Florida is set to arm teachers

Should teachers have weapons in their classrooms?

  • Yes

    Votes: 6 21.4%
  • No

    Votes: 22 78.6%

  • Total voters
Stopped??? Two students were shot. SO I guess it was stopped...after two were shot.
We also already have school resource officers at schools, so what the fuck is your point ? It was not a teacher, but an officer
Stopped??? Two students were shot. SO I guess it was stopped...after two were shot.
We also already have school resource officers at schools, so what the fuck is your point ? It was not a teacher, but an officer
Nice dumb liberal talking point maybe he should the took up a position outside and waited the 7 to 8 minutes for the police to arrive you go keep defending the total media bias on this one liberal sheep.
Nice dumb liberal talking point maybe he should the took up a position outside and waited the 7 to 8 minutes for the police to arrive you go keep defending the total media bias on this one liberal sheep.
No the resource officer did what he suppose to do. Teachers are paid to teach, not shoot. Please read title of thread so you can stay on point. Arming teachers NO. Having a resource office that does his fucking job YES
Let's review:

The US has many times more gun homicides than any other developed nation.
All other developed nations have effective gun control laws
The US does not have effective gun control laws.
70% of the people in the US support enacting stricter gun control laws
People who support loose gun regulations will lose to the super majority who see how well gun control laws in other nations have worked.

Any questions?
There is no confirmation about the accuracy of this hypothesis of a link between video violence and real violence
No there isnt, but there is between video violence and desensitization to violence.

And we are back to the start. I will quote you what I said, as you have seem to have forgotten again. "watching violent films and playing violent video games DESENSITIZES people to violence". You did not read my post, you thought you knew what I was talking about, and got it all wrong.

Now you are to embarrassed to admit that, and are just being painfully ignorant in the hope I will just go away and leave you alone.

Again your deliberate or not, inability to comprehend English Language or your realm of fantasy is confusing you. I said, please don't include me in your fantasy, that the word desensitize, means the same thing as violence, but here we are again.

You keep swapping in your mind the word desensitize for violence.

The word Violence in the dictionary.
noun: violence
  1. behavior involving physical force intended to hurt, damage, or kill someone or something.
    synonyms: brutality, brute force, ferocity, savagery, cruelty, sadism, barbarity, brutishness More
    "violence against women"
    forcefulness, force, power, strength, might, savagery, ferocity, brutality
    "the violence of the blow"
    • strength of emotion or an unpleasant or destructive natural force.
      "the violence of her own feelings"
      synonyms: intensity, severity, strength, force, vehemence, power, potency, fervency, ferocity, fury, fire
      "the violence of his passion"
    • Law the unlawful exercise of physical force or intimidation by the exhibition of such force.

  2. The word Desensitize in the dictionary.
    verb: desensitize; 3rd person present: desensitizes; past tense: desensitized; past participle: desensitized; gerund or present participle: desensitizing; verb: desensitise; 3rd person present: desensitises; past tense: desensitised; past participle: desensitised; gerund or present participle: desensitising
    1. make less sensitive.
      "creams to desensitize the skin at the site of the injection"
      • make (someone) less likely to feel shock or distress at scenes of cruelty, violence, or suffering by overexposure to such images.
        "people who view such movies become desensitized to violence"
      • free (someone) from a phobia or neurosis by gradually exposing the person to the thing that is feared

The dictionary even uses what I said, as an example, and you still deny it in your mind, if that is not a conflict with reality, then I don't know what is. Perhaps you think the dictionary is another red smelly fish as well.

The last line of the dictionary example is "free (someone) from a phobia or neurosis by gradually exposing the person to the thing that is feared" your obvious neurosis to anyone let alone a qualified person is a fear of making mistakes and not being perfect.

So I am going to try and help you here, by desensitizing you to your failure, and help you to accept it, by constantly exposing you to it until it sinks in, and I wont even charge you a fee (:
No there isnt, but there is between video violence and desensitization to violence.

And we are back to the start. I will quote you what I said, as you have seem to have forgotten again. "watching violent films and playing violent video games DESENSITIZES people to violence". You did not read my post, you thought you knew what I was talking about, and got it all wrong.

Now you are to embarrassed to admit that, and are just being painfully ignorant in the hope I will just go away and leave you alone.

Again your deliberate or not, inability to comprehend English Language or your realm of fantasy is confusing you. I said, please don't include me in your fantasy, that the word desensitize, means the same thing as violence, but here we are again.

You keep swapping in your mind the word desensitize for violence.

The word Violence in the dictionary.
noun: violence
  1. behavior involving physical force intended to hurt, damage, or kill someone or something.
    synonyms: brutality, brute force, ferocity, savagery, cruelty, sadism, barbarity, brutishness More
    "violence against women"
    forcefulness, force, power, strength, might, savagery, ferocity, brutality
    "the violence of the blow"
    • strength of emotion or an unpleasant or destructive natural force.
      "the violence of her own feelings"
      synonyms: intensity, severity, strength, force, vehemence, power, potency, fervency, ferocity, fury, fire
      "the violence of his passion"
    • Law the unlawful exercise of physical force or intimidation by the exhibition of such force.

  2. The word Desensitize in the dictionary.
    verb: desensitize; 3rd person present: desensitizes; past tense: desensitized; past participle: desensitized; gerund or present participle: desensitizing; verb: desensitise; 3rd person present: desensitises; past tense: desensitised; past participle: desensitised; gerund or present participle: desensitising
    1. make less sensitive.
      "creams to desensitize the skin at the site of the injection"
      • make (someone) less likely to feel shock or distress at scenes of cruelty, violence, or suffering by overexposure to such images.
        "people who view such movies become desensitized to violence"
      • free (someone) from a phobia or neurosis by gradually exposing the person to the thing that is feared

The dictionary even uses what I said, as an example, and you still deny it in your mind, if that is not a conflict with reality, then I don't know what is. Perhaps you think the dictionary is another red smelly fish as well.

The last line of the dictionary example is "free (someone) from a phobia or neurosis by gradually exposing the person to the thing that is feared" your obvious neurosis to anyone let alone a qualified person is a fear of making mistakes and not being perfect.

So I am going to try and help you here, by desensitizing you to your failure, and help you to accept it, by constantly exposing you to it until it sinks in, and I wont even charge you a fee (:
Oh, you again.


There is no confirmatory evidence linking video game violence to the US's high rate of gun homicides.

You may now reply with another long winded meaningless and academic discussion on this that I will also not read. Not because it's not interesting. Ok, so I do find it uninteresting.
There is no confirmatory evidence linking video game violence to the US's high rate of gun homicides

Again Bogdog, you are commenting on what you believe I said, and not the mistake you made, involving what I actually said, to hide your inability to take responsibility, for your mistake.

Its OK to make mistakes, that's how we learn, the people who make the most mistakes learn the most, but to keep repeating the same mistake is not healthy. I believe this saying is attributed to Einstein but its not 100 % certain, "Insanity is repeating the same mistakes and expecting different results". If you wish to plead insanity, you will have to retract your statement, about what you believe was my diagnosis, of you being borderline psychotic :)

You may now reply with another long winded meaningless and academic discussion on this that I will also not read. Not because it's not interesting. Ok, so I do find it uninteresting.

LMAO, when that email pops up in your inbox folder, saying "Amazon Blaze quoted you", you will read this, you might not reply, to this, and not because its not interesting to you. It will be because you have no argument, for what is your blatant mistake, other than to make yourself look more foolish than you already have done.

Most emotionally mature people, would just say, my bad, I miss understood your post. That is obviously just to hard, for your fragile ego to manage.
Again Bogdog, you are commenting on what you believe I said, and not the mistake you made, involving what I actually said, to hide your inability to take responsibility, for your mistake.

Its OK to make mistakes, that's how we learn, the people who make the most mistakes learn the most, but to keep repeating the same mistake is not healthy. I believe this saying is attributed to Einstein but its not 100 % certain, "Insanity is repeating the same mistakes and expecting different results". If you wish to plead insanity, you will have to retract your statement, about what you believe was my diagnosis, of you being borderline psychotic :)

LMAO, when that email pops up in your inbox folder, saying "Amazon Blaze quoted you", you will read this, you might not reply, to this, and not because its not interesting to you. It will be because you have no argument, for what is your blatant mistake, other than to make yourself look more foolish than you already have done.

Most emotionally mature people, would just say, my bad, I miss understood your post. That is obviously just to hard, for your fragile ego to manage.
May I use this as an example in my "Can the alt-right be cured?" thread?