First time grower. Open for criticism

Some info on the "set up"

Soil: Aged Cow Manure mixed with soil from under a dead citrus tree. (Dead for 2 years. The idea was the soil there was nutrient rich. The soil in general around it is very fertile since we have thrown anything to grow in that area and it has in the past.)

Light: I live in a tropical climate. We are on a 12 hour light cycle every day basically. I position my plant to get direct sunlight from 6:30am to around 4:00pm. At this time, the shade from the neighboring trees block out the sun and the plant is in shaded sunlight until darkness around 6:30pm.

Temperatures: The temperatures go as high as 93 degrees outside on a bad day. The lowest temperatures are around 80 during sunrise and sunset. The nights are usually 75 degrees.

Watering: I water every 2 days. I make sure to check the soil underneath to see how moist it is before I water.

Seed: Unknown high grade bag seed.

Timeline: 1 Month

Questions: Does my plant look like a sativa or indica strain? How does my plant look in general? What kind of yield can I expect from a 5 gallon bucket given the light schedule? Also I have checked the nodes and see no sign of preflowers as yet.



New Member
They look green and healthy my only question is why are the leaves canoeing cuz that's usually the sign of a problem
They look green and healthy my only question is why are the leaves canoeing cuz that's usually the sign of a problem
Looks like a very happy plant, great job!

What @Brellie420 said - leaves are cupping a bit. My understanding is that's usually due to heat. Could also just be a trait of the strain...?
Thanks for the feedback. Unsure of what the strain is so I don't know if this is normal behavior for this plant. The pics were taken when the sun was highest so it may be the heat. Any suggestions to fix this since it is outdoors and I don't have an alternative. Also, it's the newest leaves I see curling but the older leaves are normal. Can this be the cause?