Flowering: Yellow Leaves - Should I be Concerned ?


Well-Known Member
Hey guys,

Only my 2nd grow, and I have never got this far yet...Plant is a Skunk Haze...Vegged her for a while and she was super healthy....

Been flowering for 32 days now, and each day lower leaves are getting more and more yellow....Though top canopy is green and healthy....

I water about once a week, and also nute her with Jack's 20-20-20...Also she gets molasses once a week with water or with jacks 1 tbl/gall.

Soil is pro-mix bx with lime added....Here's a few pics I took today...



Well-Known Member
natural, 'speacialy with weak lights like cfls.
you should pick them off as soon as they start turning yellow so they aren't shading the fresh green ones.


Well-Known Member
Looks like a start to a magnesium def, but he is right they are weak and can cause lower leaves that are shaded to yellow and eventually die.. But you might wanna do some research on magnesium/calcium issues.


Well-Known Member
Pro Mix is loaded with both as it's buffered with Dolomitte lime.

I have used promix for a LONG time and I can tell you that there isn't enough lime in there to satisfy their magnesium needs, especially if vegged for more than 10-12 days


Well-Known Member
I have used promix for a LONG time and I can tell you that there isn't enough lime in there to satisfy their magnesium needs, especially if vegged for more than 10-12 days
I vegged her for 46 days. I did add lime at the beginning - this was advice I followed from an experienced grower on here...He told me to do this so that I would not run into PH problems down the road.


Well-Known Member
Do not pick the leaves off, let them die if their gonna and if you can LIGHTLY tug the leaves and they come off then thats fine but if they don't come off very easily then I would leave them alone. That plant feeds off stored foods in the fan leaves


Well-Known Member
I vegg for 10-12 days and still add dolomite lime to my promix and STILL have to supplement with calmag with one of my strains


Well-Known Member
IMO runoff is inaccurate when testing ph, but you know what they say about opinions, their like assholes... everybody's got one and most of them stink lol


Well-Known Member
IMO runoff is inaccurate when testing ph, but you know what they say about opinions, their like assholes... everybody's got one and most of them stink lol
ph run off helps let you know what your media ph is at FYI not trying to be a dick, the plant shows it's having issues but not major. If media ph is not correct it will block essential nutes for the plant.


New Member
I can see y u say that in the 4th and 6th pic and it probably does have a lil mag problem...
but I think it is more of a N def because the whole plant is light green...
I think if he just fed it along with some epsom salts,he will be on the gravytrain...


Well-Known Member
your absolutely right.... And his problem isn't major yet but if its starved of magnesium the problem with become major very quickly. You can always add some dolomite lime to get your ph to a good level and not have to worry about it anymore


Well-Known Member
and to satisfy anyone that thinks its nitrogen then add some veg food. If you have more then one plant then add more N to one and more mag to a different one then you'll know exactly what the problem is. Good luck bro


Well-Known Member
I can see y u say that in the 4th and 6th pic and it probably does have a lil mag problem...
but I think it is more of a N def because the whole plant is light green...
I think if he just fed it along with some epsom salts,he will be on the gravytrain...

And I see where your coming from but I think the light color is caused by the light reflecting off it. I had a magnesium issue with one of my favorite strains, what is happening with his happened to my plants everytime I flowered them, tried EVERYTHING under the sun and used up almost 2 1/2 years of my life trying to figure it out. Finally before I was about to kill the mom off, I started feeding general organics calmag and havent had the problem since. And I have tried many other mag supplements but the only one that seemed to work was the GO's. I have to feed 3 teaspoons every watering of calmag along with my regular food and the eat it up like there is no tomorrow lol