Flowering nutes/ ph up

That's like telling me to throw a blindfold on a go drive!! Haha not really, but it feels like it.
Today's feeding day I guess!

Its a simple concept, fertilizer soil, works the world over zero fuss ph ppm or anything.

Stop reading marijuana advice you'll grow better, the soil ph's stuff not you, a gazillion bacteria are what you rely on and not ph up and down.

I use one bottle, cheap soil and thats it start to finish, learn this before anything :-)
So I fed them bloom for the first time a little bit ago.
I checked the ph and it was about 4.8 but I took everyone's advice and ignored it.
And honestly within 20 minutes they all started drooping, 1 in particular very much.
I'm not sure if that's normal or possible to be from ph being off, or anything? For that to happen that quick?
Maybe they needed to be watered and just started displaying drooping during their watering?
Any help anyone?
Bloom fert at a little less than half dose. 0-3-2, and a tiny bit of fish fertalizer at 1/4th, 5-0-0.​


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So I fed them bloom for the first time a little bit ago.
I checked the ph and it was about 4.8 but I took everyone's advice and ignored it.
And honestly within 20 minutes they all started drooping, 1 in particular very much.
I'm not sure if that's normal or possible to be from ph being off, or anything? For that to happen that quick?
Maybe they needed to be watered and just started displaying drooping during their watering?
Any help anyone?
Bloom fert at a little less than half dose. 0-3-2, and a tiny bit of fish fertalizer at 1/4th, 5-0-0.​

we can mix it up now

Walk me through this you have a ph meter and the water off the tap, one gallon is at a ph of 7.7 and this is in a clean container.

when you get that water in a gallon post a pic of the nutrients label so I can read it
So I fed them bloom for the first time a little bit ago.
I checked the ph and it was about 4.8 but I took everyone's advice and ignored it.
And honestly within 20 minutes they all started drooping, 1 in particular very much.
I'm not sure if that's normal or possible to be from ph being off, or anything? For that to happen that quick?
Maybe they needed to be watered and just started displaying drooping during their watering?
Any help anyone?
Bloom fert at a little less than half dose. 0-3-2, and a tiny bit of fish fertalizer at 1/4th, 5-0-0.​

post both labels
It ranges from about 7.7- and somedays is as high as 8.
Yes clean container, I clean after every use.
Adding nutes at about half dose usually lowers the ph down to between 4-5.

I read quite a few things saying its normally for plants to droop slightly after watering depending on strain. And i notice it quite often for a few hours after watering, but I've never seen it to any severity that it would worry me until now.
(I dropped my ph meter in the water seconds after phing the feed hahaa fuck)


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Yeah I cant ph my water now I dropped the meter in the water lol.
Hopefully it dries out works but I doubt it, and wouldn't trust it after.
Gonna have to order a new one I guess lol.
But the water was 7.9 about 30 mins ago when I tested it.
So I fed them bloom for the first time a little bit ago.
I checked the ph and it was about 4.8 but I took everyone's advice and ignored it.
And honestly within 20 minutes they all started drooping, 1 in particular very much.
I'm not sure if that's normal or possible to be from ph being off, or anything? For that to happen that quick?
Maybe they needed to be watered and just started displaying drooping during their watering?
Any help anyone?
Bloom fert at a little less than half dose. 0-3-2, and a tiny bit of fish fertalizer at 1/4th, 5-0-0.​

meter still work??
you stated above you added a half dose of 0/3/2 at waht amount is that and to how many gallons is that ??

and 1/4 fish what amount is that
Yeah I cant ph my water now I dropped the meter in the water lol.
Hopefully it dries out works but I doubt it, and wouldn't trust it after.
Gonna have to order a new one I guess lol.
But the water was 7.9 about 30 mins ago when I tested it.

take batteries out and let it dry put some air on it
Yeah I cant ph my water now I dropped the meter in the water lol.
Hopefully it dries out works but I doubt it, and wouldn't trust it after.
Gonna have to order a new one I guess lol.
But the water was 7.9 about 30 mins ago when I tested it.

if it dries out and the water you have in the gallon reads 7.9 or so its still accurate as it ever was
It ranges from about 7.7- and somedays is as high as 8.
Yes clean container, I clean after every use.
Adding nutes at about half dose usually lowers the ph down to between 4-5.

I read quite a few things saying its normally for plants to droop slightly after watering depending on strain. And i notice it quite often for a few hours after watering, but I've never seen it to any severity that it would worry me until now.
(I dropped my ph meter in the water seconds after phing the feed hahaa fuck)

I want to see the dosage part of the label
It ranges from about 7.7- and somedays is as high as 8.
Yes clean container, I clean after every use.
Adding nutes at about half dose usually lowers the ph down to between 4-5.

I read quite a few things saying its normally for plants to droop slightly after watering depending on strain. And i notice it quite often for a few hours after watering, but I've never seen it to any severity that it would worry me until now.
(I dropped my ph meter in the water seconds after phing the feed hahaa fuck)

What dosage did you give it of the 0/3/2?? to how many gallons?

What I was going to have you do is make up 1 gal and ph it before and after you add the half dose at the same rate you did earlier. and have you post those ph numbers then add the fish and post those ph numbers. mix it up hell of crazy between readings.

Its weird that it drops so much.

get the liquid ph drops since you need them now, ph drops dont break

and on a different note something to think about but I read that mixing coco and soil together isnt that great of an idea, something to read up on
Recommended dose is about 1tsp per quart for both.
Out of 2 gallons of water I gave them, 3tsp of the 0-3-2, which is way less than recommended.
Would be almost 8 tsp recommended. Which I can't imagine how low that would drop the ph. The stuff is almost stronger than my ph down lol
And yeah I've read a couple different opinions on the coco soil mix. I dont think it's something I'd choose again. It's doing fine and all, I just think I'd be better off with plain soil and a higher ratio of perlite
Recommended dose is about 1tsp per quart for both.
Out of 2 gallons of water I gave them, 3tsp of the 0-3-2, which is way less than recommended.
Would be almost 8 tsp recommended. Which I can't imagine how low that would drop the ph. The stuff is almost stronger than my ph down lol

right on all i can say is once you get back with the meter or the drops is to ph everything before and after to figure out what is causing it. post back the results if you do.

get the drops no worries no breakage cheaper always accurate. Then get a ph probe.
That's true, I'll have to order some cause none of the stores carry them around here for some reason.
And they all perked back up within a few hours. Looking more lively than ever. I guess that's just their thing. Droop a little or a lot after watering and then perk up within a couple hours idk lol.
As long as their happy I'm happy. No more worries here. Thanks for the help man!
A little more than a week of stretch left, then here comes the budssss
So I fed them bloom for the first time a little bit ago.
I checked the ph and it was about 4.8 but I took everyone's advice and ignored it.
And honestly within 20 minutes they all started drooping, 1 in particular very much.
I'm not sure if that's normal or possible to be from ph being off, or anything? For that to happen that quick?
Maybe they needed to be watered and just started displaying drooping during their watering?
Any help anyone?
Bloom fert at a little less than half dose. 0-3-2, and a tiny bit of fish fertalizer at 1/4th, 5-0-0.​

No the wilt was not from ph but from bad practice/growing.

This the first thing youve said that makes you sound likecyour getting it.

Bad practice/growing? How is that then?
Drooping slightly for max of 3 hours from being watered is bad growing practice? Maybe I just should quit watering them. Would that be a better growing practice?
Bad practice/growing? How is that then?
Drooping slightly for max of 3 hours from being watered is bad growing practice? Maybe I just should quit watering them. Would that be a better growing practice?

I think he means bad practice from worring about or checking ph in a soil grow cuz if you have a healthy microbe population working for you you dont ever need to check the ph as the microbes take care of that for you.

I myself think you should water in at a ph of 6.5 and then let the microbes take over.
and checking ph in your runoff is like the most useless piece of information you could try to get.
Oh maybe you're correct.
But yeah I've read soo many different things saying to ph water, and lots saying not to, and everyone swearing by the way they do it, so by the sounds of it, it comes down to mostly preference.
And yeah everyone makes a big deal about the ph of your run off, and I can understand a little but it doesnt say much.
If i watered my plants with water that had a ph of like 10, I'm sure my runoff is going to be pretty damn high. Runoff is gonna be different depending on the ph you put it. But if it's the same everytime, and your runoff is way off I could understand that displaying some possible issues