First Time Cloner

See what I mean....This is the result of skinning your stem and cutting small slits


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ok so go ahead and tell me cuting my clones 6 weeks in flower is wrong and a waste of timeon the vert back. its not. pending on the amont of stress the plant is going threw is what matters. i have gotten clone to vert back from 6 weeks in flower in t weeks after they root. and i have had them take 30 days. pending on the stress i put them threw.:mrgreen:
I agree with dont wanna cut clones while they are in flower, its too much stress. Cut them while in veg just before you switch to flower. You want healthy strong clones because they are gonna be pushed hard.....btw cloning is my middle name Lol
Cloning should be the easiest part of your venture through growing. I really dont remember the last time I lost a clone.
Heres my system..
-2 or 3 nodes down from the top of the stems canopy, cut at the next node set down (leaving those fan leaves and node sites)and put the cutting into a bowl of water cut side down. Now make a new cut (45* angle cut) with the stem submerged in the water where you cut it (this blocks up the stem with water so air doesn't get inside of it / air pockets are bad).
-After letting the cutting sit in the water for a minute or 2 and suck up a little water dip it into your rooting gel/powder (dont be shy here, get it all over the stem) (I like to coat tail the cutting at the bottom of the 45* cut. This promotes more root growth instead of a tap root shooting down.
-Use cloning cubes like these guys all said. It will greatly increase your success rate. Plant cutting about half way through the cube you use.
-Most clones will take an upward of 2 weeks or more to show roots. Keep them in a clone tent where they'll stay warm and moist. Spray them a couple times a day and let them get fresh air in the tent. (I add tiny amounts of nutes to foliar feed while spraying clones....Tiny amounts!!)
-When clones show there first root or 2 coming out the bottom of the cube I like to cut it.. Just like topping your plant this will promote a more even root base. This is about when there ready for soil and hardening.
I also like to keep my clones in 20+ hours of light per cycle.

Like you said.. Everyone has a different opinion on cloning..
And like I said.. I dont remember the last time I lost a clone.. Its been years. I know that!
Right on guys. These are all very helpful post. I'm currently using the cup of water method and the cutting I took 3 days ago is still standing at attention, nice and green. Good sign right? I skinned about a half an inch but didn't do the slit thing. For the cup of water method, can I put like a sandwhich baggy over the cup and stick the cutting stem through it? I don't let my plants get very big so the fan leaves on the cuttings are more like sugar leafs, and just wont stay on the sides. Anyways, when I come up on some cash, I'm definetly gonna go get all the cloning supplies; humidity dome, gel/powder, rockwool, ect.
yeah good on the nodes and where the roots come from--- I do scrape the stem at the cut and have just split her with a razor at one node about a 1/4" in length. I cut everything in the bucket underwater do she does not get air bubble in the vein. Make sure all equipment is clean and pretty much ready to eat off of. Surgery is a clean hobby.
Misting is very important as that is how the cloned feed and or drink at first so mist at least every 6-8 hours. 5.5 ph water mist.
oh P.S the whole thing was a plastic shoe box and aquarium pump bubbler and can of black for under 20. at balmart Make sure the roots do not get light as that will kill what is generating. Dark water will work.
Hey everyone. I took some clones off my hawaiian lady, 3 using soil in party cups using a sandwich baggy as a make-shift humidity dome, and 1 using the cup of water method. There all still as green and "lively" as the day thet were cut. Now my question is how do I know when the party cup clones have roots? Should I just take my chances at the 2 week mark and take them out of the cups? I also took a clone of a bagseed I have using the cup of water method. Its about a week in and I'm starting to see the white root bumps. Very faint. I'll give her a few more days just to be sure, then stick her in the soil. Thanks for everones help so far.