First Time Grow! Bagseed Closet Grow!


Well-Known Member
Well, I'm starting this journal so I have something to refer to next Fall when I begin my grow from purchased seeds. As for right now I'm only using bag seed so I can get ready for next year. I'm starting this journal a little late because I pretty much just found this site a couple days ago! :mrgreen:

I started my plants about 2 and a half weeks ago. They were growing under incandescent lights for the 1st two weeks b/c I didnt know they were not good for growing. But no worries! I switched to two 100 watt CFL's. There's only 3 plants. The temp. is about 80 when the lights are on and 70 when off. The lights are on a 18/6 light cycle. No nutes have been fed to them yet b/c the soil i used is MG Moisture Control Potting Soil. I just recently transpotted them from their originally 2 in. pots to 7 in. pots. So, now I'm just sittin and waiting for the time to flower...oh by the way...these plants do have the stretch symptoms. I'm a dummy and just kinda dove into this growing thing without researching first...blah. But hey, its all to learn for next year right? Here are some pics:



Well-Known Member the CFL's seem to be working fine. The plant's growth has slowed a bit due to the transplanting and whatnot. But it seems to be picking back up again.
Plant A: 3.5 in.
Plant B: 5 in.
Plant C: 6 in.
I fed B and C some nutes today because I started noticing yellowish leaves and maybe some wilting. Hopefully i can bring them back. Also it seems I have two different kinds growing. It was bagseed so i'm not sure what kind they are. But the plants look different from each other. I'll post pictures soon.


Well-Known Member
So here are the pictures I promised...take a look at the first one...the biggest one...the leaves are pointed upward. Usually that means it needs water or nutes so I gave it both about 4 hours ago but it doesn't seem to be getting ne better...guess ill let it sit for a day and hope for the best...



Well-Known Member
Really tall and skinny. Should have planted them deep when you transplanted them. The CFL seemed to have help the growth, you don't need the bottom of the plant anyway, hope your stalk takes life to hold those girls.


Well-Known Member
yea the stretch was really bad on these ones...but im glad i learned now instead of later wen i have good much longer until i can start flowering about? anybody know?


Active Member
intrested gunna tune into this one....but buddy you got another atleast i would say amonth till you can flower im a month in on my grow and im close to be able to flower but just not yet....check mine out if you would....


Well-Known Member
really another month? hmm i guess i can see that def...i hate the fact that they are stretched such a newb lol


Well-Known Member
ok so i just looked at my babies today and....i believe...i have all 3 females!! wooo...ill be posting pics up soon so you guys can confirm for me, but im pretty sure im a proud daddy of 3 lil girls lol...come back in awhile for pics


Well-Known Member
yea i fucked up in sayin they were all females...thought i saw the pistils buuuuuut they turned out to just be another set of leaves! how many fuckin leaves grow from these bitches?! lol but yea they still look good, ill try to get pics up later today depending on who's around in my apt...we'll see...:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
yeah dude, they look stretched, burry the stems up to the first bladed leaves, and get a fan going to strengthen the stems


Well-Known Member
How old are these babies? You might not want to feed them nutes just yet. What's your watering schedule like? What's the temps/humidity like?

If the tips aren't burned, then you are probably ok on the curling up issue. Are they all doing it?

Oh yea, also could be a mg problem.


Well-Known Member
they are about 3 weeks old, i only feed them a VERY diluted solution of nutes...i water once/twice a day depending on the saturation of the soil...the temperature is kept at 80-85 during lighted hours and 70-75 during dark hours...i have them on a 18/6 light schedule...the tips look fine and not all of them are doing it just 2 of them...i thnk it may be a light problem tho...there are only 2 CFL's in there (both 100w), but i want is an issue tho, once i get them home instead of my apt...i should have more space. until then, i'm just gonna pray lol...but as for the humidity i couldnt tell you, i dont have a humidity gauge. ahh i hope its not a mg problem tho...blah


Well-Known Member
i water once/twice a day depending on the saturation of the soil...
That's probably one of your problems. I water maybe once a week. Under watering is always better then over watering. Slow it down a bit and see what happens. Also, if you have a good soil, you probably won't even need to be adding nutes just yet. I would watch them closely, they will tell you when they need food or water.


Well-Known Member
ok cool...if i ease up on the watering should i do it slowly or should i just jump to once a week right away? i dont want them to be in shock from not getting any water all of a sudden...also how do you tell if they need water? is i just wen the leaves point upward? or are there other signs...thanks for the help i need all the help i can get


Well-Known Member
No problem man. Yea, you can ease up on the watering now. A good rule of thumb is to stick your finger down in the soil and feel it out. Maybe like 2 inches down. I still have been sticking to watering like once a week. My plants are doing fine. Check my journal if you want to compare.

Remember, all plants are different so the watering will need to be adjusted to their needs.

Here's what my bud VV said about the leaves turning up. He had some that were doing that so I asked him what were his thoughts...


Well-Known Member
if i were to just buy a huge container...and just throw dirt in it...would it be cool to plant the 3 plants in that? or is that not a good idea....


Well-Known Member
Ugh...I'm sure it would work, but all the roots would get tangled up. That might slow down growth. I'm not sure because I've never researched that.


Well-Known Member
yea i thought about that too...the roots would def. get tangled up and we dont want any fighting lol...but um yea i just moved all 3 of the plants into a deeper storage bin and now the lights are much much closer to the its way more "stealth" this way...ill try to get pictures for every1 in awhile...prob later tonite...keep the advice comin tho!! :mrgreen: