First Time Grow With 7 Plants!

ҖҗlegilizeitҗҖ;6454019 said:
wow thanks hahaha this website is great i needed some new bulbs and found exactly what i needed and realitvly really cheap

You're welcome! Just make sure and pass on the good deed to someone else! )'(
I def love the setup, looks just like my first grow. The pots from the dollar store? Lights from home depot/lowes? dual bulb splitters out the wazzoo to create a huge 1 piece grow light? yep lol

thumbs up bro, it only gets better from here on out - I am on my third INDOOR grow right now, got some sour D and "cheese?" seeds it shud be nice :)
thanks man ill check out ur grow for sure... and yea it my first grow but it look like i kinda know what im doing and no the pots are from walmart they were 97 cents fro 8in or 10 in not sure right now and the lights are from home hardware and canadian tire and the spititters are there as well and yeah i just put them all toghter to create one fucking big fixture lol thanks for the thumbs up there in day 16 of flowering i havt yet seen any preflowers but im trying to be patient the cheese are looking good this year that i have seen i wouldnt mine getting some for next grow
ҖҗlegilizeitҗҖ;6437854 said:
umm not sure,, i think it was bad soil so it was having trouble and stunted growth, then i put it into some mg organic and it got better but got kinda burnt, finally starting to look healthy

ocean forrest is the way to go
hey, do you have a small circular fan in your cabinet, itll creat wind and in return cause your plants to be stronger, and i would def use small amounts of nutes for budding, just start small, lots of people over nute, just use half of recomended useage if your worried. keep eyes on the temp, i would say def keep below 85, and you need to get something to check the humidity also. you dont want too much moisture when your planst start budding
oh yeah for sure about the mostiure i dont have a humidtly checker but ill get one for sure i do have a small circular fan on the plants with another fan bring out the heat
yea for sure but i that pic its dont show the greatest ill post more when they get better also i need some more light and i dont really got the money but yeah one plant with 8 cfl not bad for right now i moved it to the center to get the most light me wont some THC !! how u doing man i checked on ur plant how is it now