For All Cap Ebb and Grow Users


Well-Known Member
I just started my grow on thursday. Put in some fresh Grand Daddy Purple clones The past couple of days I've had to move the plants deep down the pot they were looking weak and soft. The ones that were looking really bad yesterday that I put down lower into the pot are looking much better. I had to help a few more today hopefully everything works out. I'm flooding like 4 times a day they were looking thirsty. I also started with half strength nutes and bumped up to full strength today. There was some descent root growth but I dont think they were getting any water. Just figuring out this system.

slow your roll with the nutrients dood, try 1/4 strength or 400ppm for clones and plants less than 8inches MAX 400ppm


Well-Known Member
low humidty is fine over 70% is dangerzone, water should be ideally 65-68f for it to hold the maximum amount of dissolved oxygen, stay safe at max 72F, 75F and up is almost certain for root rot


Well-Known Member
whats the coolest i should let my rez temp get its usually right at 67 but it seems to of dropped to about 63 degs is this okay?
I run my reservoir in the mid 50s in winter with stunning results. Looked at the temp last night and it was 56 degrees. Advanced Hydroponics ( say the ideal reservoir temp is 57 degrees. I consistently have larger crops in the winter (growing in a cold basement). The colder the water, the more oxygen it can hold. If I were in a situation where I was stuck using warm (75+ degree) reservoir temps, I would add 35% hydrogen peroxide daily at 1 tbsp per day which would raise DO and kill pathogens.

The easiest way to cool off the reservoir is to keep it in a separate area outside the grow room, away from the heat of the lamps which is pretty easy to do with a little extra hose.


Active Member
sounds good i have my fan turning on every two hours for about 20 mins, keeps the humidity around 30% and last night the temp in the tent never got above 77 degrees, thanks guys for all the help everything is looking good. and i got some of that hyogrozyme because when i went to the hydro store they didnt have any h2o2 but i was wondering is this stuff safe to use whenever? like can i just add it to the rez along with the nutes? every time i change the rez


Well-Known Member
air stone and water temps in the 60's will provide you with strong healthy roots, hygrozyme is protection against bad bacteria, also repairs damaged roots fast, the benefits of this stuff is endless, and you CAN wash your kitchen countertop and all your cutlery with it. theres very few products that i trust from this slimey hydro industry and Hzyme is one of them


Well-Known Member
The first time I tried hydro (dwc) I got root rot pretty much right away, since I tried to transplant weak soil plants into it (c'mon, we've all done stupid stuff). Of course, I was trying to control pH with kitchen stuff.:-?

I eventually got some Hygrozyme but way too late to do anything. I needed body bags by then.

Then I went to hempy buckets and used hygrozyme in them for several grows. I eventually ran out and haven't used it since; it seemed expensive and hadn't done what I bought it for; bring my DWC dead back to life lol

I admit, my root balls aren't as white as they used to be, but I haven't had any catastrophes either (well, what's finishing up now is a semi-disaster).

Anyway, I don't know what to think about hzyme. It smells like slightly hard apple cider; I'm guessing it's a fermented product. They aren't saying:hump:

I'm going H202 this grow. I haven't added any yet, but I have a res change coming up. I have to go pick some up along with another jug of cal-mag.


Active Member
i picked up some koolbloom today along with the hygrozyme also i got some 30% h202 because i dont have an airstone in my rez, is it okay to use the hygrozyme with h202 its says on the hygrozyme bottle that it is compatible at lo ppm's but wasnt too sure what they ment by that, i decided to finish this grow up with the GH line... still using the lucas formula with just the micro and bloom, i added the koolbloom and hygrozyme today, hopefully all goes well


Well-Known Member
go very easy with the kool bloom at first, as for h202 and hygrozyme its a no go, they counteract eachother, actually peroxide kills everything that is organic, hygro=110% organic, i know they say its compatible in low ppm but i have not found one article saying how much is enough, too much will eradicate your hygrozyme


Active Member
okay well, i used about 250 ml of the cool bloom for 40 gallons im pretty sure thats still on the lite side... i did add a full regemin of the hygrozyme and 30 ml of 30% h202 do u think that little amount of h202 will mess with the hygrozyme? i hope not because i looked at the roots today and they arent as white as they used to be.


Well-Known Member
a normal rate for 30% peroxide is 1-3ML/gal, i still think u shouldnt use it together, i would use it for cleaning the room and equipment, but thats just me


Active Member
okay well i wont use them together again, but i dont really fill like emptying the whole rez just for that, do you think it should be okay?


Well-Known Member
Be very careful adding Koolbloom to the Lucas blend. Lucas formula is low N high P anyway so if you push too much koolbloom you will go overboard on P and antagonize uptake of nitrogen and mag. This causes deff and adding more N/Mg once this has begun wont help. Gotta dump and start over. Here is a great link on basic nutrition and antagonistic properties between base elements. :

Dont add any more than the 250ml you used this time.

A better choice for a bloom booster with lucas would be something like a 0-2-4 (bigbud or a knockoff) rather than the 0-10-10


Well-Known Member

Are there any Do's & Don't you can share about mixing a reservoir? Specifically, the 55 gal barrel most of us use.

I ask because I mixed mine this morning, and I wonder how others do it. I'm using GH 3-part. Really it's 6-parts, plus I add 3 extra things so there are 9 ingredients to my recipe. I add the Micro first, then reach in there with a mixer thing and swirl it around 5 or 6 times. There are wires and shit in there so it's a bitch. I can't mix it well at all. I also have the air-stones running in there so that helps to mix a little. after the micro is mixed a little I just start adding all of the ingredients one after the other. I wait a beat in between, but for the most part I just add everything else and rinse the glass measuring cup in the reservoir every time between bottles. This is all done approx 3 hours before the first feeding. Plenty of time to naturally blend?

Should I have a second pump running in there to constantly mix the nutrients? How crucial is it that I don't mix the res well between parts?

When I look in the tent, it doesn't look like I'm doing too much wrong. They're all very happy and healthy. A couple got a little close to the sun and got bent down. Other than that, doing GOOD considering I'm feeding 5 different strains.


Well-Known Member
I run a pump constantly in the res. It distributes nutes (and pH adjusters) very quickly. You could just pop one in there when you are making soup, but I figure the constant circulation only increases DO on top of the two airstones I have running. Since my res is constantly about 60 degrees I don't have to worry about the pump raising the temperature (I don't think it could have much impact in that large a res. But I have only two ingredients in my soup: Foliage pro and Cal-mag+, so I don't really worry about causing my solution to precipitate, which is I guess what's on your mind.


Well-Known Member
micro first fo sho, but when mixing a fresh res i like to run the water and add my soup mix as it fills. for this system if you have an extra water pump laying around is great, just connect to a little hose and give it a waterfall effect so nothing rests at the bottom, with GH nutes you dont have to worry about this, thick stuff is when its preffered


What are the signs of over watering and under watering? I've had some clones put in my set up and have been water 4-5 times a day when lights are on 18 hrs. No feeding while the lights are off for 6.


Active Member
what size air pump and what size airstone do you guys run in your rez? im going to go get one today just want to make sure i get the right stuff this time