Yea this isnt the shroomery or one of those pill head forums. SWIM isnt necessary.
Anyways. Hempys are easy. Especially 100% perlite.
Once germinated and put into cups, i water about every other day. And i keep the girls in a humidity dome as well. Not necessary but since the perlite doesnt absorb much water, the dome helps the roots stay moist untill the grow into the bottom resivoir.
I wouldnt use veg nutes until the plant shows signs of Nitrogen deprivation. Probably 2 weeks or so after they are into cups. You can use a very small amount of root innaculants such as roots excel, great white etc.
Once they go into the 3 gal buckets start feeding., just follow the lucas formula since your using GH nutrients. I feed every time i water in hempy. How often you water depends on the size of the plant. Youll have to learn to judge the weight of the bucket to see when its empty and time to water. Although with 100% perlite hempy, its nearly impossible to over water and drown your plant, so dont worry.
When you do water though, you want to make sure you get a decent amount of runoff from the drain holes just to be sure you flushed/diluted any previous left over nutrients/salts from last watering.
Im done though, you can find all this info on this forum or google. Good luck