First Time Growing


Hey guys its my first time growing n everything is going good my plants are about 3ft tall n I've been budding for almost 3weeks 12/12 my question is how much longer till it starts to bud???


I'm using regular plant lights and they are about 2ft away and I'm pretty sure its a female but Idk how to upload pics off my phone to show u guys I'm only doin a small grow nothing special but for my next crop I wanna go all out but Idk wat kind to get any suggestions for indoor growing ??????


Well-Known Member
Sex should def be showin....we need more info bro is your plant lighT a fluro,Hps,mh?.......if it fluros need to move them up to just a couple inches away...


Well-Known Member
Those are fluros(guessing there tubes)....movem up close like a few inches away...that your problem there man....also herd those light are shitty.....throw im some cfls in there.

Edit: their the purple looking tube lights rite?


Well-Known Member
Im pretty sure that depends on the sure a 400w would work for 4 plants. With the lights you have no problem. I have never used hps so i think ill let someone eles give you the facts about hps....i really dont kno.


All hps (high pressure sodium) require a ballast, it is not just a matter of getting a bulb and sticking it in. There is a lot more to it than how many lights do i need per plant. If you put in an hps you are going to have a lot of heat to deal with. Read on here for a few days, read everything you can, then ask what you couldn't find as all this info is on here 1000 times.
If you "think" its a female, how do you know? Do not upload pictures from your phone odds are it has your location tagged on the picture, so we will all know where you are. Get an older digital camera take some pics and upload those.


What size is your room? do you have the ability to vent to fresh air or the attic? Do you have a dedicated breaker for the area? Are you capable of putting one in? Lets start there, then we will move on to more questions.
O and a huge one, what do you want to spend on lighting? How much power are you comfortable using?