fish tanks show off what you got?


Well-Known Member
This is my only active tank, although I have several others in storage. It is a 55 gal fresh. Half the fish are over 5 years old. Have a few Gouamis, Danios, a cichlid, two types of catfish, a tiger barb, and a eichor. Now if i want fish, it has to be bigger than the eichor's mouth, lol. I have mostly cheap fish, most expensive is a Turkish Blue Catfish. I live in a smallish house so space is limited. I would love to go to about a 150 gal tank someday. Salt would be great but not sure if i want the extra maintenance.
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Well-Known Member
Few more with the light on full daylight ( still only 45 percent of the led brightness, gotta love LEDs!)
I like the leds but wonder how much they hamper my plant growth?
I have marinland hoods and they have pretty cheap leds. All of the expensive ones I have seen are designed for salt and sit above the tank. If i did that, I'd have several dead fish as they like to jump on occasion. I did recently start adding Excel Flourish to help them.
Ever seen good ones in a full hood?


Well-Known Member
have not looked in a while because i have what i want, they are not hard to diy wish i would have done that myself. as far as growth i would imagine it would be better than floro lighting, i have seen increased growth in my corals with led light, and im running probably 1/4 the power i was running with t5. your going to have to make your own hood if you want the tank covered, they need at lease 8 inches over the tank to have a good spread.