Hi all,
First timer here. I've been active on the forum for about a year learning before finally putting beans in the ground. Things seem to have gone from bad to really really bad over the course of a few days. I'll explain my setup and the. My issues. Thanks for bearing with me, any and all guidance is appreciated.
5x5x80 tent in a basement. 8" exhaust and just recently added 6" intake. I added a 240w kingbright a few days ago, but there was a 480w ~4k sm301h w uv & ir until then.
Im running 3 night owl autos in Earthboxes. Galaxy Brain, CDLC, and Milk & Quookies. Direct from seed, sprouted 18 & 19 days ago. The 3rd started a week later than the rest in a smaller container waiting for transplant. DLI is about 40 and 25.
Now here's where I may have set myself up for failure. My soil was a mix of 2/3 Coast of Maine Castine blend, to which I added a little more peat, ~3g of perlite, 3g of rice hulls, and a half gallon each of EWC and COM lobster compost. Added a little bokashi, some BAS Craft Blend, and a mix of neem and karanga cake. My water is on a well, <25ppm and the ph runs ~8 without my water softener and 7.5 with.
The 2 bigher ladies were started in a hom made seed starter mix, the 3rd in a batch of COM seed starter.
I have top watered them with a total of maybe 3-4g of water, always mixed with aloe, Q, rootwise, rootwise enzymes. Sometimes with EM1. The last watering was 6 days ago and I added some powdered fish aminos and comfrey ferment. That was also my first dose of Optiveg with dry VAM on all 3.
3 or 4 days ago I topped the CDLC and did my first LST on the GB.
Now the issues. I know that I definitely have fungus gnats. I may have russet mites, may have root aphids, I may have thrips. And I saw some wiggly white larvae under the microscope that was... a little disturbing to say the least. The wifi microscope arrived a couple days ago amd I havent had te to take good enough photos ID anything other than Hypoaspis Miles. I hope... Also my phone won't upload videos to RUI, I need to figure out how.
I should have started a preventive IPM from the get go, but I started as soon as I noticed anything. Yellow traps. Started with neem/ agsil day 1 (of the ipm ). Homade EM5 with added essential oils, aloe, and Q day 2 and day 4. DR. Zymes at 2/3 fl oz per 30 oz days 3 and 5.
Less fungus gnats, but now everything looks like this. The past couple days have gotten worse and worse. I thought i had burned the leaves with the foliar spray, but now new growth is looking curled and lighter, the CDLC almost yellow.
So now I don'teven know where to start. Did I fuck myself before I even began?
Any help and guidance would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance!
First timer here. I've been active on the forum for about a year learning before finally putting beans in the ground. Things seem to have gone from bad to really really bad over the course of a few days. I'll explain my setup and the. My issues. Thanks for bearing with me, any and all guidance is appreciated.
5x5x80 tent in a basement. 8" exhaust and just recently added 6" intake. I added a 240w kingbright a few days ago, but there was a 480w ~4k sm301h w uv & ir until then.
Im running 3 night owl autos in Earthboxes. Galaxy Brain, CDLC, and Milk & Quookies. Direct from seed, sprouted 18 & 19 days ago. The 3rd started a week later than the rest in a smaller container waiting for transplant. DLI is about 40 and 25.
Now here's where I may have set myself up for failure. My soil was a mix of 2/3 Coast of Maine Castine blend, to which I added a little more peat, ~3g of perlite, 3g of rice hulls, and a half gallon each of EWC and COM lobster compost. Added a little bokashi, some BAS Craft Blend, and a mix of neem and karanga cake. My water is on a well, <25ppm and the ph runs ~8 without my water softener and 7.5 with.
The 2 bigher ladies were started in a hom made seed starter mix, the 3rd in a batch of COM seed starter.
I have top watered them with a total of maybe 3-4g of water, always mixed with aloe, Q, rootwise, rootwise enzymes. Sometimes with EM1. The last watering was 6 days ago and I added some powdered fish aminos and comfrey ferment. That was also my first dose of Optiveg with dry VAM on all 3.
3 or 4 days ago I topped the CDLC and did my first LST on the GB.
Now the issues. I know that I definitely have fungus gnats. I may have russet mites, may have root aphids, I may have thrips. And I saw some wiggly white larvae under the microscope that was... a little disturbing to say the least. The wifi microscope arrived a couple days ago amd I havent had te to take good enough photos ID anything other than Hypoaspis Miles. I hope... Also my phone won't upload videos to RUI, I need to figure out how.
I should have started a preventive IPM from the get go, but I started as soon as I noticed anything. Yellow traps. Started with neem/ agsil day 1 (of the ipm ). Homade EM5 with added essential oils, aloe, and Q day 2 and day 4. DR. Zymes at 2/3 fl oz per 30 oz days 3 and 5.
Less fungus gnats, but now everything looks like this. The past couple days have gotten worse and worse. I thought i had burned the leaves with the foliar spray, but now new growth is looking curled and lighter, the CDLC almost yellow.
So now I don'teven know where to start. Did I fuck myself before I even began?
Any help and guidance would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance!
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