First time grower- any advice is welcomed


Well-Known Member
should i wait til the seeds sprout? or would it be at all beneficial to use the CFL when it hasn't yet sprouted?


make a drive from phoenix then to prescott theres lots of places tucked away for a guerilla grow... if your speaking of phoenix, az, that is


in prescott yeah it has a much better climate than in the valley... i've known of a few five foot plants that have been grown here and there in the wild


Active Member
Wow. That's a pretty good idea. No electricity costs, they can't pin the plant on you, and you just take a profitable two hour road trip every couple of months and collect a few buds. I just may try that. Hope I don't forget where I planted it :P


thats the key, and hope you don't get robbed... that has happened to a couple of those plants i was talking about... my friend went back to collect at harvest time... and not even the stumps were left, and these were three foot plants when he last saw them... so take your chances, but your doing so growing in az no matter where


Active Member
Yeah that'd be a big concern too, I'd for sure uproot and take a bud plant if I saw it growing in the wild :P It's gay that possession is a felony here.


Well-Known Member
I would just find a nice spot outside and plant them. Dig a hole in the ground and backfill it with good soil and let it be free. Start a couple of more seedlings, do the ol' paper towel method. Plant lots of them in a general area, but make sure it's secure. I wouldn't make a practice of going back to it everyday. I would invest the money you were going to put into cfl's and get some animal repellant. You can get it anywhere for less than 10 bucks. Just go back out there in July or so and kill the males.


Well-Known Member
Update: All of my seeds have sprouted in 4 days! This is pretty exciting, as I thought the seeds may have been immature.


Well-Known Member
Damn this shit grows fast. 5 days in using only sunlight and ones almost a few inches tall after having just broken ground level yesterday morning. Another is about an inch and ones about a quarter of an inch. They didn't get much light at all yesterday because it was cloudy. I also purchased a CFL, but I don't have a lamp that I can use it in yet.


Well-Known Member
And now for my next question: I'm keeping the plants on my window sill- the window's open and it's sunny, but it's a little chilly. About 50 degrees. Should I close the window so they're at room temp (70-75 degrees) or leave the windows open?


Active Member
Me and some buddies are making the two hour drive to Prescott today, making preparations now, and we're bringing about 30ish seeds up cuz that's all we have left, my friend planted like 50 in his yard yesterday.

Yes, and shut the window, 65-85 is best for bud to grow in.

About how many hours of direct sunlight exposure are they getting in your window, and what times of the day?


fuck yeah, good luck and may stealth be with you 2stoned... guerilla grows are always fun to start up... and hopefully you'll end up with atleast a few female beauties grown out in the wild... is it any particular strain or just some bagseed?


Well-Known Member
They're getting only 5-10 hours of direct sunlight a day right now, but I found a lamp earlier to use with my CFL bulb. I also have tin foil to make a reflective casing thingy.


Active Member
im sorry to step on your tread but i cant seem to figure out how to start my own i guess thats why they call me a stanger.i dont need to grow but my green thumb just never wants to quit. i started 8-9 plants from bag seed 6 ended up being males-damn it- but still had a couple different stains of female. living in canada i kept 1 male out side in a green house its still pretty cold out and my females inside under 24/7 the 2 female im going to grow into mother plants for future projects . now can i keep them all together in my green hose during the hot summer days. the male plants pollin sacs r starting to pop open and my females have lots of pre-flowers . any help will be a great help. again sorry for steping on your tread


Well-Known Member
How much light should the plants be getting daily? I'll start the day with sunlight, and when it starts to get dark I'll put them on a CFL. I'm not sure what the recommended cycle would be right now.