First Grown! 400W Mixed Strains

Here they are. They are going good, The MH is far away from them, and they should be good to go. I get the A/C friday and i need a dehumidifier, and i should be good to go, but looks like things are going alot better this time around.


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i wouldnt put dem under th mh yet cuz their still tiny babies...n if the light gets too hott there not gonna grow ne more.. n leds dont seem to good for what the results look like.. maybe put the leds half an inch from the tops of the babies...or i would use floros about an inch away....much better results.. atleast for me...

So when do you think that i should put them under the MH???? It has to be sometime soon, because they are healthy and they seem like they should be able to take it. The LED has rapid growth when i put them under it. I figured that if i could leave them under the LED for about 2 weeks, they would be strong enough to handle the MH at about 2ft. away. Any thoughts i would appreciate it, but they are growing more and more every day, and you can defenatly see the results. So just let me know, and I appreciate the input hit me back bro.
yeah thanks to me he has good pics now your welcome Droski.. When should they go under the MH from under the LED?
So when do you think that i should put them under the MH???? It has to be sometime soon, because they are healthy and they seem like they should be able to take it. The LED has rapid growth when i put them under it. I figured that if i could leave them under the LED for about 2 weeks, they would be strong enough to handle the MH at about 2ft. away. Any thoughts i would appreciate it, but they are growing more and more every day, and you can defenatly see the results. So just let me know, and I appreciate the input hit me back bro.
Looking good Droski
Getting better all the time.
I would keep them under the MH 2 feet away. Be patient my friend. Just give them pure h2o for a while.
hey man, lookin nice. you said the light is far from the tops, is that to avoid burning? I use 400w and put it as close as possible so that it will hit all the plants (they shade eachother a bit).
hey man, lookin nice. you said the light is far from the tops, is that to avoid burning? I use 400w and put it as close as possible so that it will hit all the plants (they shade eachother a bit).

The only reason i have the light far from the tops is because they are so small right now and they have direct light on them, if yours are shaded, then you can move them closer, but you still need about 12-24 in. away depending on how cool the room is , and i keep a fan blowing right on mine to strengthen and try and keep them kool. The Northern Light X Skunk I germinated well two of them, are doing great, and have popped out of the ground all the way, the two lil leaves should open up all the way by the end of the day. Things are going good, i will post some new pics soon. Going out of town, but i will post them when i get back, plus they wil have some time to get it.
Well the two new Northern Light X Skunk seeds that were just germinated are doing incredible. Grew 2 in. today from this morning until 5 when i left, probably doing alot better now. Things are all on track going great. Got the AC and it will be put in by the end of this weekend, so temps will get to where they are supose to be, don't know what else to say right now, but stay tuned and look out for the SSH and NLxS to be hittin a store near you hahaha. Peace
Cool man. Sounds like you got everything under control now.
Good luck bro.
post pictures as often as possible, we love pictures........
What up everyone, still out of town, but headed back withing the next hour, and I will be going to the house to take some pictures to post. I hope everything has been going good with them, although i'm pretty sure that it has. Anyways check in later tonight to see new pics, and info. Droski out.
I put one of the TSS straight from seed to go under MH and it out grew Droski's in height.. but his were under the LED and they weer close to the light as possible.. They are all looking great and are drarker in color than the rest of the plants we have right now so i would say they are the healthiest..But the SSH that he planted three weeks ago looks good.. The first plants got messed up somehow... but they are still showing signs of growth so i tihnk they will make a full recovery will just take longer for them to be ready to bud.. anyways get some more pics up DROSKI so these people that are waiting can see them.. anyways ill see you wednesday to come check them out cholla
hey whem u get ur ac go head n put them under th mh... also transplant those babies to bigger pot a.s.a.p...... they should start growing amazingly after that.. also remember they still look a little young for nutes so take it easy if u do feed do it at like half of quarter strength of what da bottle says...ok man good luck
PIcs ere they r


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oh yeah since the AC has gotten put in, they have taken off, and are really really really loving it. Things are finally going the way they are supose to go. Stay tuned to see how things go.
Those are lookin alot better than your old ones. Whats up with the yellowing? Also (Just my opinion) I would start those SSH on 12/12 soon. Im on week 12 of 12/12 and shes still not done. good luck
Those are lookin alot better than your old ones. Whats up with the yellowing? Also (Just my opinion) I would start those SSH on 12/12 soon. Im on week 12 of 12/12 and shes still not done. good luck

The Yellowing seems to be from all the humidity that was in the room before i put the AC in there. Every since the ac has been in there they have came with nice new dark green leaves, and great growth.
I just transported them the other day into bigger pots, so that their roots, could stretch out, and get with it. They all looked great with healthy root systems on them, and I'm sure they will be loving the new space to stretch out in. As soon as i get back into town i will post some new pics up. So stay tuned.
well im so sorry to have to say this but four weeks?? well then somethings horribly wrong again.....even the three weeks old ones r doing bad... listen man if u dont have a stem the size of at least a tripleAAA battery by four weeks then ur plants are stunned and growwing at vert slow rates...which is no good.. my plants by four weeks have a main stem of atleast a doulbe A battery but thats cuz im good,,,,i dont wanna sound like a hater bro but it looks like another bad episode... im sorry bro but hopefully you'll do better next time.. and keep in mind that growing is not for everyone.. peace man!