FML Suicide

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Well-Known Member
Im 18, got no Job, no car, suspended license.

At home ALL the time I only have 4 friends and barley get to see three of them. School fucking sucks ass and everyone at my school is a bitch.

Only time i ever go out is on the weekends.

I feel extremely depressed all the time, (im a party kind of guy)

The only time i feel happy is when im out of the house.

Please give me reasons not to commit suicide.

Many threads about ppl killing themselfs are just fucking with you, i on the other hand, am not kidding. And if you think this is a joke go fuck yourself

I BARLEY get through the day without weed. If i don't have it, ill be in my bed all day doing absolutely nothing, not moving, not sleeping, just nothing.

BUT THE MOST PROBLEM IS, is that i need my own house, i DESPERATELY NEED IT!!!

My grandmother is fucking driving me up the wall, shes always on my ass, she repeats her self 24/7 it never stops, endless chores, she's always in a bitchy mood.

My grandfather is extremely strict..

Im a child in this house, they told me themselfs.

And i still get "grounded" sometimes id rather live in a fucking trash can.

give you a reason not to kill yourself?

why dont you give yourself a reason not to kill yourself, get a job (even a shitty one) so you get out of the house and have cash. stay the fuck in school unless you want to find out what the term 'loser' really means... and make your grandparents proud because they dont need to put up with your shit, they did there time already and now are raising you, you should be damn grateful they take the time to be strict.. it means they care.

you think your life is hard and it sucks now?
it only sucks because YOU made it suck, and dont forget that... ever.
yeah it bites, living with your grandparents, license suspended, blah blah blah. im sure theres other things that suck in your life, probably alot of them.. and that does suck! but it wont last forever... death does.
your 18, and almost out of school. whole life in front of you... dont fucking waste it!
the fact that you had it hard coming up will just make you enjoy life and appreciate things alot more when your just a little bit older... trust me on that one.

be somebody, do something! dont just sit around on your ass being a fucking bum...
thats why you feel like shit now!

That 5hit

Well-Known Member
what was so great about total recall was it never answaered the question washe dreaming or did it really happened

Skate Hawaii

Well-Known Member
you seem like a drama-queen so dont act on impulse. dont be so emotional and just change the way your life is. what do you expect from posting this thread, even comforting words wont help "severe depression." you are the only one that can change the decisions you make to live a happier life. relying on weed is pathetic, get off your ass and make some more friends.


Active Member
The best way to kill yourself would be to harvest your organs to people that really need them. With you body you could save a few lifes


Well-Known Member
18? lolz. Life will get twice as hard. If you cannot deal with 18...then you will probably kill yourself eventually anyways. Here is what...I'd kill to be 18 again!

That 5hit

Well-Known Member
18? lolz. Life will get twice as hard. If you cannot deal with 18...then you will probably kill yourself eventually anyways. Here is what...I'd kill to be 18 again!
only if i can retain all that i know now
...outside of that you would just do the same shit all over

people always forget to add that part :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
only if i can retain all that i know now
...outside of that you would just do the same shit all over

people always forget to add that part :mrgreen:
Hell yeah. I'm talking straight up time travel back to my 18 year old self in the year that i was 18...WITH the knowledge that I have now. :)

I'd have stock winners...superbowl winners (hell I could even take the LOOOOOOOOOONG odds when you predict the super bowl winner during preseason) I'd know what chicas were worth the hassle...which were not. When to buy a house... all that good stuff!!!


Active Member
Hell yeah. I'm talking straight up time travel back to my 18 year old self in the year that i was 18...WITH the knowledge that I have now. :)

I'd have stock winners...superbowl winners (hell I could even take the LOOOOOOOOOONG odds when you predict the super bowl winner during preseason) I'd know what chicas were worth the hassle...which were not. When to buy a house... all that good stuff!!!
That would be awesome.. if only I knew then what I know now, things would be different. But oh well.. we're all young and dumb at some point of our lives.


Active Member
Don't kill yourself. Think of the poor guy who's got to clean that shit up.

Ok on a serious note. Killing yourself is a pretty selfish thing to do. A guy at my work just blew his brains out. His family will never be the same. Yeah your gone but your family has to deal with that for the rest of their lives. It sound like you need some help you should talk to your friends about this. It sounds like you dug yourself a hole. Your just need to get out. It is hard to get a job these days but that is something that could get you out of the house. you say you dont have a car, do you have a bike? or something. even though you are 18 you live under someones else's roof, and it doesn't sound like you pay rent. There is other things to than lay in bed feeling sorry for yourself. If you show a desire to get a job and turn things around in your life im sure your grandparents will ease up on you.


Well-Known Member
Don't kill yourself. Think of the poor guy who's got to clean that shit up.

didnt ya see ''how clean is your crimescene'' them people earn alot of £££

so what was the outcome then rollajoint?


Well-Known Member
this kid just posted the one suicide letter? im a bit worried

look everyone here, caring or callous as they were, told you the same things

1) we all live in shit, find some way to get atleast mostly out of it

2) your lucky to be young and have someone take care of you

3) if your so sick of life right now; CHANGE IT! finish highschool get a few 1000 dollars in your pocket and just go to the nearest medical marijuana state lol
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