Well-Known Member
A thread for the typical stoner... what a pot savvy thread: NICE!
Geez, I have many high and mighty accounts of being just a plain goofball in my early stoner days!
One story about 7 yrs back... during my 10th grade yr.... which was when I was first introduced to the greens... a few buddies of mine knew how to break into the footballs commentator room... and we would blaze ourselves silly with a 1ft bong that my friend somehow concealed in his backpack. While lunch ended and we all left and headed back to 5th period class. We all agreed we wouldn't ditch and stay in the commentators room as security might check it every once in a while... things turned frail as my stupid ass buddy decided to stay in their with some chik... low and behold they got caught and they ratted us out. I was reading a Shakespeares monologue and security opened the door as words from HAMLETS mouth sprung with anger! Security walked sternly in front of the class and said is "such and such here"... the teacher pointed me out and I took a little ride in the security golf mobile... he had my other gal buddy too... and he both knew was well... not that I was a troubled student... but the security guard was once a city cop in my city and he new my parents... as he attended the same church... Yes I know what a big coincidence! Anyway, he both talk to us and said if we had any paraphenelia on us... I had no mary jane but had a bic lighter and some dubby papers... we gave it all to him. We entered the principals office as he emptied are backpacks and found nothing! The security guard did the little old eye check with his small flashlight and said they're good principal! Low and behold we escaped that ordeal... it felt good getting away with that shit and knowing the fact that the security/ retired cop had are backs!
I now could never talk shit about the authorities
Geez, I have many high and mighty accounts of being just a plain goofball in my early stoner days!
One story about 7 yrs back... during my 10th grade yr.... which was when I was first introduced to the greens... a few buddies of mine knew how to break into the footballs commentator room... and we would blaze ourselves silly with a 1ft bong that my friend somehow concealed in his backpack. While lunch ended and we all left and headed back to 5th period class. We all agreed we wouldn't ditch and stay in the commentators room as security might check it every once in a while... things turned frail as my stupid ass buddy decided to stay in their with some chik... low and behold they got caught and they ratted us out. I was reading a Shakespeares monologue and security opened the door as words from HAMLETS mouth sprung with anger! Security walked sternly in front of the class and said is "such and such here"... the teacher pointed me out and I took a little ride in the security golf mobile... he had my other gal buddy too... and he both knew was well... not that I was a troubled student... but the security guard was once a city cop in my city and he new my parents... as he attended the same church... Yes I know what a big coincidence! Anyway, he both talk to us and said if we had any paraphenelia on us... I had no mary jane but had a bic lighter and some dubby papers... we gave it all to him. We entered the principals office as he emptied are backpacks and found nothing! The security guard did the little old eye check with his small flashlight and said they're good principal! Low and behold we escaped that ordeal... it felt good getting away with that shit and knowing the fact that the security/ retired cop had are backs!
I now could never talk shit about the authorities