Flowering nutes/ ph up

Bad practice/growing? How is that then?
Drooping slightly for max of 3 hours from being watered is bad growing practice? Maybe I just should quit watering them. Would that be a better growing practice?

The advice on ph for soil growing is there, make of it what you will but we dont ph and especially not organics so please dont advise otherwise.

Topics covered worth a read - soils cation exchange capacity, strong and weak acids buffers bases, waters ionization constant, how commercial farmers manage ph, carbonic acid :-)
Bad practice/growing? How is that then?
Drooping slightly for max of 3 hours from being watered is bad growing practice? Maybe I just should quit watering them. Would that be a better growing practice?

Why are you getting so defensive? People are just trying to help you out and everything that has been said seems to offend you. Jeez man lighten up a bit! If you come here and ask for help expect some criticism, especially being new as you said you are. Things are not said to offend you but to help you. With out criticism you're going to learn nothing! It's as if you ask a question and dont like the answer givin and you bug out. Relax take a breath and remember no one is here bashing you we are only trying to help you! Tap water will fluctuate depending on where you live, its something that you need to work out. That's why I suggested you get a water report. You could also just go buy spring water, it's really cheap. About 2.50 for 5 gallons. I also told you to stop worrying about ph you're in soil you're driving your self crazy over nothing! Seems like you want advice but dont want to take it. Maybe you have things figured out and dont need anyone's help then. So with that I'm done, in the future do not ask for help then ignore what people are saying or get offended by what is said. After a while no one us going to help you and that would really suck! One last thing, let the water run through your faucet for at least 10 minutes before you gather your water. I bet you will see different results. You cant expect your water to come out at 7 when it's been sitting in the pipes for a few hours! Again, you're phing organic nutrients. This is doing nothing for your plant. The ph solution is killing your nutes. Basically your just feeding your plant acid and water at that point and it is going to kill your plants. You also need to research your strains to see what they like. Different strains like different things! Good luck and happy grows.
Well thanks. And I wasnt really being defensive, I was more so just asking a question.
And i took the advise so I dont understand where at all i took the advice, didnt like it, and bugged out.
I mean yeah, I freaked out when I thought there may be something wrong (which I do every time I think something is wrong) haha.
But anyways, I do appreciate the advice and all the help guys.
Things are going smooth, and hopefully continue that way!
Well thanks. And I wasnt really being defensive, I was more so just asking a question.
And i took the advise so I dont understand where at all i took the advice, didnt like it, and bugged out.
I mean yeah, I freaked out when I thought there may be something wrong (which I do every time I think something is wrong) haha.
But anyways, I do appreciate the advice and all the help guys.
Things are going smooth, and hopefully continue that way!

I think we get a lot of bad advice posted and want to reiterate the good.

Ph, runoff, flushing, calmag all to easy for a new grower to read and believe. Stuff like this will make you think the plant needs some magic formula when in reality a simple soil and complete fert will do the job just like with tomatos or lettuce or any other plant.

Keep it simple and complete many grows :-)
Sometimes it's just a plain hoot to sit back and watch....

Guess I'll add a cpl of points to ponder.....wtf right?

By simply watering with that pH of 4 solution. IF you don't allow that soil to properly dry back out between watering's.....
You very well could start to get a pH problem...

If you want to throw money at the problem and not worry.....Spend on organic pH products.

As far as Up's or Downs wrecking organic nutrients...... Not really more so then synthetic nutrients and pHing does.
Up it if you like.
Personally speaking. A pH value of 4.0,,is pretty low for me.....I might up that to mid 5's and let the soil do the rest from there.

Things is, keeping a good living bio heard is important to not adjusting pH values and simply pouring it in. If, you begin to get a pH problem.....I'll put dimes to dollars your bio heard is not healthy!
Over feeding and underfeeding --- does effect the heard.

It should be that you shouldn't "have to" add more. But, at about every 3 - 4 weeks is a nice idea.
I brew my own simple Bio Teas (AACT). These are watered in every month,,,,See a possible issue starting?
I'll drop some in at that time and see what the plant tells me in 5-7 days.

I like a "fungal heavy" spectrum. I have little mushies grow out of my soils as the plant grows. They continue on after harvest (till the soil really dry's out) too.
I kinda use them as an overall health of the heard indicator.....Not scientific, just something I've adopted along the way, over the years.

KIND is right! pHing run off is not an indicator of ANYTHING but, the pH of the runoff!
Skip that shit!
Sometimes it's just a plain hoot to sit back and watch....

Guess I'll add a cpl of points to ponder.....wtf right?

By simply watering with that pH of 4 solution. IF you don't allow that soil to properly dry back out between watering's.....
You very well could start to get a pH problem...

The waters and ferts potential to acidify have nothing to do with its ph in solution.

I can repeat that :-)
Hey guys, how much wind blowing on the plants would you recomend?
I have two small computer fans below the canopy on the floor on each sides, and one bigger fan connected to the roof of the tent blowing mostly upwards cause it blows pretty strong.
I want to make sure that I'm not risking mold or any other issues by not having enough airflow, but I also dont want to have too much air on them and wilt them or anything.
The waters and ferts potential to acidify have nothing to do with its ph in solution.

I can repeat that :-)

The point I made has to do with the soil staying at a low pH from simply being wet too long...... Water, soil drops in pH by around a whole point, Sometimes more, sometimes less. The soil will remain at a low pH value if it remains wet.....The potential for a pH problem is quite real, from that.

But yes, I understand your point just fine....:hug:
Hey guys, how much wind blowing on the plants would you recomend?
I have two small computer fans below the canopy on the floor on each sides, and one bigger fan connected to the roof of the tent blowing mostly upwards cause it blows pretty strong.
I want to make sure that I'm not risking mold or any other issues by not having enough airflow, but I also dont want to have too much air on them and wilt them or anything.

Wind or moving air, blowing your plant about. Is good for it. It makes them stronger....Better stem strength.

Part of "hardening"..