First Outdoor in Northern Michigan


Well-Known Member
crazy. we had frost warnings a few nights (probably the nights you had frost) but we never got any. gotta love michigan weather.


Well-Known Member
I covered them with frost blankets to make sure they mature but I harvested last night. Took 5 of us 5 hours to trim three plants. Got to do a second trim to clean em up.



Well-Known Member
they sure turn color when they get cold hehehehehe. Nice dam job to say the least on keeping the rot away.No easy to do in this state. Now ya just need some of my michigan purple lights to get real purple plants. Leafs stay green and just the clav's turn purple as they are a true purple strain. I've several new michigan purple stains a brewin and all turn super purple 30 days into bloom.


Well-Known Member
proyy cuz I added it with firefox. I'll have ta swicth back to ie and get them up tha way.


Well-Known Member
Ok heres another pic. I gave up runnin the w/w due to all those dam leafs they throw. Not a big yeilder either and smells to dam bad for my grows. Had my whole block a stink'in.....

Ok somemore purple shots. Notice the leafs are green and just the bud is purple. Thats purple gentics not purpling from stress of some type.



Well-Known Member
Yeah looks real dank, i need to get me some of those. Do you sell clones? If not, understandable.