First Journal, Master Kush/LemonSkunk/TrainWreck PICS!


Well-Known Member
Thanks mk! I actually took a shit load of pictures before their lights came on this morning but left for work and forgot my camera. Unfortunately I work til 2AM today, and it's 10:03AM now. FML. But I'll get my girl to send them to me so I can give a little update.

Everything seems to be going pretty smooth right now, a little too smooth haha.
The hardest part is the waiting. And you are now at that waiting stage. Do what I do and spark the pipe and pass the time :)


Well-Known Member
Couple pictures from this morning before the lights came on. All with flash on. I forget the seedlings, I'll update again once I'm home. They get a drink tonight with some nutrients. Anyone recommend me going 1/4 or 1/2 strength? I'm pretty sure I'm going to go with 1/2. Suggestions welcome, it will be FF Grow Big.



Well-Known Member
again looking good brother. I hear you on feeling like it's going too smooth. lol I had the same feeling all through vegging, lol. Now I get to experience the issues. You'll be fine though. You're doing things way more correctly then I did.


Well-Known Member
Yeah it looks like they could use a little nitro. Slow and steady is the way to go. Remember, Its always ALOT easier to add more nutrients then try to reverse the effects of too much. You wouldnt give a newborn steak, would you? Start it off with a hamburger. LOL

The new growth is coming in a bit "yellow". This is an indication that the nitrogen levels are getting low. Add your nutrients at the next feeding and see how they get on. They would probably be fine with 1/2 or probably even full, but no point going all in. They arent starving.


Well-Known Member
again looking good brother. I hear you on feeling like it's going too smooth. lol I had the same feeling all through vegging, lol. Now I get to experience the issues. You'll be fine though. You're doing things way more correctly then I did.
Nothing serous I hope?


Well-Known Member
Yea nutrients are coming tonight when I get home. I thought they had been looking a little yellower over the last 4 days. But I'll either give an update when I'm home or in the morning to see if the nutrients helped in the appearance any. =)

Thanks brotha's.


Well-Known Member
looking good bro, nice setup cant wait to see some buuuuuds!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks man, you and I both!

Little update, all my seedlings are above ground with cotyledons saying hello to the world....except one. It broke the soil surface but then kind of looks like the lights burned it or something (Light is nowhere close to be able to burn it it's CFL), growth has ceased. I gave MK, LS, & TW 1/2 Nutrients of Grow Big, even this morning they looked greener.

Anyways, I'll get some pictures tomorrow. I had to come into work early and I'll be getting drunk tonight =)

Happy Fourth fellas! I'll have a drink for everyone.


Well-Known Member
hey man sorry i been mia, net issues. Just checking in on ya. HOpefully I'll be up and running again soon.


Well-Known Member
Thanks guys.

MK, I used to do a lot of networking so if you need help with anything concerning your connection let me know.

I'll update today once I'm home. The plants are looking beautiful minus the MYS1 seedling that didn't pull through.



Well-Known Member
Alright here's a little update. I would like as much criticism, positive or negative and all suggestions from anyone who views and Thanks again for all the help thus far.

Measured the soil pH of all my babies, for the most part all the seedlings were at 6.5 and my LS,MK,&TW were at 6.0. I'll be watering next with a little higher of a pH to round it out to 6.5 plus their next watering will be with 3/4 strength nutrients. Also, I started giving them 1 CUP of water in the 5GAL pots, and 1/2 cup for the seedlings once they are close to bone dry. A little run off comes out of the 5GAL and quite a lot out of the party cups.

My temps have been between 70.5 being the lowest temp all day and 85.5 being the highest. My average temp is 82.2 which is perfect for my set-up I feel. Hopefully getting one more inline fan to replace the booster that I have will bring the temps down a tad bit more.

Ambient temp is always around 80.

My seedlings are doing fine except the back right one, the pictures in order are: Front - WW1 WW2 Back - MYS1 MYS2 MYS3. I had moved a piece of soil that was blocking its cotyledon from breaching the soil surface and it's been all down hill from there. Looks a little alive, but definitely almost gone. Any suggestions for MYS3?

As far as the MK, LS, and TW I think they are all doing just dandy. =) TW seems to be catching up to MK and LS now I just need the seedlings to catch up. :weed:

20 Days from seed - MK & LS
12 Days from seed - TW
07 Days from seed - WW1, WW2, MYS 1,2,3.

Hope everyone has a good night or morning depending on where you are! I'm smoking the bongsmilie for ya!





Well-Known Member
Everything is looking great. Ph is fine, temps are fine, but a little too much water for the seedlings. Cut that amount in half for another week or so. Remember the roots are very fragile, and prone to infection or rot with so much water. Besides, the seedlings are no where near being able to use that much water. I would say that the dryness (spelling?) is due to evaporation, so its best to water lower amounts more frequently if needed.

What are you gonna do if they are are females? :) Think happy thoughts. LOL


Well-Known Member
Everythig is looking great. Ph is fine, temps are fine, but a little tto much water for the seedlings. Cut that amount in half for another week or so. Remember the roots are very fragile, and prone to infection or rot with so much water. Besides, the seedlings are no where near being able to use that much water. I would say that the drieness is due to evaporation, so its best to water lower amounts more frequently if needed.

What are you gonna do if they are are females? :) Think happy thoughts. LOL
Be soooo stoked. =)

I'll water them less from now on, but they do dry quick. So just more waterings with less water.


Well-Known Member
yeah man looking good!! You should definitely back off the water for the seedlings. You could try the make it rain technique on your bigger plants if you're fond of feeding them lots of water and nutes. That's where you basically flush everytime you water but also feed nutes everytime. Well sort of you gotta read this to get it all...
Some swear by it. I've personally never tried it. My set up doesn't allow for it but I think it could be a great idea...
Just a thought.


Well-Known Member
yeah man looking good!! You should definitely back off the water for the seedlings. You could try the make it rain technique on your bigger plants if you're fond of feeding them lots of water and nutes. That's where you basically flush everytime you water but also feed nutes everytime. Well sort of you gotta read this to get it all...
Some swear by it. I've personally never tried it. My set up doesn't allow for it but I think it could be a great idea...
Just a thought.
Good information. I don't know if that's something I'd want to try, yet. Maybe on my next grow but for now I just want to see how I do with the "basics".

Thanks MK. I'll update later on today, hopefully a few more people put in their 2 Cents for my grow. ;-)


Well-Known Member
No doubt brother. I don't blame you not wanting to experiment with the first one. Just an idear.
Looking forward to the pics bro.


Well-Known Member
I also got a new 4'' Inline-Fan to replace the 6'' booster. A lot cooler now, my pizza and bong ripsbongsmilie now I'll post pictures up in 30 minutes or so.

I just want to know that I can do it as practical as possible if you will, but my next grow I'm definitely down. I would I had like 5 rooms for all different types of grows.

Eh, someday. :eyesmoke: