First low budget closet grow///how am i doing???

thanks guys im gonna have to get the lights quick the biggest plant #1 is starting to get little brown marks on the ends of the leaves so im thinking it's the lights too close im gonna raise it and see whta happens but i dont want to maked them stretch anymore haha also i havent watered them in a week and those lights are not strong and the soil is still really wet except the one with the light closest .. is it ok to wait this long to water? or is there someting i can do??

also alto those stretching plants were clones, mine were seeds, does that make a difference????? brown seeds with black spots and my boy got a half bound from his boy for free he brought me an 8th and i butsed it open and got 30 seeds haha i planted 7 but 5 grew i put one outside on the balcony cuz it started to get warm here and then i went away for the weekend and it was cold about 10 Celsius and its pretty bad now really small might come back tho im leavin it out there its warmin up 22 celcius today
also can someone tell me why the leaves on plant 3 are drooping at the ends? looks like there starting to curl ...... thanks
Droopy leaves usually means too much water
also alto those stretching plants were clones, mine were seeds, does that make a difference?????
Well it would only, the plant is from seed, the clones you saw are from that plant.

Do you have a way for the water to get out of the bottom of the pot you have them in?
If not drill some holes around the base of the pot so extra water can drain away.
The droopy leaves could be caused by the plant having too much water.
A good rule of thumb is to wait until soil is almost dried out before watering again.
thanks man yeah im gonan poke some more holes in them today and my biggest plants leaves are getting brown spots and the ends were curling i moved the light up but its gettin outta controll the plant is tooo tall and its taking up alot of space i just cant wait to get the new bulbs .... thanks for the help
LST or Low Stress Training in the GROWFAQ
Any wire that won't rust will work good.
Or for that matter string works great!
just poke some holes in the sides of the top of your bucket and tie one end of the string to the hole then the other end to the plant.
(Of course remember to use the techniques described on that Grow FAQ page)
Basically near the middle of the plant you tie a string (wire) and tie the other end to your bucket.
Then on the OPPOSITE side tie a string higher up and pull SLIGHTLY down until you have bent the plant SLIGHTLY.
each day you can apply a very small amount more pressure on the upper string until you have the thing bent sideways.
It will correct itself re orienting the top toward the light in short time.

This will reduce the height of the plant without damaging it and it will stay shorter as a result.
The key is to anchor the plant with the lower string
this will cause the plant to bend rather than the upper string just pulling the thing over and uprooting it lol.
Hope that helps you, just read all the ways different people do it at that link
and adjust to suit what you have to work with and what you aim to accomplish.
thanks alto i read about the LST and i think that the stems on plants 1-3 are too thick and plant 4 is good to go but i topped it anyways so it doesent really matter ..... but thanks for all the info rep points up !! i cant wait tell the sex shows
yeah alto thanks i read all the stuff you gave on the links but i think that the stems on plants 1-3 are too thick and plant 4 is topped so it doesent need it but i will deff keep it in mind for grow #2 but for now im just gonna ride them out and see how there doin 4 weeks 1 day hopin for them to show sex soon :) but thanks for all the help rep+ and keep postin
alright new update the bigest plant #1 is a female the 2nd from top nodes have 2 white hairs on each side this is a huge relief due to this is the biggest plant and im hoping that this one will produce atleast an OZ that would be better than nothing, new lights coming soon and pics once the hairs get a bit bigger so keep checkin and thanks alto for all the help.....i cant belive it atleast i got a female thanks for all the hoping and wishing for me to get a girl cua it paid off i got one !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
thanks man i know im sooo excited now that the one is showing cuz the others are gonna show soon too ive began plans for a seperate area to grow the males(if there are any) im gonna make a grow box and grow it in there and if the other 3 are females i will put the smallest female in there with the male so i can save money next time on ordering seeds ill just have my own but damn am i excited haha can wait 4 weeks 2 days and 1 female 3 unknown alright ima take some pics soon and post em thanks for the help E Z
also more updates

plant-1 - is huge 3 feet and growing first ones with pistils so its a female deffinatly its getting little brown spots on the leaves and i thinks its because of too much fert? CAN SOMEONE LET ME KNOW WHAT THEY THINK IT IS ILL POST PICS IN THE NEXT FEW DAYS - it has 2 9 set leaves growing and 3 more sets of leaves clustered within the top it now has 9 noeds 8th has the pistils
plant-2 - is also getting brown spots but taller almost 2 feet looking good getting a bit bushier hoping its a girl 6 nodes
plant-3 - also has brown spots leaves still curling down now over 2.5 feet looking ok hope it doesent die and hope it shows sex soon 7 nodes
plant-4 - growing 16 inches topped it a while ago still loking good and has 6 nodes and getting better looking still scrawny tho hope it shows sex

i watered them last night with half dose of MG extra bloom 15-30-15 and sprayed the leaves yesterday and this morning with less than quarter does in a 1 L spray bottle and was wondering mabey if this is what caused the brown spots because i check the plants on the regular and havent noticed them all untill today only on one plant before i thought but im still excited that my biggest is a girl thanks for the help
did you have the lights on when you sprayed them and did you use a wetting agent in your spray mixture?
Reasons I ask are liquid will "bead" on the leaves and the lights will burn a hole through them in much the same way a magnifying glass concentrates the sun on say an ant lol
what a wetting agent does is not allow this "beading" action to occur.
you should only spray your plants right as the lights are to be shut off for this reason, and if you must spray with lights on, use a wetting agent to minimize your chances of having the lights burn the leaves. A cheap wetting agent is dish soap, but I personally avoid that. If you do use it use an unscented kind thats mild (like Dawn) and only a drip into your bottle should do the trick.
you only need enough to break the surface tension and reduce the beading that it causes.
yeah i sprayed them just after lights on ill only do it now when the lights are to be shut off ... and no i dident use a wetting agent i just sprayed them but i will do it when u say and see if theres an improvement thanks for the help
hey anyone do u have any advice or little tricks for flowering this is my first time and since the plants wont produce that much cuz they stretched and had bad lights is there anyway to make them still produce a decent crop ? thanks everybody
bend em over and lower the lights so you develop ALL the bud sites equally and not just the top ones.
nice man:mrgreen:...besides the stretch...the plants look 100%...they really dont like your light:-|....but just talk to em and tell them thats all gonna change and daddys workin on getting a new light....they'll appreciate it man:peace:
