn't see it was a male until last night you have some good eyes on you.
Naa its cool no worries;) Im used to it;) Im female I see detail really well, and that just didnt look normal for female;) Hope your plants are doing better and thriving.


Well-Known Member
Naa its cool no worries;) Im used to it;) Im female I see detail really well, and that just didnt look normal for female;) Hope your plants are doing better and thriving.
Some of my big fan leaves aren't looking too good from me spilling nutrients on it when I watered a while ago. But all the new growth is looking good. So how do I let everybody know that told me to keep them posted about my new status. do I just start another thread


Well-Known Member
They will get alerted to postings on this thread. Thread activity will put it closer to the front page also. Got some pics to post?


Well-Known Member
They will get alerted to postings on this thread. Thread activity will put it closer to the front page also. Got some pics to post?
Not yet my phone doesn't take good enough pictures to get a fine white hairs on my females it'll take a couple days before they're big enough for me to get pictures of them


Well-Known Member
Likes make your e-peen grow bigger. Once it gets big enough you can make fun of n00bs and act like an ass :)

J/K. Sorry about the male, but at least you have 3 females. Lets see some pics of the girls!


Well-Known Member
Likes make your e-peen grow bigger. Once it gets big enough you can make fun of n00bs and act like an ass :)

J/K. Sorry about the male, but at least you have 3 females. Lets see some pics of the girls!
Lol ok... Yeah I'm not too mad about the 3 to 1 ratio. I'll have to wait a couple days I do not have a good camera and the hairs are still too small to tell in pics


Well-Known Member
Likes make your e-peen grow bigger. Once it gets big enough you can make fun of n00bs and act like an ass :)

J/K. Sorry about the male, but at least you have 3 females. Lets see some pics of the girls!
Hbbum i Appreciate how much you like what I got to say


Well-Known Member
So. i have three females out of my four plants here's a Couple pictures you can see that their female yet I can't get a close enough pictures of the nodes..CAM00433.jpg CAM00433.jpg CAM00432.jpg CAM00431.jpg CAM00430.jpg


Well-Known Member
Put em on a good feeding schedule they will take off like crazy;)
I was doing a water feed water feed schedule but When I spoke to the person who first got me thinking about growing who has been growing for years he told me he feed every water so that's what I'm doing now the last three waters have been feedings