First time Growing...Any advice?

This is my first time growing in a cupboard space. I bought an all in one kit online after trying to buy lights from a local garden/DIY store. I did 3 seeds at first two of which died as i didn't have the proper lighting or soil. 1 did start to grow and is still growing although very slowly in comparison to the other two seeds i have at the moment that are 1 week younger. The younger 2 seeds have totally over taken the older plant in size, colour & leafage. I have started giving the small 4 week old plant nutrients. The 4 week old plant is darker green in colour and has no brown on the plant at all.

I bought the kush seeds from a UK based website and this particular seed is apparently a good starter seed but that's all i know as far as genetic background goes.

I am really just looking for a little advice to make sure im doing this correctly i have included pics of all my plants including the small 4 week old,

Thanks Guys x

Oh also im using 250w HPS lighting and have it positioned about 1.0m away from the plant.



Active Member
Looking good Princess , you should be looking to transplant soon. You'll be surprised how much roots the lil girls push out.. Good luck.

Happy Growing!


Active Member
they look good! you shouldn't worry you got better lighting then my first grow. i use cfls and wish i had access to a hps or even had the place to put it...just fill in the stretched stems with a bit more dirt till the line. it will help support the stem n roots will later grow at that level. how high is 1.0m again? haha sorry i forget... the closer you can get your light the better. of course if you got some good fans blowing over the sprouts to prevent burn.

but all in all i think your off to a good start!

oh and try posting up what you might want to know. you'll be surprised how much help you can get just by asking. i learned so much from here...:peace:

Dalek Supreme

Well-Known Member
HPS is not realy for veg(good for 12/12 flower) but can be done.I would go half the distance for the 4 wk old and see how it responds.Rule of thumb:hot for the back of your hand,hot for the plant.What nutes are you using?
1.00m means 1 meter in length lol :) and i have been using biobloom NPK 2.0-6.0-3.5. I also have tomato feed in the house but i havnt used it yet.

I have checked with the back of my hand and it feels ok not too hot.

The kit that i got only came with the 1 hps light to use throughout.

Thanks for the advise guys helping me out alot ;) oh yeah and thanks about the soil thing i was thinking about doing that before just wasnt sure if i would damage the plant or something xx
Oh yeah and someone told me that a good thing to do is to spray water from a mist spray bottle directly onto the leaves of the plant, something about its suppost to be like rain on the plants or something like that ?? xx


Active Member
Oh yeah and someone told me that a good thing to do is to spray water from a mist spray bottle directly onto the leaves of the plant, something about its suppost to be like rain on the plants or something like that ?? xx
Yeah thats cool but you dont want to do that under that hps , do it with the lights off. Good Luck!


Active Member
yeah definitely not around that hot bulb. spraying them is good to keep dust and bugs away is what i heard... and just be careful when putting more soil and you'll be fine. i always started my sprouts at a little over half the pot size cuz when they're young they'll stretch the first couple days to weeks then i fill em in n about up to the baby leaves and it's been doing good for me so far!


General. Advice dont over water or over feed, plants like periods of drought more than periods of flooding, less water in the soil means roots eill have to search it out, thereby increasing rootmass in turn increasing plant mass.
Try and keep a fan blowing on the seedlings to strenthen the stems and also keep air circulating around them. When using newts be sparing build up the dosage with time theres no rush and newt burn is a pain.
Try and make as much of your growroom matt white as possible white reflects light so.if the floor and walls are white light that is not immediatly absorbed by your plants will not be lost but reflected back into them.
As your light is a whole meter away maybe start dropping it by an inch every few hours or just when you check your plant the closer the better as long as its not burning.
Annnnd finally keep an eye on temps too high and your plants growth with be stunted in this early ajd. Fragile time too low and the seedlngs will die....

That was off the top of my head and im by no means an experts just a budding young grower :-) I rexon you should do a journal youl get lots of advice n guidence on there and you can help others along the way.
thanks for all the advice folks, they are looking pretty good atm.

Just one more question, They have started to produce a smell already not very strong but its a definite cannabis smell is this normal? x

bud nugbong

Well-Known Member
yea a journal to keep track of things is always important, it is nice to be able to look back and see what worked good and what didnt work out. and for me relying on memory alone is not an option. this has moslty helped me realise overfeedings.
Hi princess.., Yes, this is normal one there is nothing to worry about this. Feed them good and have a good plant in your cupboard space. Wish you all the best.
Oh give us a break man its my first time growing lol.

Its going well appart from they tend to look slightly wilted when the light just goes off its now in 12/12. When the light is off for around 3hours or so they perk right up. I have moved the lights higher and tried not to over water. Whats the reason for them wilting?? xx


also. glad its going long did you veg for n do you fancy wacking up a few pics of how the ladies look now? one of my clones keeps burning but the lights well far away. the second clones doing well and so are all the bubbas that came from seed, conditions must be a bit harsh for that particular strain. :-( train wreck and kalashnikova booming, white widow and kush hiding in the corner....