Do whatcha do, brother. What ever works for you. I dont think you stunted them. Mine where that big at 3 weeks and I never used ferts, and mine where outside......
Thats whats up, i checked them this morning, and the ladies looked great. Healthy looking anyways with new growth. New growth makes me happy, and the pH is still good so everything should be ok.
your doing great man, keep it up. if you need help, you coould pm one of the more intelligent people on the site with 2000+ posts. they usually know their shit hence they been around here for a while.
Post count and rep don't mean a thing, i'm only in the 400's so i guess i'm a newbie :s
to many retards with low post count, trying to offer advice now days, personally i dont trust people with low post counts, most of the time i know more than they do.
your doing great man, keep it up. if you need help, you coould pm one of the more intelligent people on the site with 2000+ posts. they usually know their shit hence they been around here for a while.
i dont really mean everyone, i can tell if someone knows what they are talking about but i am talking about alot of people on here who like to talk like they know something and end up giving people bad advice, i see it every single day. im just saying if u have a specific question why not ask someone who will have a specific answer instead of taking a chance on asking someone who your not sure if they know a damn thing about growing, you can take offense to it if you want to, if someone doesnt know something and someone tells them something how are they supposed to know if they arent about to ruin a entire crop that someone put a bunch of time in, just like in another thread im subscribed to.. a guy almost made another guy waste a bunch of money when it wasnt necessary, i dont have alot of posts...if i were someone else i woudlnt take my advice without getting it approved by someone that i know KNOWS everything when it comes to herbs.
your doing great man, keep it up. if you need help, you coould pm one of the more intelligent people on the site with 2000+ posts. they usually know their shit hence they been around here for a while.