First time grower,going to stick through it till the end


Well-Known Member
Took your advice rictor bought that miracle grow Moisture Control soil,and the hooks r mug hooks, just put them up and those bitches r sturdy i can actually move the light wihout the hook pulling out now!! its saweet,babies r growing quite fast and im happy,mcdonalds is 2 days older so of course shes bigger,but still they r all healthy,i just buried taco bell a little more it was to stretchy and to much stem was showing underneath the leaves so i threw bout a quarter inch of soildown and its good now,plants r doing wonders,if ne problems arise i switch them all to miracle grow soil,or at least one! i cant wait to sex them,i forget how old mcdonalds is now im going to look back in my thread to remember

Wolfman Zen

Well-Known Member
ok some updates of the seedlings,I bought a bag of new soil for when i flower it,and i got some new hooks cause mine r shitty!

Side View of Mcdonalds

Taco Bell!

Damn its White Castle,i got a bad pic lol u can see the big leaves! haha

Best pic of all,u can see all 3,whats wrong with mcdonalds,its droopy,the 2 newer leaves r drooping bad!
See how bad its drooping,is it overwatering?I noticed its not draining as well as the other cubs maybe i should cut more slits!

Things are looking good gobears... good job, and keep us updated =]



Well-Known Member
Ok so heres pic updates 3,First seed sprouted on July 25th I believe,the others 2 days later! this is them all top view best pics I ever got with this shitty cam!!! one of them is showing some issues with leaf curl,the others r going fine,dont know the problem yet either but this one the leaves r pointing upwards,and instead of 3 leafs for the 2nd leaf set its 4,first time ive seen that!!!

This is the oldest,Mcdonalds!Looking very pretty

This is the one with issues,u can notice the curling of the leaves,any comments?TACO BELL IS THIS ONE!

White Castle,Looking very pretty and growing GGREEEAT!

Hope you guys like! best pics ive gotten so far


Well-Known Member
ISSUES R US! te taco b ell plant 2 of the fucking leaves r almost full curled inward and i dont kno what it means,and the other one is startig to curl a little bit, dont know whats wrong!!! help


Well-Known Member
Lookin good GB! That curling is probably the MG soil, it should pass. Dude, I just smoked a fatty from my last grow and I am fucked up. :blsmoke::hump::peace:


Well-Known Member
im not using MG soil,im using shitty soil,the cheap soil didnt even open the MG yet so its not that,but te leaves r curling bad and they look very dry and touched they r very dry,but its not underwatering at all!this plant is growing the slowest and the leaves r growing upwards pointing str8 towards the light and this plant has 4 fingers n the 2nd leaf set instead of 3 like the rest,it looks weird the finger is in the middle of the stem growing up like its a retard on crack! haha


Well-Known Member
looking good to me bro...sometimes you get a deformed plant. grow it out, it just might be "THE 1" ! never know.


Well-Known Member
its cfls so it should be fine,its like 2 inches,the heat in there is like 80 so idk,its showing much i,improvent overnight since i misted the leaves before bed last night,they r all doing great but that one still looks like the ugly duckling


Well-Known Member
yo Bears, i knew plenty of ugly ducklings in middle school that grew into beautiful swans by the end of high school. just give some time & a lil luv, it'll be alrite !


Well-Known Member
Plants Week 1 Updates growing great,One looks Sativa,2 looks Indica so far what do you think?

White Castle looks Indica to me!

This is the Ugly duckling,aka the one i think is Sativa,aka Taco Bell!Growing the best!

Mcdonalds the oldest by 2 days,its bushy out but the leaves r like stuck curled together!! its growing fast though!


Well-Known Member

taco bell came back outta nowhere lol

nice looking pics

were gonna have a nice little competition here

*edit* i said nice alot lol.
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Well-Known Member
i dont have a way to test the ph,but the 2 original adult leaves on mcdonalds r getting really yellow and brown,and i let my water sit out for like 36 hours uncovered to let the shit get out the water,and no i didnt start feeding yet its only been a week well i guess more i forget its been actualyl around 2 almost lol
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Well-Known Member
What i do with my water is let it sit for at least 24hours and i add a couple of drops of lemon juice to every litre of water to bring my PH down a bit.

i dont have a way to test the ph,but the 2 original adult leaves on mcdonalds r getting really yellow and brown,and i let my water sit out for like 36 hours uncovered to let the shit get out the water,and no i didnt start feeding yet its only been a week well i guess more i forget its been actualyl around 2 almost lol

Wolfman Zen

Well-Known Member
I got one of those cheap ph dropper test kits for like $5 at the hydro shop... but I'm sure you can pick one up at a local pet shop... just make sure that it's a wide spectrum kit able to read at lest between 6 and 8... you want to ph your water and nutes at around 6 and a half.

The slight yellowing on the leaves could be them telling you that they are ready for light dose of nutes =].... but first I think you should transplant them. Good luck man.. and after you transplant and give them a bit of nutes, is were the excitement comes in cuz they should take off on you... fun stuff.

Micro ebb/flow (NOW DWC), all CFL ScrOG, perpetual Stealth locker