
Must be the German in me. Onions, kraut, mustard and ground meat. Vinegar and spice over power most anything. Blood pudding yes. Have yet to encounter hagus.
Real Hagus illegal here still , l think. Had a romance with it when working in Scotland. I got 287 different types of mustard in fridge. How bout pigs feet...yum-yum,sweet and oh so tender. I'm very stoned or hungry.
Real Hagus illegal here still , l think. Had a romance with it when working in Scotland. I got 287 different types of mustard in fridge. How bout pigs feet...yum-yum,sweet and oh so tender. I'm very stoned or hungry.
Tooo much gnawing and grease. Smoked and braised if alone. Prefer as a seasoning.
My wife used to do convenience store work. Part of it was fishing out pig feet when a customer wanted one. Big jugs of them and pickled eggs were sitting on the checkout counter.
My dad gnawed those pickle horror props. Tasted good. Never got past the look. The eggs in the old school bars were for bar bets. And it was worth every penny to watch the drunken fool get dumb.

And let's not forget pickled or creamed herring. No way. LOL.

Here is serious good food. "King Oyster" mushrooms.
I didn't get an
My wife used to do convenience store work. Part of it was fishing out pig feet when a customer wanted one. Big jugs of them and pickled eggs were sitting on the checkout counter.


My dad gnawed those pickle horror props. Tasted good. Never got past the look. The eggs in the old school bars were for bar bets. And it was worth every penny to watch the drunken fool get dumb.

And let's not forget pickled or creamed herring. No way. LOL.

Here is serious good food. "King Oyster" mushrooms.
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I buy those often at the Asian markets. Some people refer to them as vegan scallops when sliced into rounds.
I didn't get an


I buy those often at the Asian markets. Some people refer to them as vegan scallops when sliced into rounds.
You know the origin and age of yours. I'd eat that. The ones in the bars were bluish/grey/green with a runny yolk. I'm gagging. TY.
My dad gnawed those pickle horror props. Tasted good. Never got past the look. The eggs in the old school bars were for bar bets. And it was worth every penny to watch the drunken fool get dumb.

And let's not forget pickled or creamed herring. No way. LOL.

Here is serious good food. "King Oyster" mushrooms.
View attachment 4926255
Creamed herring with onions.....yikes!.......yum f'ing yum....not fair dude.
My grandfather ran a butcher shop , they could roll out the organ mashes......liverwurst was my favorite. He made " thuringer" which I loved...never see it anywhere.
My Italian grandfather made Liver paste. My god was it good. He never shared the recipe. All other liver is sub standard to me now. TY for reminding me of that loss. Loved that guy.