First Time Closet Grow


Well-Known Member
Aw, she's adorable, your back yard looks great too, mines all concrete - I would have preferred grass but it's too high maintenance for me lol,

Is that one of your other dogs next to Haze ?
They're both beauties, Haze looks like a handful too tho :lol:


Well-Known Member
Ha ya its a fucking jungle back there. It was worse. Like I have to walk the dogs path thru the yard or i dont kno what i'm standing in ha!! But ya we just had the left side of teh yard where we let the dogs out of the house from cleaned up so u can see everything. But once u walk behind the house or to teh other side ha!! Its a jungle! I put afew out there actually. hope dogs dont find them. Yes thats princess my rot :P Haze loves her lmfao.. n yes haze is. ugh right now shes passed out on my pillow. But ya!!


Well-Known Member
DAY 28!! #1 I was looking closely to see the crystals starting on the leaves, n what did my lil eye see?!?!!? A FUCKING WHITE HAIR coming out just under her branch!! YES HER!!! W00t meaning her clone is a girl too!!! w00t!!!!!



Well-Known Member
grats bro that is awesome news!!! glad to hear everything is going well!! this my 420th post :joint:
HAHAHA i'm glad I could of been ur 420th!! lmfao!! Awesome ya dude i just got stoned went hey let me see how many crystals are starting on her n i saw a white hair at the very top by where i fimmed it. I looked at the next branches down n sure enuff!! There it was!! w00t lol I cant tell on my bush yet.


Well-Known Member
haha that 420th post was awesome! I got so stoned after seeing that and I was asleep in the matter of an hour lol. Sorry didnt' really get to post that much yesterday, but that was a special occasion, it was 420 all over again!!


Well-Known Member
Well Over the last few days I've noticed her big fan leaves below where I cut starting to droop alil first I thought maybe I watered her too much. After constantly picking up her pot. I said NO! it cant be that I said it must be time for a transplant. Sure enuff I couldnt get that bitch outta the pot I had such a hard time. I was scared I was gonna break her. Her root system was omg Thats all u could around the sides of the soil n bottom. So i popped her in a pot about 1/4 size bigger Cause I dont want her to have too much room. I put her in n did alil rewater to hit the roots n make em chase the water into the new soil! :P I'll be keep a close eye. Pictures later :P


Well-Known Member
still looking real healthy, color is good. I bet she will be fine, you just did a transplant right? Ya give it a while to perk up i bet she will. Cheers ya digg


Well-Known Member
still looking real healthy, color is good. I bet she will be fine, you just did a transplant right? Ya give it a while to perk up i bet she will. Cheers ya digg
Ya dude literally like 10mins before i posted i did it.I almost took a picture cause the root system was beautiful. But I held back.


Well-Known Member
nice, i saw those pics of your pup. Ill post some of mine today of my pup beagle. With work and .. (not school ahah that shit is easy) i dont know ive just been real busy. The ladies are doing great though, they take alot of my time it seems. Just watching them is a daily activity now hahaha. Cheers ya digg


Well-Known Member
nice, i saw those pics of your pup. Ill post some of mine today of my pup beagle. With work and .. (not school ahah that shit is easy) i dont know ive just been real busy. The ladies are doing great though, they take alot of my time it seems. Just watching them is a daily activity now hahaha. Cheers ya digg
Damn str8 especially on my days off I find myself going man. I wish i worked today so i could come home to see changes. HA!


Well-Known Member
Both my Babies are 29 days old. I know #1 is a female, not sure about #2 yet. I posted a pic alil earlier cause my baby #1 was looking alil droopy, I thought it was cause of needing a bigger pot, I put it in one, was drooping for alil while but man is she standing tall now!! Look at all her side growths coming out cause of the FIMMing. n #2 IS standing very tall as well!!



Well-Known Member
nice i knew she would pop back up. When did you fimm your plants? I am sure i am going to do that as well to keep them from going through my roof. Haha done with classes, no work, time to rip like 5 waterfalls in a row and just mess with my ladies and prob watch City of God. oh ya ill post some pics of my beagle in my journal mclean, cheers ya digg


Well-Known Member
nice i knew she would pop back up. When did you fimm your plants? I am sure i am going to do that as well to keep them from going through my roof. Haha done with classes, no work, time to rip like 5 waterfalls in a row and just mess with my ladies and prob watch City of God. oh ya ill post some pics of my beagle in my journal mclean, cheers ya digg
yo thanks man!! lol I FIMMed only my big girl. Bout 3-5 days ago. Days flow together ya kno ha!!


Well-Known Member
seen them all man!! Transplanting them was a good move...
I've also seen your dogs! they're beautiful... My brother has one like blue!
Here's mine:

PS - I'm smoking some really great hash now....greaaaat



Well-Known Member
seen them all man!! Transplanting them was a good move...
I've also seen your dogs! they're beautiful... My brother has one like blue!
Here's mine:

PS - I'm smoking some really great hash now....greaaaat
Tru tru :) thanks man for stopping by :P YA!! beautiful dog. hash u lucky bastard.i wont have hash until my first harvest