first time


Active Member
hi i see that i have to buy a florescent bulbs for the first weeks but how much watts the florescent will need to have :confused:
try 250w, i dont grow indoors but from what iv heard thats good for the vegitation stage/ sorry if im no help lol
Welcome to the forum Vato. You might get a few different answers to your question. I would suggest that you read afew grow journals that folks have posted in this forum. Try to pick a couple that started a couple of months ago or more. That way you will see some of the things others have gone through in deciding about lights and a few pther things. VV
Theres two types of lights that are generally used for vegetative growth. Flourescents and MH bulbs.

If you only want to grow one plant and dont have a whole lot of cash to be spending on the lights go with Compact Flourescents (CFLs). These are the energy saving bulbs you can buy at wal-mart that are spiral and only cost about $8 for three of them. These are 24w bulbs. If youve got a little more cash get the bigger ones. Three 24 watt bulbs are plenty for about the first 1 1/2 months of the plants life. Once it gets bigger you may want to get a few more. You can also buy light sockets and the cords to plug them into the wall at walmart. they are in the hardware section.

If you have plenty of cash, want to grow more than one plant, and want to grow primo bud, MH is the way to go. These are rather expensive because they have to be hooked into a ballist. The ballist is what costs a lot. I suggest buying the MH/HPS conversion setup. HPS is the light used when flowering. This way you dont have to buy a whole new light when you need to flower. They cost around $200. You can find them on eBAY.

The MH will grow the plants faster and stronger than the CFLs can. But the CFLs can do the job if you're just growing for yourself.
Soo... kid, when you use that same light fixture to flower your plants that you used for vegging, what do you recommend he use for vegging/cloning? VV
For cloning i suggest getting a medium sturdy box and building a small seperate unit with cfls. For vegging, if you're wanting to grow in all stages at the same time then you will probably need to get 2 seperate lights and another room. Once you start flowering you have to keep the plant in complete darkness for 12 hrs so if you want to flower your mature plants and put new plants in to veg. then you will need a whole seperate setup. You can use the same room if its big enough but you will have to seperate it from the flowering side and make sure there are no light leaks coming in from the veg side.
hi im growing for the 1st time as its really hot here in the uk for now im growning indoors and out in a pot i have just got he seeds in the pot after waiting for them to get ready for days now i need some help with all this:
how much water should i give them each day?
do i need them under a light when the sun goes away?
my mums bf has just done 3 plants and they are going very well about 5 inchs?
if anyone can help me can u e-mail me [email protected]
^^^^ look around this site theres loads of info about all types of growing, though if your mom knows why not stay indoors?
hi and thanks for your replys. i was looking on ebay and i think im going to buy hps/mh and the ballast for good fonction of my lamps. im going to use mh for vegetating and hps for floweing but for the first 2-3 weeks when the seeds are juste going to grown i read that is too much a mh light so im going to put a fluorescent bulb but how much watts and how many ? :-|
Depends on how many plants you are going to put in. A good thread to look at a setup of a cloning/ vegging area would be in Al B Fucts thread, How to get a harvest every two weeks. He has a nice picture in there of what he uses. I think its a 2' flouresecent fixture but don't qoute me on that. VV