first time cloning, >>>READ<<<


New Member
Never "peel" need to cut. Aprox. 45% angle is good, then scrape off some of the green plant material (outer layer) at the bottom.
When you peel branches off the main stem, it damages and weakens it...sometimes even making it more apt to attract bugs.

If you are going to try and clone in a glass of water, may I suggest going to your local Walmart or fish store and buy one of those cheap "airstone pump" set ups and put it in the water you are trying to clone in. It will help, as you really need to get air in there to promote root growth.
hey so my plant is around 3 months its a female straight og some fire. anyways i cut two stems off the main stem my plant is still loking really healthy i made a homemade hyrdroponics set up with A WATER BOTTLEW AND ANOTHER BOTtle like container and all that.. any ways i understand you said bny cutting off the main stem attracts bugs? what kinds of bugs i have a bunch of tiny little flies that are coming and going but are just hanging out in the dirt of my pot .. what do i do ? its my first time growing andf cloning but ima bit of a genious with common sense and being observant.... just there are things i do not kno such as what i understand sometimes people say the clones need warmth moisture and dark but im a bit confused ... ANY OTHER ADVISE / TIPS ??? SPECIALLY FOR THE LITTLE BASTARD FLIES I DONT HAVE TO MANY YET BUT I DONT WAN THEM, TO SPREAD PLUS I BEEN SPRAYING THIS ANTI BUG SHIT THAT ON THE BOTTLE SAYS ITS FOR ROSES AND OTHER PLANTS BUT IDK I DONT WANNA KILL NMY PLANT