First Time AF Grow


Well-Known Member
I'd leave it alone!................. LOL
It's too difficult to leave it's growing at an really fast rate now and every night when I get home, i've gotta take a peek at her and see how she's progressing...but maybe you're right about the lights...don't fix what isn't broken, right?


Well-Known Member
Just some photos from approximately day 35 of the grow. Ever since I raised the lights (thank you tekdc911) the girl has really started to grow upwards and the nodes aren't so dense as before. Also, a note of good news, the pistils are already starting to shoot out! So far, the smell isn't a problem (which I would expect to change in a little while!)


Well-Known Member
your using cfl?
yep it's a 200W Phytolite CFL Greenpower Agro (2100K). It's a big mfer, about 18 inches long and 3 or 4 inches in diameter. I use a reflector and then that white plastic to cover the inside of the box for better refelction. That's why I'm not too worried about the heat or fire issues from it. I was looking HPS route but don't have the right size box at the moment to go there...


Well-Known Member
well 18/6 is very common lighting so is 20/4
but me and a few others believe strongly that if using cfl's it should be 24/0
to make up for where cfl is lacking in power
the wattage of that bulb is great
when the plant gets taller it will need some lst to spread it out to take advantage of the light
i recently added led's to my 400w + of cfl's 68w
im very used to having to lst early on to try for maximum results
2013-06-10 10.58.13.jpg this little akr is going to get the main stalk lst'd around the edge of the container to make a circle
this one is roughly the same age a week to 10 days younger
im diggin the led's this will be my first run with them
and trying to get away with no cfl's this run
when you say its showing flower like actual or just preflower ?


Well-Known Member
It's showing flower...there are some long searching white pistals in a couple of's definitely not preflower imho...i've had preflowers in photo before and they're small and not anything like these, sorry i can't get any photos of them because my camera is only good for tourism and low grade porn (which I'll keep to myself at least for now)!!!


Well-Known Member
the leds i've always wanted to try but don't have the funds right now to start--I hope i don't have to lst the's pretty small as it is...


Well-Known Member
I'm gonna jack up the light schedule to 20/4 to see what happens...the cfl i'm using is pretty powerful and not your ordinary household lightbulb...for now i don't forsee having to lst it but maybe if you think it'll help because of light exposure let me know...i'll give it a try. Like I said at the beginning, this is a first AF grow, the better I can make it, the more i'll be convinced of their validity!


Well-Known Member
personally i run a 1/4 to 1/2 perlite
i think this would help you on your next try with auto's
they grow slow when over watered
they really like a high drainage and the fact your using a low heat light makes it take longer to dry out


Well-Known Member
if you can get it to lean over a bit so the light can get under those big fans or lean the pot set one side on something
or even tuck the leaves under another to get some light to the branches
do you pick up the pot to see if its time to water? im still leaning towards the overwatering idea


Well-Known Member
well, i always pick up the pot for the weight and i haven't watered in about 2 weeks, but now that you mention it it'sprobably because of the low heat and lack of seems that all the water is concentrated in the lower part of the pot...but i've never considered overwatering to be a fact, i don't think the plants have any problems with them per se....
i will consider your idea of bending the branches to get a bit of light to the other areas of the plants...I just thought that the white reflective material was doing a good enough job to hit those areas...but the "lean" LST might be a good idea!


Well-Known Member
your dwarf looks very healthy aside from its height
it should of started a fairly violent veg stage at about week 2-3
alot of strains a inch a day is normal growth at this point
youll get bud still
but your next try will be killer i bet :D


Well-Known Member
Lol sry to hikack the thread for a second mate. Hey tek

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Well-Known Member
your dwarf looks very healthy aside from its height
it should of started a fairly violent veg stage at about week 2-3
alot of strains a inch a day is normal growth at this point
youll get bud still
but your next try will be killer i bet :D
I'm considering just starting a new auto and trashing the photo next to it, since it is growing really slow (it's an old seed) and its brethren weren't very productive also. I have a Dinafem Fruit which I have yet to pop...what do you think, let the photo go (it's a regular seed and i can't sex it until the auto is finished, so another negative) and hope for the best or trash it and start a new auto? I hate to waste a plant, but this photo is really really slow...i bet it's grown 1 inch in 1 month...