First timer and using bubbleponic


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Active Member
Not necessarily nodes. What you will be looking for is alternating leaves. They usually grow right across from each other but then all of a sudden they start alternating and that is a sign of physical maturity of the plant. Usually happens for mine somewhere between week 4 and week 6 but it is strain dependant.

Do you have any height restriction. Keep in mind that as soon as you go 12/12 you will see a growth spurt and the plant will grow anywhere from 2x to 3x the height of the vegetative growth.

Having said that, you can go to 12/12 anytime you wish but a larger more mature plant can support more bud.
3' would be THE TALLEST I could go 2.5' probably better


New Member
Then when the get to about 1' tall we need to decide. I have had pretty much the same height restrictions. First grow with my strain (LSD)the went from 14-16" to 34" so on the last grow I went 12/12 at 10-12" and they stopped about 28". The growth goes big time in the first 3-4 weeks of flower and they stop growing vertically and start concentrating on bud development after that. There is something called auxins inside the plant that triggers these reaction.


Active Member
Then when the get to about 1' tall we need to decide. I have had pretty much the same height restrictions. First grow with my strain (LSD)the went from 14-16" to 34" so on the last grow I went 12/12 at 10-12" and they stopped about 28". The growth goes big time in the first 3-4 weeks of flower and they stop growing vertically and start concentrating on bud development after that. There is something called auxins inside the plant that triggers these reaction.
From what NickBBad told me, 1' was about the time to switch for my space. About how many days does it take to get to 1' (ballpark)?


New Member
Im not doing the orange bud anymore the clones I got had spidermites :shock::cuss: so I tossed those I didn't want them getting anywhere near my room. But I should be getting some of the weed from the mother at the end of the season so that will be nice :mrgreen:


New Member
I don't know if I told you yet what Im going to be doing next round but if I haven't here is the list.
OG Kush #18
Purple Wreck
I also may buy this it just sounds great
oh yeah I also got
Jack the Ripper
coming in the mail
Nice Nick! I have the Purple Wreck in hand and also recently received my Sannie Jack which has the Ripper in there. At some point I'm going to cross breed for seed. Yeah Madonna goes sound yummy! So many strains , so little time! Peace!


New Member

I've grown the BC but it was steamrollered by my LSD. Probably me. I know that BC doesn't like high nutes but the LSD does and I had to make a decision. The SH nutes should be perfect for the BC as I feel it is designed for working with CFL's and can be dose adjusted to handle the nute hogs.

Om the maturity question and height I looked over the the info from Attitude and with that sative influence in the Cheisel. I would probably suggest the same as Nick and fire them when it gets to 1' How long that takes is up to a lot of variables. Judgeing from my BC grow I would say we are talking at about week 4 or so but rememeber that depends. LOL!


Active Member
Day 13 - all looks good. added the last 1/4 strength solution before water change on Monday. Reading Roseman's thread on topping, what does everyone think?


Active Member
Day 15 - I topped 4/6 girls last night. Today I changed the water and gave the roots an airbath. I added 1/2 strength nutes and will add the rest wednesday.


New Member
Are you planning on getting more lights and if so have you figured out how many cfl's you'll need to get the ideal amount of light for the size your plants are going to take up at the end? And the price it will cost you? I just don't want you growing bush's and not having enough light for them.