Five Eyes

Curious how an international lightweight like NZ (no offense) came to be one of the five eyes. In WW2 they were practically irrelevant.
Hmmm....some minutes of googling doesn't turn up an answer, beyond they were the other English speaking country in the S. Pacific during WW2. The US relied on them for resupply and other non combat operations. Australia was, by far, the bigger contributer to US efforts against Japan. I wonder if the UK insisted their "other" territory be included?
I think it was because they started every meeting like this:
Because they are one of the only 5 countries in the world that share language, democracy and are related by blood to britain.
Yeah, some further research suggests the US attempted to resume the pre war reality of British Empire, not understanding WW2 had doomed the UK to simple first world status. Canada, Australia and NZ being so strictly aligned with the Royal famity clearly drove some post war decision making.
Australia, NZ, a freshly reclaimed Singapore, India, South Africa, the UK, Canada and the US made a nice ring around the globe in the days before instant worldwide communication.