first time grow journal


I started growing for my first time ever 5 weeks ago. Here’s some pictures of how my plants have held up over the past 5 weeks. I just recently transplanted 2 of my plants, one to a 2 gallon pot and one to a 4 gallon bucket. I started on some fish fertilizer (5-1-1) the other day and the plants have taken it well. I’m growing with LED and CFL lighting I have about 5 bulbs total. My tallest one right now is about a foot and a half. I started training them today too and so I will see how that goes. Give me some feedback! What do you think of my plants? They are all random bagseeds, do they look healthy? Is there anything I’m doing wrong or can improve on?075317F2-33FA-4C9C-B602-DA307EC81FAA.png
Plants are gorgeous!

Using bagseed is good practice for growing the real thing. I've read in the Cannabis Grow Bible (see excerpt below) that it is better to use seeds from a proven genetics seed company.

"I still get asked how to produce fantastic marijuana from bagseed. Anyone who has read this book knows that the question really should be this: Are there any new genetics from last year that really produced seriously good buds? Bagseed growers are undoubtedly doomed to failure. The same goes for people who spend a lot of money on grow equipment but none on genetics."