• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

First Memorable Stoner Moment


id rather my kids smoke pot than drink. When my kids turn 16 im gonna straight up tell them daddy smokes pot if they dont already know and tell them if they want to smoke or drink than its fine by me as long as they do it at home. I feel like thats the best way to go about it because they are gonna get into it eventually and id rather them be safe.

As retarded as most adults nowadays find this statement, im right behind you, dont try to lie to your kids, its better to let them have a beer every once in a while so they learn there limits in a safe place.

Me on the other hand for the stoner stories, me and my boy were playin frizbee and we're damn good so we work up an appetite especially after we blazed an L. So we end up going through the Wendy's drive trhu 3 times in about 45 minutes, and everytime the guy said "pull up to the second window" once i pulled up i was told he made a mistake and i had to back up (he doesnt speak english well id imagine.)

So throughout the night i went through the driv trhu 3 times, forgetting each time to go to the first windo and had to back up to the 1st window 3 times, all while my boy was geekin in the front seat. I love that green lady.


my fav stoner moment was like almost a year ago when i was hitn my steamroller out on my porch around 3:00am and i hear my mom open the window and wispers ''if your not gona share you cant toke at home . and some how in my shock i was able to cough out ''want a hit??? and i have smoked with her ever sence
first notable stoner moment for me was when me and a few friends were sitting in and we decided to cook something in the microwave and me and joe wer sitting staring at the microwave blazed out our face and when the microwave pinged we jst kept making pinging noises and the people in the other room wer just staring at wallpaper making pinging noises to each other. about a hour later i fell asleep cuddled up to the dyson :-?


Active Member
hmmm first memorable stoner moment...shit, i remember rippin my bong like 5 minutes ago....but thats about it lol. ya, memory is pretty f*cked off.
My first time I ever smoked, me and 3 other people smoked half an ounce and of course.... mad munchies and I found some brownies in his fridge... Hash brownies. I ate around 3-4 of them then got really bad couch lock and ended up watching the whole Jason series... Bad stuff at 2 am


Well-Known Member
Hahahah i got two for you *second one is better

First one happened in march a few years back. We got hit with a huge snow storm and school was cancelled (i was in high school at the time) so me and my buddies built a fat ass snow cave and rolled up three blunts for four people. We covered up the entrance and got super ripped. By the end we literally couldnt see a foot in front of us. I have a pic of it and it is just straight white.

Second one i was in northern michigan snowboarding with my good buddy. We were up there with my parents so we had to sneak away in the woods to smoke which was cool because i have some kneeboard sleds and there are huge hills so we would go sleeding. My parents def. knew what we were doing but didnt really care. So one day just as it is gettin dark we tell them we are going out sleeding. When we are smokin we formulate a story to tell my padres about how we built a sick jump and hit it a few times and whatnot. We get back and my mom goes how was sleeding. After telling her our story about our awesome jump and shit she goes "really? well you forgot your sleds". So baked we didnt even bring the sleds and had some huge story about it, fucking classi. For the rest of that night we set up a pulley system to the basement so they could send us food cause we didnt want to go up stairs, m buddy has since moved to cali but those were the days

LOL i got another one i remembered now too. It was about a year ago and my close friends and i decided to go camping in the UP of michigan beacuse my best friend who moved to wisconsin could come meet up with us. Five dudes total (only four of us smoke) for four nights and we brought up two zips of some super funk. So we camp on my great aunts property cause she has land and beachfront up there. Basically the trip was us high of our assses fuckin around in the woods all day. So one morning we wake up early to go fishing, my great aunt lets us take her car. For the trip there we rolled up like an eighth blunt. On the way there my one friend from wisconsin who hadnt been smoking as much went to as the blunt. as he is doing so out the window he drops the blunt and just doesnt say anything. My one friend who doesnt smoke goes "dude what did you just do." wisconsin goes "nothin man" non smkoer "you dropped the blunt i saw and i just flew in the window and hit me in the face." wisconsin "....oh" we are all laughing our asses of since just a bit was left when all of a sudden smoke starts coming from the seats. All of a sudden we are like fuck there is a atill light blunt stuck in the seats of my 90yo great aunts car. We pull over a find it is stuck in the little box type deal the seatbelt goes in. Luckily we were going fishing and had forceps to get it out cause that shit was bout to start a fire.


Active Member
My first time smoking ahh... a few years back give or take a few in high school was my first time. My friend gave me a little matchbox filled with two or three nugs he thought I should try. So when I got home that day I went to my neighbors house who I knew smoked to enjoy my first toke. We go out on the side of his house while his mom is inside cooking dinner and reminds me that we need to be as quiet as possible. Never having smoked anything in my life I take a fat bong hit, which I am not sure it was even that fat. I started coughing up a storm and he kept replying be quiet and I really couldnt stop myself. He then slapped me across the face and man did that sure stop me from coughing. I was shocked.

Another memorable smoking experience I had. We were smoking blunts in the car just driving around to no where and stumbled across a place called apes cave ( a lava tube underground from mt st helens). Being high as we were we walked out to the entrance and looked into a dark hole. In awe we ended up driving back to a country store to pick up a few flashlight since it was so dark. We made the trip back to the cave and began hiking. We literally crawled all the way until the end of this lava tube. Crawling under rocks and on sand til the very end. We then deciding to smoke a victory bowl which we have pictures of! There was no one there mind you since we went all the way to the end without encountering any people. as we were making our way back out of the lava tube we started hearing noises behind us. Im not sure if it was the weed or what it was, but my two friends and I got extremely spooked. We turned off our flashlights and begun running in the pitch black cavern with no lights and jagged rocks all around us until we got to the end. There was def. not anythign behind us we were just being paranoid. lol.
One of the most memorable times smoking I have ever had was this last summer in Amsterdam. I had smoked several times before this so i thought i knew what i was dealing with. Me and my friend went into the city (we were staying 20 minutes our so outside of the city at a campground called Lucky Lake) and we looked at a few cafes and finally decided to buy a pack of js. We went around the city the rest of the day and did touristy shit. We headed back to the campground and decided to go down to the lake to toke. We ended up sitting right on the beach and smoking with a family picnic right behind us. We sat there and passed a couple joints back and forth and watched the sunset over the lake. We decided it was about time to head back and got up. Right when we got up we both looked at each other and laughed so hard, i couldnt even stand upright because i was laughing so hard. we both kept trying to talk and every time we just laughed harder and harder. Eventually we finally were able to stand up again, but when we did we just started laughing at each other again. Then we started fighting each other by looking at our shadows because we laughing so hard we couldnt look up. That went on for 15 minutes or so and the whole time this family right behind us didnt say a word and just went on with their picnic. We eventually headed back to our campsite and got lost several times before we found it. We then ate and drank everything we could find at our campsite. That was the highest i have ever been and i will never forget it.
haha i was smoking with 2 of my friends, and one smoked with me and the other drank, then we were sitting by the bonfire just talking, and my friends, like"hey should we do the box", and im like wtf is the box, and then without warning my friend puts and imaginary box on my head, and then they start mouthing the words but not saying anything, all i could hear was there bodies moving but nothing else, i was going fucking nuts, then he takes it off and says something i dont remember, but after that we all had a good laugh


New Member
hmm well my first time was with my brother when he and i were very young me headed into 8thgrade and him 16/17 and i walked out side to hve a cig at 3 am and he walked out wiht a joint wand was like "wanna hit this" me being a good kid then was like idk i heard weed is "bad" i took one hit and loved it, keep in mind it was dro : D so i take a couple of puffs and i was blown off my ass we got inside he called his friend and told his friend i was slapping the DVD player and it wasnt turning on xD and i couldnt stop laughing, which now and days im 16 ad i control my self like a pro :]


Active Member
hmm well my first time was with my brother when he and i were very young me headed into 8thgrade and him 16/17 and i walked out side to hve a cig at 3 am and he walked out wiht a joint wand was like "wanna hit this" me being a good kid then was like idk i heard weed is "bad" i took one hit and loved it, keep in mind it was dro : D so i take a couple of puffs and i was blown off my ass we got inside he called his friend and told his friend i was slapping the DVD player and it wasnt turning on xD and i couldnt stop laughing, which now and days im 16 ad i control my self like a pro :]
That sounds like a good first experience
When i first smoked with my brother it followed something of those lines. But then his friend came over


Well-Known Member
I was 14 and had smoked about 3 or 4 times but had not caught a buzz. One day while delivering newspapers a friend said hey I found my brothers pot, do you wanna smoke some? We smoked about a half a joint and I was ripped.


Active Member
I was a just a young buck going into 8th grade... cruisng around in my buddys sisters car that we "borrowed" we had a PR rolled up from a gf of ours that didn't even smoke.( bad idea) Hours later, Were crusing around his hood, its late. I light that shit up and it was so loose the paper burned and the weed just feel on my lap.


Well-Known Member
the first time i actually got high!!!!! wasnt until my third attempt that i got blazed.. sittin at a buddies house after school they break out the bong start passing it aroun it went aroun twice b4 i decided to hit it.. cleared thzt shit and they packed another one right away for me to make up for the past rotations and lemme tell u i was fuckin baked... laugh my ass off for 30 mins... passed out woke up went to my house next door made pb and fluff sandwhiches went back to my buddies and his mom was home.. so i walk in wit three sandwhiches see her and i freeze.. she goes and look at this kid blazed out his mind im like oh fuck!!!!!!!!!! then she grbs a sandwhich from my hand then the bong off the table packs it and smokes it i was like holy shit.. everyone else starts dyin laughin cuz they all knew she smoked lmao gr8 time

the church man

Well-Known Member
when i first started smokin i got so high that i forgot how to tie my shoe laces. i had to come up with some crazy ass way to do it. the only thing that i could think of was "loop swoop and pull" from big daddy. that same night, like ten minutes later, i was trying to open up my garage and i couldn't remember the code. the best part of it is that the garage code is the address, and i couldn't remember that either, so i had to walk down the driveway with my shoelaces coming undone so that i could find out what my address was. i'd been living at that house for five years.

i was geeked out of my mind.


ok the 2nd time i got high I was really pissed at my grandma/mom i needed new shoes and we could not get a new pair for some strange reason and ran away for the day.

ok ok then when i did (split 5joints between 3ppl) i had to run down hill with no shoes on and so when i got the the road the second I hit the cement i stubbed my big two i like split in half and i start freaking out (it doesent hurt im stoned) so now im like crying and laughing my ass off and then we go over to my friend jakes grndmas hous and there i get pudding amd stop my blubbering and pass-out and wake up 15min later


Active Member
Hmm my first moment was the first summer I'd been smoking. It was the night before my parents were to leave for vacation, my brother and I would have the house to ourselves for a week, which meant, major smoke out. It was around 2am, my bro invites me to smoke with him and his friends in the garage, so we take bong rip after bong rip for the next hour or so. The garage is totally boxed. All the sudden, our electric garage door opens, and my dad's standing there looking all sorts of pissed, with a half ounce bag of weed on the pool table in front of him. We all stand up, I have my Nintendo Ds in hands, upside down and off, and just pretend to play. I felt pretty retarded. Haha the first thing that's said, is my bro's friend, "It's not mine!". Haha hilarious night, although I was forced to go on vacation with them the next day. Ouch.


Well-Known Member
Hmm my first moment was the first summer I'd been smoking. It was the night before my parents were to leave for vacation, my brother and I would have the house to ourselves for a week, which meant, major smoke out. It was around 2am, my bro invites me to smoke with him and his friends in the garage, so we take bong rip after bong rip for the next hour or so. The garage is totally boxed. All the sudden, our electric garage door opens, and my dad's standing there looking all sorts of pissed, with a half ounce bag of weed on the pool table in front of him. We all stand up, I have my Nintendo Ds in hands, upside down and off, and just pretend to play. I felt pretty retarded. Haha the first thing that's said, is my bro's friend, "It's not mine!". Haha hilarious night, although I was forced to go on vacation with them the next day. Ouch.
lol that sucks how old r u bro??