• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

First Memorable Stoner Moment


Well-Known Member
One of the most classic moments for me was coming out of retirement with people I love. I'd smoked a ton in high school but always got blitzed with mere acquaintances not people I really cared about.

Anyway this couple, myself, and my wife all toke up. They're newbies, I'm old school but crazy stupid sober, and my wife is a virgin. My wife bows out for ever as far as I can tell. (I think it was like 5 min, but it felt like all night.) So she finally tokes up a tiny little binger from the bong. Earlier I had explained the usage of a bong to her and warned her about coughing into the bong and turning it into a spray gun. I had also warned her not to do it with the bowl still in the bong and that a water gun was better than getting the weed all wet. Her little bittie hittie was a success, no wet weed, and no spray gun. Tiny hit but she did well.

Next our friend takes a hit, mind you he's a noob but not a virgin. He takes a MONSTER hit, swear to god I thought he was going to pass out on the inhale, I was already so baked I was inhaling with him. His eyes start to bulge and I see the flexing of his muscles and I think, "Oh shit there goes a nice bowl." He grabs the bowl and yanks it out and coughs up a HUGE mass of air, water goes flying accross the patio. His wife grmbled at him for not listening to the 'code' they'd learned from another friend of theirs. My wife looks at me and starts giggliing profusely, "He made a squirt gun, tee hee hee hee."

I just state cawfawing at her statement. I look over and say, "Dude you alive? He goughs again and nods. I reply with, "Good show!" You shot the sherrif, but you didn't shoot the wife or me." I rythm of course.

Everyone starts laughing hystarically and my wife backhanded me for the statement. We all laughed until we were out of breath. Once we regathered my wife and I sat and listened to them discuss how great it was being high and how they never relaxed that way before.

After moving inside I got stuck with the worse case of couch lock I've ever had. I was warping through my mind of the ages of 15 - 18 when I got baked regularly. Remembering all the stoner memories I'd long forgotten or dismissed. Kills brain cells my ass, I was remembering details I didnt know I still had in my head. I looked at my lovely wife and our georgous friends/lovers and realized that being high with people you love is MUCH better than just getting high or getting high with someone acceptable.

It felt like hours passed. I had made a music mix on my Zune for my wifes first high and sharing that vital experience with our lovers. It was the best of the stuff my wife loved, stuff I got high to back in the day, and songs our lovers felt were very important. The music just penetrated me through and through. I just sat on the floor feeling the music.

My wife engaged the female half of our friends in a discussion about something. It got really abstract and disjoined, neither one of them made any sense. I just watched as they touched each other and talked. It was incredibly beutiful. Then slowly we each started to fall asleep all connected. (I'm going to have to introduce them to a sativa soon.)

That was the most incredible thing I think I've ever done stoned. It's not exciting or all that silly, but the power of it will stay with me forever. I can't wait to have a special night to do that with them again. Everyone all curled up, in love, and very happy being with each other. That's the way life should be lived.

That's my memorable stoner moment. All you people saying, "Jee I wish I could get that high again." I have the answer and actually enjoy the ride it gives you. Toke for a while and enjoy altered reality then stop. Stay stopped for a few months, maybe even a year, then toke up. MY GOD it's got the high of being a very green noob all over again. I was stoned for 13 hours that night, we started at 11pm and I wasn't clear again until 1 the next afternoon.

After 3 weeks my highs are back to about 2 - 4 hours again. It'll soon be time to stop again for a prolonged period, maybe I'll go for a cool decade this time. When I return to sweet MJ she'll be sweeter than ever maybe even legal??

That's my memorable stoner moment with a bit of advice for the 18 - 20 somethings out there. If you let it get old and take a break, you'll find your time in reality can actually be quite pleasing. When you need a break from reality you'll find MJ can be more loving than she ever was in the past.


Yes I am VERY stoned right now, but damn that was an awsome night.


Well-Known Member
I'm going to say three that I remember if it's fine.

The first time was the first time that I'd ever smoked a joint.
I had to pick up an eighth and my dealer also went with me (we were both 15 xD) so we rode our bikes and met up.
He was like 'Hey man, want to smoke a joint before we go' So i'm like hell yeah. We go into a back path and he lights
up and passes it to me. It's a nice 1g joint about. So we finish it all the way down to the roach and get on our bikes
and start going. He's like 'Yeah man, I know where I'm going' so I follow him down random ass streets and he stops
to tag a bit (Yeah, it was a fad then :P) and we're on our way again. We finally get to the place 2 hours later.
We call him and pick up a half O and I get a quarter from it. Then I just say 'Oh shit dude, I know how to get back in
like 10 minutes' so we just ride straight up the road where we were and I'm back home in 10 minutes. We laughed
our asses off to that. I got home like 5 minutes before my dad too haha.

Second one was when we blazed a shit load of weed :P
It was lunch time in grade 11 and we'd always go and blaze at this kids house. So around 8 kids were over that lunch
(which was a fucking lot) but we had around an ounce. Some of the kids were like first timers that just pitched in a
bunch of money so they just came haha. Anyway's so we blaze it all and the kids like 'dude, man we've gotta clean up
fuck and you guys gotta leave' (meaning the non-regulars lol) So I just start picking up the small stuff with my fingers
and packing it into a bowl, and then this other guy (regular) is like fuck this and starts shoving the pot into the cracks
of his table and nobody notices it till mostly everyone left and we found it so fucking funny.

Third one.. I can't remember, but Ill write when I do :P


Well-Known Member
in my freshman year of high school, my friend and i were newbies at smoking drugs. So one night we get blasted and of course get crazy munchies. To our delight, my sister had made brownies that night and the batch was on the stove. It was a solid piece in a pan so we get a knife ad go to town. After we had our fill, we had made an "L" shape in the pan, so my friend proceeds to grab the "L" shaped brownie chasing me around the kitchen yelling "It's a big black cock!" we died laughing.


New Member
He takes a MONSTER hit, swear to god I thought he was going to pass out on the inhale, I was already so baked I was inhaling with him.
lol i've done that and always end up holding my breath or something stupid when i watch a film involving someone going under water or something when i baked


Active Member
Not even close to being my first, but a while ago me and my friends were smoking joints on a train track, and since there was snow out we didn't think a train would come by, but about 5 minutes later, I hear my friend shout "FUCKING TRAIN!" as loud as he can (which is funny, cuz he's quiet when he's stoned), so we hear a train coming and literally LEAP out of the fucking way and just manage to not get hit. After that, the train honked a whole bunch of times as to say "GET OUT OF THE FUCKING WAY I KNOW YOU'RE STONED!"
It was so fun.


Well-Known Member
We're sittin in my friend's room, and his parents are gonna come home some point in the day, but it was summer, so we toked w/the windows open. He starts to pick stuff up, clean up evidence, etc. and then my other friend goes "We should prolly get that bubbler" (It was chillin on the bedside table). I then say, "Nah dude, it just looks like a rabbit."
They thought it was hilarious, but it did kinda look like a rabbit sculpture, like the mouthpiece the ears and such.


Active Member
I was tokin' with my buddies in a friends backyard (He was out of town at the time and was opposed to smoking. He has since come over to greener pastures.) at about 1:00am in the middle of winter and we got so fucking blazed. We were walking back to my house and we came to this hill and we started walking up it. and we kept walking and walking and walking. It felt like it took an hour to walk up this hill that was about half a block long. When we got to the top my friend who had smoked for the first time that night looks at me with a blank stare and just says, "Holy Shit." Then we all just cracked up, standing in the middle of the street.
I had another one where we were making Taquitos in the microwave and my brother runs upstairs to take a shit. After he is gone for about 30 seconds, we all forget where he is. The three of us in the kitchen all go outside and look for him and then search the house for hat seems like thirty minutes and as we are yelling his name we are all like, "Shit! The taquitos!" We all run back to the kitchen and see that it has been one minute and thirty-two seconds since we noticed my bro was gone and we still have 46 seconds left on the taquitos. Then he comes back from his shit and we're like, "dude, where were you?" and he is like, "I dunno, I decided I didn't have to shit so I just sat on the toilet for like an hour."

Those were the days.

hahahahahahaha. ya mon. yer rite about that


Active Member
my friend hit me in the nuts so i wanted to get him back so i told my other friend to get behind him and say his name really quietly to make him trip but instead i actually just caught him off guard and hit him in the nuts really hard
he was down for 15 minutes and i never laughed so hard before lol. i thought he was sterile for a while, but then he was fine. i think... maybe


Well-Known Member
this is a good memory
so me and my 4 friends are sittin in my suv. we all rolled a blunt of some killer and just started to blaze. so 30 minutes go by and mind you the windows were up the entire time. I look back to take the blunt and continue rotation, but i couldnt see anything! I turned my light on in the center of the headboard and all i saw was a set of knees in the middle and a hand with a fatty in my face.
haha, sittin here thinkin of ol times heres another one
so i was new to smoking, and my friend tells me about how all of our friends always go to his brothers condo and toke up. i never even knew he had a brother lol, let alone that all my friends always hung out over there. So we get to his brothers place and he opens the door and it just reeked of weed. We all went and sat down in front of the tv after i met his bro. and he says hes going to be back in a sec. My friend then pulls out a sack of the hands down dopest dope ive ever smoked. he said it was boo, or boo berry. anyways, i wanted to fucking eat it from the smell, then his brother walks around the corner with this crazy ass zong. im like "what the fuck is that?" oh, nothing as he gave a grin. We blazed all afternoon, and i was so baked, i felt like i couldnt feel my legs. Then I realized something, I was hungry as hell, so we all went to wendys and i must have spent 12 dollars. my friend did the same, and as we sat there eating, my friend who was relatively new to smoking also, just starts laughing under his breath and spits out a little food due to this. and im like wtf are u laughing about mark? hes says "I cant wait to see how much shit, is in my toilet tomorrow. It was one of the funniest things ive ever heard when i was blitzed, and i dont think ill ever forget that day

smokin up large

Active Member
ok i went to aus for a holaday about 1 month ago soon as i got over there i meet up with my cusin and we skord some pot then later on that nite we rolled a mass J each and went for a walk we ended up on a golf cores lol so we sat there an smoked our dubeys afta we smoked them we wer so wasted we forgot how to get off this golf corse lol coz it was dark an we wer baked as we honistly spent about an hour walking round in circles an runing away from these frekin bats that wer flying round haha

Intellectual Pothead

Well-Known Member
My first memorable stoner moment has to be when I went down to NYC in the beginning of 07, to hangout with a bunch of old friends from high school, that i have known for atleast 10 years.

I never get to see them that much, since college started and all. Alright so my friend calls me a week earlier letting me know that his parents are going away to florida for a week. and we can all come party and have fun at his place. So i'm like ooo man this is going to be great, i made the 5 hour drive down to nyc and had about half an o of some really good sour d. my friends also each had their own weed stash. So we had a whole lot of bud, to last us the week. When i got there, we twisted up about 4 blunts, and put them all in rotation, it was 5 of us. Biggest smoke session we ever had, we pulled up a little rug onto the cold garage floor and sat in a circle like a bunch of indians lol.

we were so stoned out of our skulls, and it was truly such an enjoyable experience, i mean i smoked with these guys in HS. but never in a comfortable relaxed setting. after that we hit up the 7 eleven and bought a bunch of munchies, and the great thing is the seven eleven is like right around the corner from his house. we came back to his place after the 7 eleven and just pigged out and just talked about old times and all the stupid shit we used to do in high school. and watched a bunch of comedy specials and standups, i had never laughed so damn much in my life. that week was just full of laughter, delicious food, and a whole lot of weed.

i can't wait till the summer rolls around again. well thats my first emorable stoner moment guys. i know it's not as interesting as some of the stuff posted, but hey, it's still a stoner moment. :)


Well-Known Member
Another very memorable stoner moment.....

the very first time I smoked weed that I grew. That instant after you inhale, as feel the head change kicking in, right as you exhale, I realized it....."I made this. I.....have made....WEED!"

I felt like I'd invented the wheel or something.


New Member
Another very memorable stoner moment.....

the very first time I smoked weed that I grew. That instant after you inhale, as feel the head change kicking in, right as you exhale, I realized it....."I made this. I.....have made....WEED!"

I felt like I'd invented the wheel or something.
lol:-P, i know what you mean


Active Member
Ok so my moment took place about a year and a half ago, I was a junior in high school and my best friend and I were getting high in my bedroom (mom didn't care she'd smoke with us) but she wasn't home. Anyway, I'd been smokng for 4 years then, so nothing new. I'd had lit candles to help with the funk (we were baked and had smoked about half a big bag of this good home grown shit) I'd put the lit candles on my headboard; then not knowing it I'd leaned against my headboard, the next thing I knew I heard this crackeling sound. My friend goes Oh My Fucking God, I was like Holy Shit!! I'd burned my hair!! It smelled for hours!! We just sat there and laughed I couldn't believe it though, then I was like light up another bowl cuz I'm fucked. turns out I'd burned a good 5 inches from my mid-back length hair. We went into the bathroom where my friend washed my hair (b/c I was too stoned to do it myself) then i was like "well this shit's not even, your mom's a beautician, so trim it to make it look even." She got this look on her face like are you kidding? I wasn't, she did it and despite our high situation it came out even. my mom never found out!! Now I don't light candles when I'm getting high. lol


Well-Known Member
I've had long hair my whole life. I've burned my hair doing bong hits several times. There's this whole other way of smoking us long-haireds have to follow.

Also burned acrylic nails doing bong hits. not fun. That shit stinks.


Active Member
...talk about close calls...My boyfriend surprised me with a weekend getaway...cool, so to make the weekend more interesting I bought 1.5o of the lovely green...we pack and get ready for this weekend, I roll half dozen joints and we're on our way....the boy does not smoke the giggleplant, so i proceed to hot box the truck on our way to the resort...we're talking, laughing, looking around the countryside and go through this little town, not paying attention to the signs we proceed through this town, we drive about 35 more minutes, in this time I smoke 4 of the rolled joints, the truck is blue with smoke...all of a sudden a big sign pops up Welcome to the USA...holy crap its the border...how the hell did we get to the border...took us 8 seconds to clear the truck put stuff away and act innocent...we get to the customs window guy asks us where we going and we said that we made a wrong turn we're going to such and such...he says well thats back at that little town you turn right instead of left...oops damn..my boyfriend must have an innocent look to him cause we didnt get checked...thank goodness.:weed:

Boogaloo Bud

Well-Known Member
First stoner moment happened when I was 16...ish. Tried to cook a pizza after smoking with my buddy. 5 hours later I remember we completly forgot the pizza and jumped up to run to the kitchen to turn the oven off. I opened to door to see what mess I made and realized I forgot to take the pizza out of the fridge and put it in the oven.:eyesmoke:


Active Member
I've had long hair my whole life. I've burned my hair doing bong hits several times. There's this whole other way of smoking us long-haireds have to follow.

Also burned acrylic nails doing bong hits. not fun. That shit stinks.
Yeah man. I have long hair as well. I've burnt it a few times. When you're high and you do it, there is no worse feeling in the world.


Well-Known Member
First stoner moment happened when I was 16...ish. Tried to cook a pizza after smoking with my buddy. 5 hours later I remember we completly forgot the pizza and jumped up to run to the kitchen to turn the oven off. I opened to door to see what mess I made and realized I forgot to take the pizza out of the fridge and put it in the oven.:eyesmoke:
I did that but didnt put the pizza in the oven but i left it on.:fire:


Active Member
My first memorable stoner moment is when i got blazed with this guy named wes. it was like my second time smoking so i got skullbashed. anyways it was like 2 AM and i kept asking the time and random shit like that (i think i even tackled my brother to see if i could still wrestle) when i went back home i crawled in through the window downstairs and i thought i was in the living room, i was tired as fuck so i just layed on the floor and went to sleep. next morning i wake up and im on the floor of my room with a giant ass spider on my chest. i freaked out but like 1 min later i calmed down and laughed my ass off about it the rest of the day