First time grower,going to stick through it till the end


Well-Known Member
yep starting to get anxious lol... i gave them first round of flowering nutes... some bloom booster and molasses today they seemed to love it... i gave it to them at 10:30 am and by 2pm they look almost ready to show sex so i think any day now.. you might wanna try the molasses out :)


Well-Known Member
my last attempt i was a week into flowering without any signs of sex but im gonna start flowering at one month,the first seed sproute don July 25th so I flower August 25th or so,my plants r growing larger and larger by the 2nd,i hit them with their first little shot of nutes yesterady and they r alot bigger,especially the main one i hit with the nutes the one in the cup still omg has it grown!i need to transplant it or im screwed and will have to leave it in the cup throughout the grow and itll stay the saem height and have like 1 gram of bud LOL


Well-Known Member
Better get repotting it then! Fancy repotting my cactus for me while your at it? lol.

my last attempt i was a week into flowering without any signs of sex but im gonna start flowering at one month,the first seed sproute don July 25th so I flower August 25th or so,my plants r growing larger and larger by the 2nd,i hit them with their first little shot of nutes yesterady and they r alot bigger,especially the main one i hit with the nutes the one in the cup still omg has it grown!i need to transplant it or im screwed and will have to leave it in the cup throughout the grow and itll stay the saem height and have like 1 gram of bud LOL


Well-Known Member
i already transplanted 2 of them,only need to move the other ones,and dont have any money for more soil i will just use an old milk gallon like my other plant,but yea these plants r taking the small dose of nutes pretty nicely i need some molasses though to make it perk up for flowering,i will stary flowering in 2 weeks so yea,i cant believe my plants are already this big,im still deciding when i should top


Well-Known Member
around 4th node you wanna give it at least a week to recover b4 flower if not more topped and fimed mine at 4th node had week 1/2 recovery b4 flower ;)


Well-Known Member
ok so I decided to top all 3 of my plants,did it above the 4th node like everyone said i should,tell me what you think!

Mcdonalds topped!!

White Castle Topped!! i need to transplant soon,I will next Wednsday!

This is the part I cut off white Castle,above the 4th node,this is what all 3 looked like practically!

This is the Retard aKa Taco Bell before being topped

This is Taco Bell after being topped as you can tell the new growth is gone!

This is up close,u can see where i cut on the stem,i used a magnifying glass!

heres the stem where it was cut again kind of hard to c but yea,hopeuflly i did it right


Well-Known Member
what exactly does early topping do? just make it grow much more bushy and short? would it help any with the SoG method?


Well-Known Member
it keeps the plant short if u r using short heights like I am,because i only have around 1 foot more room before i can grow nemore so yea,and it can make it more bushy but it makes the plant have 2 smaller colas instead of just one huge one,u can also LST and i havent tried any SOG method


Well-Known Member
I'll have 3 or 4 feet of vertical space to grow in, but I also have to fit a hps light in there yet too. I'm hoping to do SoG.

good luck with your grow. I'll be watching your progress :)


Well-Known Member
thanks man,im hoping my topping was good and that i didnt mess it up.The pictures of my top r on the previous page!
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Well-Known Member
hey GB, heres a pic of my topped plant & the 1 i femmed by

i think its femmed, i heard it forms so you get 4 colas instead of the 2 you get with topping.

femmed on the right in 1st pic, topped in 2nd, you can look back a bit in my journal & get a good frontal shot of the topped 1.



Well-Known Member
sorry guys ive been super busy lately,starting college soon so im working on everything for that.ill update pics tommorrow plants r REALLY growing,except for the one with bad nute burn thats in the MG soil but the other 2 r doing fine


Well-Known Member
i will tommorrow im gonna go to bed,my one plant the retard is growng HUGE!! side branches like a bitch like no other im thinking of just keeping that one and maybe the other one and trashing the other because i dont got enough room

Wolfman Zen

Well-Known Member
I like how things are moving along smoothly for you gobears... and hope the topping works out for you...

as far as fimming goes... i gave it a shot, and wished I would have topped instead. I think the whole fimming technique is less of a technique and more like chance.. or better said "luck"... or maybe it was just my "bad luck" lol... well what ever it was... next time I'm topping =]

Glad to here your going to school gobears... I was actually thinking of going back 2nd degree myself..(botany maybe lol) but we'll see... have a bunch of other stuff to take care of first.. maybe next year.

Good luck man and keep us updated.


Micro ebb/flow (NOW DWC), all CFL ScrOG, perpetual Stealth locker