First guerilla grow attempt...variety of Attitude fem freebies


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Fed all the plants today. So far, it looks like I could get away with a half to one gal watering every seven days with these 5-gal bags of roots soil. None of the bags was really dried out today, but I'm not sure they would make it thru the weekend. All my ladies are looking pretty good (in fact maybe even improved, in terms of overall appearance). They range in height from about two feet (BuKu) to four feet tall (SAGE, PK). A few of 'em still don't have lot of leaves, but the new growth looks healthy and the stems are relatively thick. I'm seeing flowers starting to form on the NHH, GK, Ej and BuKu, and I suspect the other two aren't far things should get more interesting from here on out.

Anyways, some pics of the girls:

Aug 12 PK.jpgAug 12 SAGE.jpgAug 12 BuKu.jpgAug 12 NHH.jpgAug 12 EJ.jpgAug 12 GK.jpg

And the ones growing on the roof:

Aug 12 autos.jpgAug 12 NHHs.jpg


Well-Known Member
Watered the girls today (with a light nute formula). All are looking pretty good...except for maybe the GK, which had it's lower leaves eaten off last week - and so looks kinda retarded. Still, it's budding nicely. Flowers showed up on the SAGE this week, so now the Power Kush is the only one that hasn't started flowering yet. Not sure why...but since this one was the most sickly-looking plant a few weeks ago, maybe it got set back a bit compared to the rest. It's recovered nicely since's almost 4' tall by now, but still kinda scrawny-looking since the lower part of the plant suffered the most. Not sure why I had such problems, but I suspect it had to do with one of two things: either (1) I tried raising the pH of the water I was using to 6.8 (since my runoff was very low), and/or (2) originally I only punched holes in the bottom of the bag...but since most of the bags sit directly on the ground, I might not have been getting very good drainage after watering. I popped a bunch of holes around the perimeter (near the bottom) as soon as I noticed that they looked water-logged a few weeks back (and also went back to pH for 6.5 for my watering/feeding), and they've all been improving ever since. The tallest (SAGE, PK and GK) were un-topped and are all around four feet tall now...while the topped plants range from about two feet (BuKu) to three feet.

Here's the latest pics:

Aug 19 GK.jpgAug 19 PK.jpgAug 19 NHH.jpgAug 19 BuKu.jpgAug 19 EJ.jpgAug 19 SAGE.jpg

And the rooftop garden:

Aug 19 autos.jpgAug 19 NHHs.jpg
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Looks like pretty soon you'll have some dank-ass homegrown Xebeche! Nice job man. Fuck the haters! (*cough*Northsideroost*cough*)


Well-Known Member
Looking great man! I can't wait till my auto seeds get here. Gonna pollinate a plant to have future auto seeds. :weed:


Well-Known Member
Looks like pretty soon you'll have some dank-ass homegrown Xebeche! Nice job man. Fuck the haters! (*cough*Northsideroost*cough*)
Ha ha, thanks man. I think I got my problems solved, and the girls are looking better. I think they're just about done stretching. Got a little bigger than I thought they would. Now my only concerns are rippers and maybe budworms. Still six or seven weeks to go at least. I feel relieved each time I visit and find all the plants still there, lol. My goal was/is a zip of each strain...I'd be really happy with that, since this is my first outdoor grow. And learning from the experience, so that next year I can go bigger. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Looking great man! I can't wait till my auto seeds get here. Gonna pollinate a plant to have future auto seeds. :weed:
Thanks, I'm liking the way these auto plants are looking. You might not be able to tell from the pics, but the buds and leaves are starting to get pretty sticky already. Next year I'll def put a few outside in early May instead of late July...but I'm happy so far with the way these are growing. Really easy to care for. I hardly have to do anything with 'em.

Which auto strain(s) did you order? This is my first time growing autos, but I think I'll be trying out some more in the future. All I have now are these two WOS feminized versions and some Dinafem freebie another fem freebie from Samsara. I haven't really researched which ones are good yet. I like the idea of crossing a good auto plant with some photoperiod strains...could be some really interesting experiments.


Well-Known Member
I have a pack of Onyx regular and some Diafem Femmed freebies(Attitude's) coming along with a few different Indica photo strains. Funny I was thinking today what a Cross would be like. I think I'm, Well I know for sure I'm gonna pollinate the Dinafem auto with the Onyx auto.

Dr Green thumb has a Chemo Iranian shortflower. Not a true Auto I've read. It has no Ruderals in it and can be cloned. I think it is a 3-4 month strain. They interest me(read good yields) but you have to buy directly from him and I haven't figured out where at yet. This could be the closet thing to crossing an auto with a photo type srain ? :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I checked out the Iranian autoflower on Dr GT's site ( From what I've read about it, should be very good stuff. Too bad it's $150/pk, otherwise I'd go for it. Not sure I'd pay more than $100 for any pack of seeds. I guess you can clone it though (unlike most autoflowers), so at least you could get your money's worth. Probly would be a great strain to cross with some longer-flowering photo strains.

I haven't seen a lot of sativa-dom auto strains. I generally prefer a more "up" high...but I really haven't tried too many indica strains, so maybe I'll change my mind as I try a few more.


I agree with Icculus, if you're going to grow outside let nature do as much of the work as possible. A plant growing out of the ground is FAR less conspicuous than one growing in the middle of nowhere in a pot in case someone stumbles on it.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I checked out the Iranian autoflower on Dr GT's site ( From what I've read about it, should be very good stuff. Too bad it's $150/pk, otherwise I'd go for it. Not sure I'd pay more than $100 for any pack of seeds. I guess you can clone it though (unlike most autoflowers), so at least you could get your money's worth. Probly would be a great strain to cross with some longer-flowering photo strains.

I haven't seen a lot of sativa-dom auto strains. I generally prefer a more "up" high...but I really haven't tried too many indica strains, so maybe I'll change my mind as I try a few more.
Wow! thats pretty darn pricey for sure. I picked the Photo Indicas for next year outside and for the indoor. I got tired of Tying down the hybrids and sativas outside for height reasons and I'm looking for shorter flowering times indoors.

I'm wandering if out here in so cal If I can grow those autos all year outside And just pay attention when the freeze nights come and put them in the garage if it's gonna dip below 40* for the night.


Well-Known Member
I'm wandering if out here in so cal If I can grow those autos all year outside And just pay attention when the freeze nights come and put them in the garage if it's gonna dip below 40* for the night.
That's a good question. I was wondering the same thing myself. I would guess the only problem would be the amount of sun they get later in the year might not be enough, since it seems to me that they usually recommend growing autos in May/June (when hours of sun are at a maximum). I started these two at the beginning of July, so already later than they recommend. They seem to be doing well enough, but I don't have a good comparison, since it's my first try growing autos. Maybe the yield will be lower than it could be, we'll see. I'll def try a few more auto freebies at diff times of the year, once I get done with my current grow. I'm anxious to sample these WOS auto buds, since they're supposed to be pretty much pure indica, which will be a new experience for me. I'll probly order some regular beans of the Onyx (or a similar auto strain) soon just so I can attempt a few breeding experiments. Just for fun.


Well-Known Member
I agree with Icculus, if you're going to grow outside let nature do as much of the work as possible. A plant growing out of the ground is FAR less conspicuous than one growing in the middle of nowhere in a pot in case someone stumbles on it.
Yep, I;m def planning to put a few in the ground next year. For this year, I wanted to keep them small and inconspicuous...hence the camo grow bags. I'm a little surprised that they've gotten this tall since I put them out pretty late in the season.

The bags do have an advantage, since I've already moved a few of my plants to more secure locations. Next year I should have an easier time picking out good spots...this year I did it kinda at the last minute, and wasn't all that comfortable about a few sites that were a little bit too close to hiking trails. I might even move a few others to more hidden spots, since they've gotten bigger than I expected. They're not exactly easy to spot atm, but if someone were looking for them (like if they start to smell strongly), it wouldn't be too difficult to find them...not because of the grow bags, but because they're some of the greenest plants in the areas where I have them now.


Well-Known Member
That's a good question. I was wondering the same thing myself. I would guess the only problem would be the amount of sun they get later in the year might not be enough, since it seems to me that they usually recommend growing autos in May/June (when hours of sun are at a maximum). I started these two at the beginning of July, so already later than they recommend. They seem to be doing well enough, but I don't have a good comparison, since it's my first try growing autos. Maybe the yield will be lower than it could be, we'll see. I'll def try a few more auto freebies at diff times of the year, once I get done with my current grow. I'm anxious to sample these WOS auto buds, since they're supposed to be pretty much pure indica, which will be a new experience for me. I'll probly order some regular beans of the Onyx (or a similar auto strain) soon just so I can attempt a few breeding experiments. Just for fun.
yea, sounds like fun I'll try a few this fall/winter. My son was talking to a lady who grows all year out here. She vegg's photos till like 20" and throws them out in her green house to flower in the winter. So many different strains not enough time in a year to try them all. I have 9 or 10 different strains around the house right now and more coming. LOL ! Man I want some Iranians. His prices are off the hook though.:wall:

a sour Diesei.



Well-Known Member
Those are some great-looking plants. I guess it's not necessary to stick to auto-flower varieties for year-round growing in this area.

This is my first outdoor grow ever, and I'm HOOKED. Will def be trying some this fall. I'll probly try vegging inside under cfls for a month or so and then put them outside, just like you say. Would really like to grow some right in my yard, but my wife isn't too crazy about the idea of having pot plants on the property, so I'd just stick to guerilla growing for now. It's actually kinda fun - and not much trouble, since I like to go hiking on a regular basis it's no big deal to haul some jugs of water in my backpack while I'm out there. There's quite a bit of unused land around here...seems like such a waste to not use it :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
I told my wife to go pound sand, LOL! Told her to go get a card for her shoulder pain so I can grow more strains> She doesn't smoke. She told me to go pound the same sand,LOL!


Well-Known Member
LOL, that's funny. My wife's concerns are really about security. She seems to think that thieves and low-lifes will be climbing over the fence if they get a whiff of mj growing in the yard. She might be right, but I'm willing to take the chance...and she isn't.

She doesn't even know that I have four plants growing on the roof right now, lol.