first sprouts, one is having difficulty.. (pics)


I accidently my first seed too deep, when it came to the top it still had the seed casing on it, so I removed it gently (didnt damage the plant). Its progress is nothing like its sibling...

Also what does the healthier one look like to you? Is it doing well?

They were potted from germinated about 2 days ago.



Well-Known Member
Yea you usually wanna put them at max 3 quarters of an inch deep. But thats not the best idea. I usually put them about a quarter inch. And since your other plant had to struggle thru the dirt to hit the surface it will likely have less vigorous growth than the other one. Plants are like kids. The early stages of life usually dictate the later stages. So if you ever do take clippings I would suggest taking them from the faster growing plant out of the two. But all in all everything is looking kosher. Keep me updated. []Deace!


Well-Known Member
And you might wanna add some perlite to your soil to increase drainage and make some pockets of air in your medium.


Is it easy to add perlite to the soil its in? Or shall I just add it to the pots theyr going to be in when I first transplant?


Well-Known Member
Yes, when you transplant that would be the ideal situation. Go 1 part perlite 2 parts soil. Or if you can try and get your hands on some pro mix hp. They sell at at most hydro stores. And even at home hardware or lowes. Its a soiless mix that has excellent drainage with perlite already being added to it.


Active Member
let mother nature do it's work man.. they'll sprout.. bright lights. don't worry, undig a little dirt to help it out and DEF do not worry about watering (use only a mister like i do-- not actually pouring water on it). And just keep the soil moist.. thats it and they'll grow strong :)

they dont call it weed for nothing ;)

good luck!