No they don't. They get a lovely yellow as the plant cleans out residuals from the leaves. OP has other issue's going on from the way his leaves are cupped down and curling. A toxicity issue that was there before the flush, not because of the flush.
That's rediculous with dwc. As long as you don't trash the plant with chemical Nutes the whole run, the plant can definitely clean all of itself out and start yellowing in less that 3 days...I run DWC and flush the last 3 weeks and a minimume of 2 weeks. Straight potash for a week, clear for a week and then water for a week.
After feeding them chemicals for months our plants could never clean themselves out in a few days, and I surely don't want to be smoking it or tasting it in our products. And we run one of the cleanest nute systems on the market but it's still synthetic.
That's what is so weird,his plants looked great,nice and green, before the flush, then they got rusty and look toxic. Very strange.
Flushing simply only removes salt build up in the root zone in soil grows. The thought process that you're removing chemicals and bad/unwanted flavor from your buds is crazy talk. Where does this unwanted chmical or flavor go? Back down the stalk? Does it get evaporated off? There isnt any science behind flushing. Does feeding water the last few days/weeks remove the nutes you've been feeding the whole life cycle of the plant?? Does that make sense? A few days or weeks to fix something you've been doing for 4+months? If pushing water on your plant is supposed to rid your plant of extra nutes, where does the nutes go? Does it just up and leave your buds? Just trying to figure out the thought process of how the unwanted nutes and flavors leave your plant..maybe looking up how nutes are used and broken down on a micro level will help you determine if you have a reason/need to fush....
All great discussion so far. Personally I know all my parameters were in line such as temps, humidity, ph, ec, etc. It wasn't until I added a well recommended flushing agent that things got nasty. There are a million flushing posts on all the forums and the only clear info is that the community is split on need or effectiveness and that the only way to figure it out is personal trial and error. With that said, I'm still curious if anyone ph's to 7 to lock out the plants regardless of weather your doing a 3 or 10 day flush?
Yes your right. It is a great read article. And a big thing I like right away is how you can call advanced and be like hey I'm growing train wreck with this system and this and this. How should I use your product. And each support person has there own way of doing things so you will get a varied answer. What Andy at advanced told me for my dwc system is in the final week to use final finish in the first 2 or 3 days or 1 day I can't remember exactly then finish of with plain ph d water. For people who say they don't care to flush they see no difference well that's just bullshit. Because nothing worse then getting shitty tasting black burning weed. I would hate to eat food grown with nasty shit but we do anyways in this world but when we have a choice to make a better cleaner healthier product then fuck yea
Well I agree that you can't flush swc like you do soil obviously but alotbof people flush DWC maybe it's not the correct term but it's definately happening. Thanks for helping me understand the Google definition of flushing though never know when that may come upFrom my understanding, "Flushing" or "to Flush", as defined by google is:
cleanse by causing large quantities of water to pass through it.
"flush the toilet"
DWC can't be flushed, as you just dump the water and refill. When the term is used in growing Cannabis, it's for cleansing Soil.
People are confused as to "Flush" by cleansing soil, and to "withhold nutrients" at the end of Flower, to break the Chlorophyll's cycle, and speed up curing.
Well I agree that you can't flush swc like you do soil obviously but alotbof people flush DWC maybe it's not the correct term but it's definately happening. Thanks for helping me understand the Google definition of flushing though never know when that may come up
In hydro or dwc you should be flushing personal preference. Flushing in dwc is shorter because it's hydro. And cleaner tastier burning smoke is a must. I flush using flawless finish. First 3 days with water and final flush the the last 3 to 5 days is pure clean water. And the science behind short version is when you have no more nutrients in your water or reservoir then your plant with start to consume the nutrients out of the media whether it's hydroton rock or Rockwell or coco. Then once the nutrients are all gone from the media the plant then take the nutrients from its leaves. Thus the browning of the leaves during a proper flush. So if you think about it your not cutting off feeding to your plant your just forcing it to use the nutrients in the media then in the leaves. Nothing is worse them getting a bag of beautifully buds and then cough your assistance off and have a sore throat or shitty tasting pot. So if it really doesn't matter then why do some people swear by it. Some day when science and enough funding go into cannabis like advanced nutrients does then we will know all our answers soon enough with proof behind it