First low budget closet grow///how am i doing???

yeah yeah i feel ya on that one still ... well turned the lights on half hour ago and checked the plants, no new pistils, exiisting ones getting bigger plant -1- has nice 9 set leaves and seems to be stopping growth height wise which is good for now it only grew a bit last night but all looking good more of plant-3- leaves are strating to stick back up again looking good tho all plants doinhg well
hahahahah i got another girl i just went and did my daily run threw of the plants and the one i said was drooping but now looking better has 2 pistils on the top node hahaha damn i cant belive it the 2 best and tallest are females im still hoping for the others but 2 of 4 is good hoping for 4 haha and the one that showed first Plant -1- pistils are developing well almost half inch ill take pics now and load em soon
after closer investigating of my plants i noticed that plant number 2 also has 2 sets of pistils on the top node .... also plant 1's top nodes look really weird all bunched up does this mean the plant is stopped groing and this is the top or mabey alternate branching messed up or something??? i dont know more pics in 2 days im gonna post the pics of the hairs soon
haha yeah man im syked i cant belive i got 3 outta 4 possibly 4 outta 4 girls the topped plant still isnt showing but it will soon and i hope to god itsa girl as well then i could still hopefully pull off a half pound from all 4 im hoping they will produce a decent yeild
yeah im hopin so im gonna bud them as long as i can and now i have a light in there underneath them all i have no idea what kinda light it is ... but its used for painting it sits on the ground and can bend up and down and its really bright im thinkin it must be a 400 watt atleast mabey not tho anyone know what kinda light it can be im gonna take a pic of it later and post it up
i have no idea what kinda light it is ... but its used for painting it sits on the ground and can bend up and down and its really bright
If it is a metal Halite thats great, most work lights of that type are Mercury Vapor or Quartz Halogen however and put out no light usable by the plants. All it will do in that case is cause un needed heat and mess up your stuff.
post a picture and look on the light for either of those types. A lot of times it will have replacement bulb info somewhere.
i think it is a Quartz Halogen so i should remove it or what ..... i only have the blue incadecent bulbs right now i still dont have the cfl's so is that other light better or worse then what i got up?
worse, its like putting a heat lamp on them very bad.
you can get those CFLs like 1 at a time you know, a double pack is only 17 bucks.
They wil Looooooove those ones remember WARM or Soft white
im gonna take it out now and yeah i know i can buy one at a time but i thought it would make them brow weird if i only bought 2 then 2 then 2 then 2 i wanted to buy 4 then 4 thought it would be better you know but i guess not

o well 3 girls 1 unknown but im certain its a female haha cant wait for the lights to come on so i can see them and bun them a fat spliff in the morning haha NIGHT BOYZZZZZ
YES YES YES YES THE LAST ONE HAS PISTILS ... .4 females haha all my hard work has paid off no males haha thats better than what i was hoping for (2 femz) damn sorry for all the excitement.

updates - - - - - - -
4 weeks 5 days - - - 1 week 5 days flower
plant-1 - looking very amazing gettng tons of pistils from half way up and up it's not growing pistils yet on the bottom half this plant (im thinkin it's the lights) but still looking very good has a solid big 9 set out and growing more looks like alternating nodes are starting, water level good gettin a bit low, FEMALE!!!
plant-2 - looking good as well gaining more pistils and looking really great but same problem only developing on the top of this plant, water level good, FEMALE!!!
plant-3 - leaves starting to stick back up(not drooping as bad i think it was the fertz) nice little pistils on it only 2 tho on this one, water level high, FEMALE!!!
plant-4 - looking good aswell last to show sex but turned out to be femz so HAHA im excited about that its getting pretty tall but still skinny 18 inches pistils forming on this plant as well, FEMALE!!!

im getting the CFL's on monday now i ran into so problems that were pretty whack so its put a dent in my billz for a hot minute new lights monday
yes they will sure like those new lights bro
good job on not stressing your girls
now keep it up :mrgreen:
i think that one of them may be a hermi the biggest one but im not sure it may just be an abnormal branch growing but theres one on the 4th node from the top and only one on one side of the node theres already a little branch growing this is growing beside it at the top tho its all pistils and no other things that look like this im gonan try and post pics when i get home from work later

the plants are developing more pistils i was just looking at them and theres quite a few on the big one and thanks alto im glad i dident stress them too much (hoping theres no hermie trait on the biggest) thanks for the help