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First Memorable Stoner Moment


Well-Known Member
i had jus got a quarter and i went to hang out at town when i saw my one of my friends. he had never smoked b4 so i decide to introduce him to it. well me was walkin to sum woods to smoke. we smoked and we left.when we was walkin back to town we saw our old english teacher.he asked if she had any water in her pool.he siad he didnt have no water in his pool cuz he aint got a pool and he was makin wierd faces..we still laugh bout that. it was so random that wats made it funny to us lol


Active Member
I was 15 riding in the car with my homeboy and it was about 2am. I was wearing a white tshirt and he had slammed on the breaks about 30 minutes earlier while i was rolling up a blunt and i didnt realize that i had pot all over my shirt. So we get pulled over and 2 cops get out and come to the windows, one on my side and one on his. So he taps on the window with his flashlight and tells me to roll it down so i did. Starts shining the light all over the place and in my face(you know how pigs do) but anyways he leans down and looks me in the eye and says "son.....you been smoking marijuana this evening?" so i immeadiatley say "no sir not me." He kinda laughs and says "well thats pretty funny considering you get enough on your shirt there to roll a nice doobie." I was so fucking stoned so i start laughing to at the thought of the cop saying doobie because that was just hillarious at the moment and it seemed like he was gonna be pretty cool since he was joking and whatnot but then he gets us out of the car and handcuffs us both and lectures us about smoking pot and if he ever catches us again were going to jail. He eventually let us go after about 45 minutes.
doobie aha


Well-Known Member
coloring a "Doodle Art" poster....................Remember the joint was wrapped in a strawberry paper.......Columbian Gold..ahhh the 70's!


Well-Known Member
The second time i smoked i got soooo high.. It was 8th grade summer. 3 of us smoked at a friends.. they smoked before and i never caught a buzz my first time so i was in for a ride. It was noon and the sun was beaming. My friend and i left our other friend since he didnt want to go to the beach and walked to the bus stop to hitch hike. I was sitting on the wall waiting and my bro started hitching. I was baked and it crept up on me and hit me hard!...I jumped off the wall and I freaked out and told my boy my heart is beating too fast and i gotta go to the hospital.. he was rolling hard and cracking up laughing... He finally calmed me down and talked me through it and told me this is how i was supposed to feel.. I was scared!.. then we started laughing he was a good coach. We had a blast. We caught sick barrels all afternoon at Sandys shorebreak.. I remember taking off at the same time on each end and rode the closeouts and meeting in the middle.. it was insane. Ill never forget that day.


Well-Known Member
this one time its me and 2 other freinds we were at my freinds house we got really baked and shit and then we wanted to order pizza and for some reason we were laghing our asses off thinking and saying what pizza we wanted to order it was so funny for some odd reason. then we munched on pizza when we were really baked a long time ago,


Well-Known Member
oh yeah there was this other incident was funny as fuck me and 2 other dirfernt freinds were all really baked on a hot summer day and we were by this tressel that led to a big orchard of every kind of fruit, like peaches and shit, any ways we call a taxi to drive up to were we were with a large pizza and a 2 littler pop were toking up with some of these frenchie guys before i rember this one frenchie was like hey i like your shirt it was a bob marly shirt "beacuse it looks old" haha, so we pull out this nice bong they pull out some hash and we had some bud we take bong tokes with the frenchies then the pizza comes and so we leave and sit in this apple orchard with the pizza and were all baked eating this pizza then in my mind i had an idea to throw some of the pizza at this fat kid one of the 2 people, i laghed in my mind and then grabbed up a handfull of the pizza and throw it at him all over his face and shirt it was so funny we were laghing so hard and he couldnt do anythin


Well-Known Member
ing about it, sooo funny youd have to be their he was cover in pizza sasue and shit then we go and find fruit to eat and then we find this bench to sit on and take some bong tokes out of this other big bong 4 footer we pack a bowl, i take the biggest hit and i just cough it out and puke a bunch of fruit chunks yah that was funny then we smoke another bowl and find a big feild of every fruit and munch on some good peaches.

NYC Diesel

New Member
my first stoner moment....well me and 3 of my friends were passing around about a 30 in a blunt, and since it was my first time i coughed like a bitch after every hit. At one point after every hit i nearly coughed up a lung, and then i collapsed onto the fence and just lay there chillin for about 5 minutes. Then i stood up and walked over to where they were still smoking, up this hill..except as soon as i stepped on the slanted ground i fell on my face while at the same time saying "guys i think im high."
My most memorable stoner moment was when me and my three friends burned two joints and then decided to go pool hopping, we're in the pool, its 130 am, and car pulls into the driveway and shines its lights right on us, we jump out, run down the street, adrenaline pumping, high as the sun. the car pulls out of the drive way and starts driving after us to beat us up. we keep running dripping wet and jump into bushes and narrowly escape a beating. we all get home, laugh our asses off and realize what we just did. ahahah.


Active Member
i remember mine. smoked a few times in highschool, everybody always told me, u dont get high the first few times you smoke so this time was obviously different. I was sitting on my friend's patio roof. we smoked 2 blunts, the first 1 i fellt alitlle high. the second blunt, my first few hits, i got blazed sky high. sitting down, i enjoyed myself for a few hours, smoking newports and laughing at anything. the situation only become even more funny when i refused to stand up and go inside because i felt if i stood up, id fall over the railing of the patio. haha great times. passed out soon after.


Active Member
my most memorable moment was the time i smoke a pure weed spliff, it got me so fucked, i couldnt see properly, the television hurt my eyes it hurt even more to close them, everything was slowed down and i got the fattest munchies ever.


Active Member
well the highest i suppoe ive ever been was fucking insane. i was with my bro jim and we smoked a joint in his room. i got soo ofucked up. everything was changin colors, i couldnt feel anything and all i felt were like needles and shit. so he went in the bath and im sittin there in his room, trippin hard to some dead adn the walls are fuckin changing. it was the craziest thing ever. never felt that high ever since and that was like four years ago. maybe it was spiced with something, but idk. it was crazy


Well-Known Member
o shizzle. had to have been when i drove from T-dot back home with some buddies. pure kief from the grinder fucked us up at first. got to my place. played rockband. at this point we picked up more. i swear to god i got some sort of super deluxe god bonus points in that game cuz that shit was loud and all them colours were like flying out at me. eventually i sat back and just thought of questions. what is colour. OMG whats colour. what is time. then id melt into the couch. i thought i was dying or going to become a vegetable. what are dreams. is this a dream. are we just a computer program. MELTING!!!!!. the next day, my friends told me i was just sitting there with the rockband drumsticks in my hands slowly drooping my head for like an hour. i remember so much of it. but i coulnt move. i just sat there thinkning of this wierd shit.

Brick Top

New Member
There have been so very many but one that came to mind is I had a friend in high school that was a bit of a practical joker. He would try to fool you in any way at any time. I went to his house one Saturday evening and we got high and before we started he apologized for the low quality of the pot and said it was the best he could find but finding good stuff was difficult at the time so he picked a pipe with a bowl about the size of a garbage can and filled it up.

We smoked it and decided to try to find a party. Well his trick than night was the stuff was totally killer creeper.

I drove across town to what was called the community center. It was open to high school students on Saturday nights. It was always a real snore because there were cops there and you couldn’t do anything but stand around and talk or dance and drink Pepsi and stuff but it was a good place to ask the un-cool kids where all the parties were that they were not allowed to go to.

The place had a really long large circular driveway/parking lot. By the time I got there I was totally in the ozone, I had no idea how I got there and couldn’t begin to remember what route I took to get there. When I pulled into the lot I noticed one of the cops that was usually there on Saturday nights standing in the lot near the front of the building. For some STUPID reason I thought I should stop and say something to him so I didn’t seem suspicious. SMART MOVE ON MY PART!

I pulled up to him and rolled down the window on my Fiat 850 Sport Spider and ever so eloquently asked "when does this end?" The cop asked "when does what end?" I looked at my friend like what is wrong with this guy, can’t he understand English? I looked back and the cop was gone so I turned to my friend and said "what a rude fucker, he just walked off without saying anything." My friend pointed out my window and I turned and amazingly enough the cop was still standing there. He asked "what is wrong with you son?" I started to drive off as fast as I could, which meant in that car in moments I was reaching speeds up to or above 3 whole mph. He raced across the center of the lot trying to cut me off. I thought he might grab my bumper and stop me since my car wasn’t exactly overpowered or anything.

I managed to get past him and as I drove off, now up to about an astonishing 8 mph or so, and he yelled "where are you from son?" I yelled back the name of the town and off we went.

For the next couple hours I could hardly remember what happened the moment before or where I had just come from or where I was going or why I was going there but I did remember that cop and every cop car I saw that night made me think the cop must have gotten my license plate number and called it in and I would eventually be pulled over so after a while I headed to another town since we never found a party that night.

So my buddy got me and he got me good that night telling me his pot was low quality and then getting me to smoke a garbage can sized bowl of super killer creeper with him and then getting me out on the road.

I can still see that cops face after I thought he had left and made my comment and then turned and found him still standing there leaning in towards my window as I put my mighty Fiat into first gear and floored it.


Well-Known Member
not my 1st but one of my most memorable moments was when me, 3 of my friends and my gf were hotboxing my van. well we had no lights so we used two candles.. kinda dumb but i mean we need light at night.. so we all get super baked and im sitting at the steering wheel.. and my best friend is sitting in the very back seat. its a big van.. not a minivan so im like.. "dude i can barely see you, you look like nightrider" what i meant to say was ghost rider.. so he sais "you mean ghostrider" and we all start laughing so hard.. well he laughed so hard while leaning towards the candle.. and his shorts catch on fire!! OMFG i just started laughing even harder cus ghostrider spontaneously combusts like that! well hes so scared he drops on the floor of the van and the small fire on his shorts pocket goes out almost immediately, hes left with a huge hole where you can see his knee from like 20 feet away lol. dont worry he was alright, he just bit his thumb the rest of the night.. oh man.. thats sticking with him for the rest of his life.. as long as i know him lol. we call him NR short for nightrider.. even though its supposed to be GR for ghost rider.. its just more inside in the group and brings that memory back every time.. although he was traumatized.. he laughs at it now.:fire:


Active Member
we were all sittin around, 9 heads, and my bro cody holds up the bong and lighter and goes "whos lighters this?" five people att the same time go, "mine."

we cracekd up for hours lol