First Journal, Master Kush/LemonSkunk/TrainWreck PICS!


Well-Known Member
Hahahah, it's all good man. I feel the same way about some of my posts on other journals...I can't seem to say looking good or something along the lines of that...makes me feel like a post whore, that's not it...I just like to be involved ha.

I should not take pictures for a week just so there would be some tremendous new growth for everyone to check out.

One quick quesiton, on the MK and LS should I wait another week or so for more node development before I top them? I'm only going to top the MK and LS...possibly one of each of the WW and MYS but I wanna see how the MK and LS do with it first. Afterall I do have some catching up to do with the WW and MYS. =)

p.s. a little drunk sorry if I'm rambling. haha


Well-Known Member
Count the nodes, except for the cotyledons. If you got 5 or 6 you're ready. Top them at the 2nd TRUE node. Just above where the second set of leaves branches out. You should end up w/ 4 tops. Then if you want you can open those tops up and make a bush like I did. :-D


Well-Known Member
2nd set from the top (new growth) or from the bottom (cotyledons).

So count from the top down, new growth 1, 2, 3...or from the bottom up...cotyledons, 1, 2,....?

Like I said I've been drinikng a little. :-)

I've read all Uncle Ben's topping techniques and know them pretty well but I'm fucked up now brotha.


Well-Known Member
ha ha no worries. Second set from the bottom. The cotyledons don't count, then you got one set of leaves and then the second, right above where those branches branch out is where you wanna snip.


Well-Known Member
Whoops in the pic I messed up the nodes, 1st node below the labeled one, 2nd node being the labeled 1st, 3rd node being labeled 2nd. Right?


Well-Known Member
Technically yeah you got it wrong but the way that plant grew you can go ahead and cut it where you marked to cut it. But make sure to wait until you have 6 true nodes. At least 5 if you're feeling antsy. That way the plant can handle the stress of being topped and recover more quickly. THat's what I did and a few day later I ended up with this:


Which turned out like this 6 days later:


And then eventually this:


So now I recommend to everyone to follow the UB technique exactly!


Well-Known Member
I gotta tell you bro you're doing probably the best out of all the people I've met on here. If you're not in sole posession of first place you are certainly sharing it. Way to go bro.
Hey bro, so I have definitely seen you around, on my grow, and the rest of the "group" up until today I never even realized you had a journal going. My Bad. Too much herb, lol.

Whoops in the pic I messed up the nodes, 1st node below the labeled one, 2nd node being the labeled 1st, 3rd node being labeled 2nd. Right?
Your ladies are looking real good, just out of curiosity, what is your reason for deciding to top, instead of doing LST?


Well-Known Member
Hey bro, so I have definitely seen you around, on my grow, and the rest of the "group" up until today I never even realized you had a journal going. My Bad. Too much herb, lol.

Your ladies are looking real good, just out of curiosity, what is your reason for deciding to top, instead of doing LST?
None really, I guess topping was just the easiest way out haha? Room really isn't an issue height ways I feel, even with the 400W I get 7 FT from bulb to floor. Minus the 5 Gal pot maybe down to 6'? Now that I think of it...fuck I may be a little cramped!

I read a lot about LST but just thought of it as "out of my league" in a sense for my first grow?

Got a little tipsy back there before leaving work, no I didn't drive ha :-), but here somes pictures as of 2:12AM my time.

Let me know what you all think!


Too much herb! THAT EVEN POSSIBLE!? :-)


Well-Known Member
[QUOTE="SICC";4386588]Lookin good man, subscribed bongsmilie[/QUOTE]

Thanks man!

Here's an update.

The LS is just about a foot, MK and TW are 9 1/2''. WW1 and WW2 are 2 1/2'' and the MYS1 & MYS2 are 2''.

Temps are the same, as well as issues there.

Last watering was nutrients full strength. Next watering tomorrrow with no nutes.

I was researching but it seems the lemon skunk grows tall and lanky eh? Scares me a little, I hope I get a vagina from her. :-)

Some pictures, always the best part right? Only getting better too!



Well-Known Member
400W MH now. I'll flower under HPS. My ballast has a switch so I can use MH & HPS.

Using FF nutrients, they are given grow big now. They'll be given Tiger Bloom & Big Bloom along with some Grandma's molasses. I'll also be using Cha-ching.


Well-Known Member
Hey bud. My stealing the internet isn't going so well which is why I'm not able to post on here as often. Luckily there's internet here at the lake house so I was able to pop on and check things out. You're looking amazing still. The plants look as healthy as plants can be right now bud. You're doing a great job. And I love the pic of your pup. Really cute!


Well-Known Member
Hey bud. My stealing the internet isn't going so well which is why I'm not able to post on here as often. Luckily there's internet here at the lake house so I was able to pop on and check things out. You're looking amazing still. The plants look as healthy as plants can be right now bud. You're doing a great job. And I love the pic of your pup. Really cute!

Hahaha, no good man! You gotta steal better! Glad the lake house has internet brotha! Thanks for all the compliments. I'll have an update soon.