For All Cap Ebb and Grow Users

Well you didn't sound like it from the start. Would you like to tell us how? I don't have slime or rot but my lower roots are brown do to the nutes and tea I use.
Honestly man, I would really advise you to drop the "beneficials". Been there, done that, not worth the trouble IMO. I've tried everything and Zone is the best root treatment hands down. I use it on everything from my ezcloner to my ebb n gro. Leave the "beneficials" to the dirt farmers. I also run a chiller and airstones. Rez temp 66-68F
Had limited success with "Hydrofungicide", Pythoff, Clorox, Hygrozyme, Roots Ex., Great White, etc. but none come close to cranking out the snow white roots like Zone.
Well you didn't sound like it from the start. Would you like to tell us how? I don't have slime or rot but my lower roots are brown do to the nutes and tea I use.

What kind of nutes? Chemical is best in sterile hydro, plant's can't use organic elements anyways. I like H&G because it's clean and effective. Been tempted to try the DM Gold line though since I like their Zone so well.
I didn't like zone. Fucked with my ph to much when my tea or hygrowzyme didn't. I use heavy 16 with my own twist. I don't use what they say I've played for 2 years and found better and cheaper ratings. Can even take glowering plants to 2000 ppm snd not burn them. But in a bucket system I wouldn't go ghat high 1600 is my max. So how do you keep roots so clean? Not going back to zone. Not with what I have setup
Clean chemical nutes and Zone, that's it. Rez temp 66-68F, airstones, flood 2 tabs every 4 hours day and night from clone to harvest. Absolutely zero ph fluctuation caused by the Zone with the H&G nutes I use. If you are seeing PH fluctuations with Zone it could be that it's because it's killing pathogens/"beneficials" off and altering the chemical comp. of your nutrient solution. Once your system is clean and sterile PH should be stable.
I have to agree with the idea of using good old chemistry in hydro. Organic reservoirs are just a f'n mess with the PH swing and the delicious odors.

Why on earth would you flood at night?
Add the zone to any new water that you put in your rez. If you top off just add to the amount that you top off. Since you are having trouble though you should be doing complete drain/scrub/refill every 4-6 days.
what if your not having trouble facestabber should a person who changes the res every 2 weeks be adding zone for the complete res every 4-5 days or so? doesnt it last in the res like 4 days so doesnt that mean you add it every time it runs out? just trying to be clear
what if your not having trouble facestabber should a person who changes the res every 2 weeks be adding zone for the complete res every 4-5 days or so? doesnt it last in the res like 4 days so doesnt that mean you add it every time it runs out? just trying to be clear

Just add 2ml to any new water/nutrient solution that you add to your rez. It's also good to trust your nose, smell your rez and become familiar with the way a clean rez smells compared to one that needs rereshing.
Yep, you will have to get 3/4 to 1/2
in adapters though

you know what i did is just switch the pump fitting to 1/2" from my old 3/4" and then ran the 1/2" tubing right in the holes i had from my 3/4" fittings lol did have to drill a hole in the fitting going from res pump to titan bucket though like the old e&g 90 with the silver tape. everything seems to be working real nice so far.
I have to agree with the idea of using good old chemistry in hydro. Organic reservoirs are just a f'n mess with the PH swing and the delicious odors.

Why on earth would you flood at night?

Because my roots like it. Why on Earth would you not not flood at night? Think about DWC, roots are ALWAYS submerged and they love it.
Just add 2ml to any new water/nutrient solution that you add to your rez. It's also good to trust your nose, smell your rez and become familiar with the way a clean rez smells compared to one that needs rereshing.
thanks facestabber just wanted to be sure that makes it even better that you dont have to add it every 4 days. i agree with fs on watering during the dark cycle. you should see how much my res gets depleted during the dark cycle in my aero system in flower you would swear the lights were on 24/7
thanks facestabber just wanted to be sure that makes it even better that you dont have to add it every 4 days. i agree with fs on watering during the dark cycle. you should see how much my res gets depleted during the dark cycle in my aero system in flower you would swear the lights were on 24/7

YW Tree king. Good luck.
And that's why zone dosnt work for me. I'm the one that dose the nutes but most of the time im gone up to 3 weeks and have GF watch water. I know I could do better but feeding the family is best. Facestabber sorry for getting off on the wrong foot and happy to have somebody eles with some insight. We won't always agree on things but that's just growers.
Hello fellas! Just got back from another hunt :) jeez this zone thing turned into a heated debate..!
@face dude all im here for is to help, not one person here will say different! One thing to remember
and thats what works for one person doesnt always for the next! One thing that throws me off with
your posts are the my shit dont stink attitude..! Your roots look great but those can be got without
zone or bennys! Good water temps/air and cleaning between res changes = a good time for most.
i use bennys for the bennefit to the plant...! Steller roots and clean res is a bonus.

eitherway use what work for you, im a firm believer in if its not broke dont fix it.
Hello fellas! Just got back from another hunt :) jeez this zone thing turned into a heated debate..!
@face dude all im here for is to help, not one person here will say different! One thing to remember
and thats what works for one person doesnt always for the next! One thing that throws me off with
your posts are the my shit dont stink attitude..! Your roots look great but those can be got without
zone or bennys! Good water temps/air and cleaning between res changes = a good time for most.
i use bennys for the bennefit to the plant...! Steller roots and clean res is a bonus.

eitherway use what work for you, im a firm believer in if its not broke dont fix it.

Don't let my attitude throw you off, you could learn a lot from me. How's that smell to ya?

Seriously though, I know healthy roots can be had without zone or bennys but why risk it when you depend on your plants for medicine or money? Nobody wants to be in week 6 of flower and realize that their roots are turning to slime and dying because they didn't run a sterile rez.
Maybe you can teach me something new. How are "bennys" beneficial to a plant on chemical nutes? The only reason I see to ever run "bennys" is to break organic nutrients down so that plants can actually absorb them. Organic nutes are for dirtfarmers.
Don't let my attitude throw you off, you could learn a lot from me. How's that smell to ya?

Seriously though, I know healthy roots can be had without zone or bennys but why risk it when you depend on your plants for medicine or money? Nobody wants to be in week 6 of flower and realize that their roots are turning to slime and dying because they didn't run a sterile rez.
Maybe you can teach me something new. How are "bennys" beneficial to a plant on chemical nutes? The only reason I see to ever run "bennys" is to break organic nutrients down so that plants can actually absorb them. Organic nutes are for dirtfarmers.

There you go agin. Your right we are wrong. I'm working on testing 2 weeks on bennys and 2 off. So far So good. And it depends on your media. I'm in 80/20 hydroton/coco. So I can use bennys and still be full hydro. It's a bitch and I don't agree but there are ways to go full organic in hydro so zone is out. Bennys is it. And to tell the trueth bennys can be used in any media as long as there is a way for them to habitat. Pure water is a different story. If this wasn't so how can trips and other pest live within the media? There not just fir soil growers. If micro organisms can't live in hydro nether could other pest. And I pointed out that your talking shit to one of the wrong people here. Not a way you wanna start on this forum. Plus he is a mod. Talking shit and only passing on zone could be taken as a unsponcered advertisement. If you can't say you have Tryed other ways you can't say they don't work. And yes I'm standing up for HR you have 40 posts. HR has helped me in way more then that and that was me alone. He is why I'm trying bennys and so far loving it.