Well-Known Member
To point out how cleanly you can grow cannabis with clean nutrients.
No, most plants are not dynamic accumulators. Cucumbers do not absorb excess nutrients and make cucumbers out of them, at least not nearly to the same degree as dynamic accumulators do. Organic and Hydro grown plants both look the same, when they have too much nutrient in the root zone, they look dark and their growth suffers. The higher the amendment/nutrient strength, the slower the plant grows and the lower the yield.
Cannabis is extremely sensitive to overfeeding, much more than the majority of growers realize.
The majority of nutrients being used for cannabis are "hobby" nutrients, nowhere near pharmaceutical grade. Agricultural and Horticultural grade are usually not pharmaceutical grade. GH, AN and a few others are.
Any elements that exceed the natural plant capacity for 'reserves' is tucked out of the way. Read up on dynamic accumulator plants. They mainly store it in the new growth tips, which are the flowers during flower.
It's called environmental control.
I'm stating that dark cannabis is because of excess nutrients or elements absorbed during flower. Nutrients, silica, tap water contaminants, whatever. Cannabis absorbs it and packs it into new growth when it has no immediate use for it.
Dried, cured bud will be harsh and leave a dark ash, when it was improperly grown in the first place. Locked in excess does not flush/fade out.
Mined, out of th earth by machines, refined in a factory to remove contaminants. People have a misconception about refined mineral nutrients vs organic nutrients.
Does that help?
Im very interested in the effect of silica and potassium on taste. The more i read the more interesting it's becoming. Would you recommend any other sites on this, as I'm having a hard time finding?