First time, running into multiple serious issues.


Well-Known Member
Hi all,

First timer here. I've been active on the forum for about a year learning before finally putting beans in the ground. Things seem to have gone from bad to really really bad over the course of a few days. I'll explain my setup and the. My issues. Thanks for bearing with me, any and all guidance is appreciated.

5x5x80 tent in a basement. 8" exhaust and just recently added 6" intake. I added a 240w kingbright a few days ago, but there was a 480w ~4k sm301h w uv & ir until then.

Im running 3 night owl autos in Earthboxes. Galaxy Brain, CDLC, and Milk & Quookies. Direct from seed, sprouted 18 & 19 days ago. The 3rd started a week later than the rest in a smaller container waiting for transplant. DLI is about 40 and 25.

Now here's where I may have set myself up for failure. My soil was a mix of 2/3 Coast of Maine Castine blend, to which I added a little more peat, ~3g of perlite, 3g of rice hulls, and a half gallon each of EWC and COM lobster compost. Added a little bokashi, some BAS Craft Blend, and a mix of neem and karanga cake. My water is on a well, <25ppm and the ph runs ~8 without my water softener and 7.5 with.

The 2 bigher ladies were started in a hom made seed starter mix, the 3rd in a batch of COM seed starter.

I have top watered them with a total of maybe 3-4g of water, always mixed with aloe, Q, rootwise, rootwise enzymes. Sometimes with EM1. The last watering was 6 days ago and I added some powdered fish aminos and comfrey ferment. That was also my first dose of Optiveg with dry VAM on all 3.

3 or 4 days ago I topped the CDLC and did my first LST on the GB.

Now the issues. I know that I definitely have fungus gnats. I may have russet mites, may have root aphids, I may have thrips. And I saw some wiggly white larvae under the microscope that was... a little disturbing to say the least. The wifi microscope arrived a couple days ago amd I havent had te to take good enough photos ID anything other than Hypoaspis Miles. I hope... Also my phone won't upload videos to RUI, I need to figure out how.

I should have started a preventive IPM from the get go, but I started as soon as I noticed anything. Yellow traps. Started with neem/ agsil day 1 (of the ipm ). Homade EM5 with added essential oils, aloe, and Q day 2 and day 4. DR. Zymes at 2/3 fl oz per 30 oz days 3 and 5.

Less fungus gnats, but now everything looks like this. The past couple days have gotten worse and worse. I thought i had burned the leaves with the foliar spray, but now new growth is looking curled and lighter, the CDLC almost yellow.

So now I don'teven know where to start. Did I fuck myself before I even began?

Any help and guidance would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance!


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Some more bugs


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I'd try baking soda lightly sprinkled as a top dressing or mixed as a foliar spray if I were trying to keep it organic. Neem oil can work well depending on how you feel about that. Not even kidding about the baking soda though, I've had real success especially against fungus gnats on the soil.
I'd try baking soda lightly sprinkled as a top dressing or mixed as a foliar spray if I were trying to keep it organic. Neem oil can work well depending on how you feel about that. Not even kidding about the baking soda though, I've had real success especially against fungus gnats on the soil.

Right on, thanks. The fungas gnats are the least of my problems, they seem to be under control, and not causing this weird discoloration ^.
Anyone know whys the old leaves are spotting and new growth curled, spindly, and slightly discolored?
I can’t reverse engineer your soil but I’ve never even heard of some of those additives let alone needed to use them
I think I discovered my culprit. I have two outside spigots. The one I have been using for water is on my freaken water softner... that combined with a little heat/light stress... starting to bounce back after some water sans salt and some optiveg.